Climb to the West Foot Tower

After handing over the spirit stones, the three of them entered the tower one after the other. There were many low-level monks looking for resources on the first floor. The three of them didn’t delay on the first floor, and directly found the stairs on the second floor to climb to the second floor.

As soon as I stepped into the second floor, I felt that the pressure here was twice as heavy as that of the first floor, but the three of them didn’t care about this pressure at all. There were also many monks on the second floor, all of whom were late stage Qi refining And the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment.

The three continued to ascend the third floor, feeling that the pressure on the second floor was twice as heavy. Li Jingtian said at the entrance of the third floor, “According to this pressure, each floor is twice as heavy. It is rare for a monk to climb to the top of the tower.”

Gu Xiangfei nodded and said, “No wonder you said that the Mahayana monk would be suppressed and escaped. Under such pressure, if he doesn’t escape, he will definitely be crushed.”

The monks on the third floor are all late-stage monks and some early-stage Jindan monks. Everyone is looking for resources. This tower looks small from the outside, but the space inside is huge, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. , Many people have seen the situation in the tower, and they all know that this tower must be an innate treasure, and it is also an innate treasure with its own space.

The spiritual grass and ore here are needed by low-level monks. Gu Xiangfei tried to check with his spiritual sense, and found that his spiritual sense could not be used in this tower. After being placed outside for one meter, it was blocked by the space. It is better to see it with his eyes. Far.

I tried the escaping technique again, and found that I only escaped about one meter. The space rules of this tower restricted the monks to use their spiritual sense and fly away. They could only see with their eyes, or run with their own physical strength.

But this won’t trouble Gu Xiangfei. He is going to assimilate the rules of this tower with regular exercises after he separates from Li Jingtian. Now let’s go up slowly! There are probably no good resources on these floors. So many monks are looking for resources, so where are the resources waiting for them to collect?

Two days later, Gu Xiangfei stepped onto the 32nd floor, followed by Li Jingtian and Yan Yixue. As soon as the two of them stepped into this floor, they felt their bones creaking, and hurriedly used their exercises to resist the pressure.

Gu Xiangfei’s Qianyuan Exercise Art is running, this pressure is not a threat to him, but Yan Yixue can persist until now, it is very good.

“Husband, I’m going to practice here for a while, and I’m sure I won’t be able to hold on if I go up.” Yan Yixue is very clear about her own strength. She can last up to the 32nd floor because she has recently raised her cultivation level by one level. I can’t get up to the tenth floor.

“Okay, I’ll set up a defensive formation for you, you can practice here!” Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag and drove it into the ground, and quickly arranged a ninth-level defensive formation, and then arranged a strangling formation. Pass the card to her, and at the same time send her a sound transmission, let her take the opportunity to practice the body training method of Qianyuan Exercise.

Li Jingtian saw that Gu Xiangfei was arranging formations, so he ran to look for resources. There are relatively few monks on this floor, and there are relatively more spiritual herbs and ores.

After Gu Xiangfei settled Yan Yixue, he was also looking for resources. The spiritual herbs and ores on this floor are basically available to monks at the Dao stage.

After Li Jingtian joined him, the two climbed up to the thirty-third floor. Gu Xiangfei’s Qianyuan Exercise Art was running all the time, and he stepped on the thirty-third floor very easily. Follow him in.

“I guess we won’t be able to go up to the next level. Let’s look for resources now! There are still a lot of spiritual herbs and ores here. It seems that the Mahayana monk only wanted to climb the tower and didn’t collect these spiritual herbs at all.” and ore.” Li Jingtian expressed his thoughts, he would rather go to one floor less, and collect some resources first, and he can’t be suppressed and fly out of the tower without collecting any resources like that Mahayana monk.

Gu Xiangfei nodded and said, “Okay! Let’s collect the spirit grass and ore first! You can count as many floors as you can, and don’t force yourself if you feel that you can’t. I guess the Mahayana monk you mentioned must have been seriously injured, otherwise why didn’t you see him? What about the second time?” Gu Xiangfei’s words made Li Jingtian wake up suddenly, it is very likely that what Gu Xiangfei said was that the Mahayana cultivator was seriously injured and is now recovering.

After the two separated, they searched for spiritual herbs and ores everywhere on this floor, and everyone gained a lot. Gu Xiangfei followed what Li Jingtian said, as long as they were spiritual herbs and ores, they were collected to prepare for the future war.

After climbing another floor, Li Jingtian felt that he would be injured if he forcibly ascended to another floor, so he decided to search for resources on this floor and practice for a while.

Gu XiangAfter Fei separated from him, he didn’t look for resources on this floor, but went directly to the thirty-sixth floor. The pressure on this floor was doubled as expected.

Gu Xiangfei sat down cross-legged, operated the regular exercises, and looked for the regular breath in this tower. After the regular exercises were run, he quickly found the spatial rules here, and the next step was to assimilate the rules.

Every time Gu Xiangfei assimilates other rules, he will start assimilating bit by bit, and then strand by strand, until he feels that he has absorbed this rule, and then start to assimilate a large amount.

Three days later, Gu Xiangfei jumped up from the ground. He had already assimilated the rules. Here he is as relaxed as he is on flat ground, and his consciousness can be swept to any place.

While he assimilated the rules, the red dot of his identity on the display screen outside the tower suddenly disappeared.

“Hey! The monk who climbed to the thirty-sixth floor was teleported out. It seems that no one can surpass the thirty-sixth floor. The monk on the thirty-fifth floor is still there. I wonder if he can climb it?” The cultivator watching the display screen of the formation suddenly shouted.

The other monks who were paying attention also looked up, and sure enough, the red dot of the monks on the 36th floor disappeared. Everyone was guessing that it might have been teleported out. No one would have thought that he had already boarded the 37th floor. .

Gu Xiangfei is currently collecting a large amount of spiritual grass and ore. After his spiritual sense has scanned, as long as he sees those spiritual grass and ore, he can’t escape his palm.

The thirty-eighth floor, the thirty-ninth floor… the fifty-ninth floor, there are too many resource refinements here, his small world is full of spiritual herbs and ores, and now he is starting to put them into the star beads.

It was the first time Yan Yixue practiced the Qianyuan Body Exercise Jue. Although there was no spirit grass for her to soak in, the pressure in this place was strong enough, which was just right for her to train her body. There is a clicking sound, as if the skeletal muscles are reorganizing.

The first level of the exercise formula has been completed. Yan Yixue feels that the space pressure here is much less. She is overjoyed. The exercise formula given to her by her husband is really powerful. She wants to practice on the second level and go up. Climb to the first floor, only when there is pressure can there be motivation, and it is also a good time to practice exercise.

One month later, Gu Xiangfei climbed to the eighty-first floor. There was nothing on the top of the tower, except for a piece of jade in the middle.

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