The Top of the West Foot Tower

Gu Xiangfei looked at this Wang Qingshui, and couldn’t figure out why the top of the tower was like this. This Qingshui must be unusual, so put it away first, take out a jade bottle, and raised his hand, this Wang Qingshui didn’t move at all. , and played a few hand formulas, but still nothing happened.

“Huh! Strange?” Gu Xiangfei muttered in a low voice.

Stretched out a finger to touch the clear water, found nothing abnormal, then put the jade bottle into the clear water, he found that the clear water could not flow into the jade bottle.

Could it be that this clear water needs a high-level spiritual weapon to collect it? With some doubts in my heart, I took out some ore, and quickly refined a top-grade spiritual weapon bottle, but I still couldn’t put the water in clean water.

This clear water must be a treasure. Ordinary spiritual weapons and jade bottles can’t store this clear water. The divine sense searched in his own ring but found nothing useful. He searched in the star beads again, and suddenly saw melted red gourd.

This gourd is also a treasure, so it should be able to store the clear water! He took out the gourd and put it down into the clear water, and the clear water immediately went in along the mouth of the gourd, and the gourd drained the puddle of clear water within a few breaths.

Sure enough, treasures have to be collected by treasures, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, thanks to this gourd, otherwise good things can only be seen but not put away, that is the most regrettable, although I don’t know what this clear water is, I just rely on the jade bottle to collect it. If you can’t put away the top-grade spiritual weapon, you can conclude that it is definitely not a mortal weapon.

Now that the clear water was collected, he simply put away this piece of jade. This piece of jade is probably not ordinary. Gu Xiangfei opened the restriction of the star beads, raised his hand and put away this piece of jade. This time he put away the jade happily. , Could it be said that without clear water, this jade has become an ordinary jade?

Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to think about these trivial things, now that he has reached the top of the tower, he has scoured all the resources in this tower, and now the spirit grass in the star beads is all piece by piece, enough for him to refine his body to the ninth floor. Ore is even more like a mine.

After looking around again at the top of the tower, he turned around and walked down. As soon as he got down to the first step, a strong force came. Gu Xiangfei had no time to react, and was swept away from the tower by this force.

“Boom!” Gu Xiangfei felt his feet step on the ground. After careful inspection, he found that he had landed on the open space outside the square, and there was no one around him. Then he understood that the tower was protecting him and preventing others from sending him here. People know that he climbed to the top of the tower.

After tidying up my clothes, I flew to the square of Xilu Tower.

After a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei came to the square of the Xilu Tower. There were almost several times more monks than when they came, and they were all waiting in line to enter the Xilu Tower.

He let go of his spiritual sense and scanned, and the monk who was swept by his spiritual sense found that this was a monk of the Mahayana period, and no one dared to say anything. Besides, the monk of the Mahayana period just passed it by, obviously looking for someone, Gu Xiangfei He didn’t find Yan Yixue and Li Jingtian, so he guessed that they might still be practicing in the Xilu Pagoda.

Gu Xiangfei has nothing to do now. Seeing some monks setting up stalls around the square, they spontaneously formed a small square market, and strolled to these stalls to watch.

From time to time while walking, I saw some low-level spiritual herbs and ores. It is estimated that these thingsXidu was obtained by the monks in the Xilu Pagoda, and now they are sold out to exchange for some cultivation resources. Judging by the clothes and attire of these monks, they are probably from casual cultivators.

Gu Xiangfei found a booth selling spiritual grass seeds. There were many kinds of spiritual grass and spiritual fruit saplings. Gu Xiangfei stepped forward and asked, “What are the prices of these seeds and saplings?”

“I’m sorry, senior, do you have any pills? If there is something that can be exchanged, I don’t plan to sell it.” The cultivator who set up the stall swept Gu Xiangfei with his spiritual sense, and found that his spiritual sense could not see his cultivation base, so he hurriedly Apologize and say what you want.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand to indicate that it’s nothing. There are many monks here, basically with the same level of cultivation, so there are a lot of random sweeps with divine sense, and it’s impossible for him to kill them all.

Besides, the spiritual sense of these monks is blocked by their own spiritual sense shields, and no monk dares to use their spiritual sense to check him all the time. It is unintentional to look at him once, which can be forgiven, and it may be wiped out if you look at it again. I also found that a senior with a very high cultivation base came, and I didn’t dare to use my spiritual sense to sweep him anymore.

Scanning this cultivator with his spiritual sense, he saw that his cultivation base was in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so he took out a jade bottle and handed it to the cultivator who set up the stall.

The cultivator was swept away by his divine sense, and felt that in front of this young cultivator, every detail must be revealed, without any secrets, and he was horrified. Is this a cultivator at the Mahayana stage or the tribulation stage? Although he swept across him, he was still terrified, this young monk was too powerful.

Seeing the jade bottle that Gu Xiangfei handed over, he hurriedly took it and opened it. A scent of elixir came over his face, and his cultivation level rose slightly. There were three special broken knot pills in the jade bottle, which were enough for him to cultivate to the stage of transformation.

“This… This is a super broken knot pill, I can’t afford to replace it, senior!” The monk stammered a bit when he spoke excitedly.

“Give me these spirit grass seeds and spirit fruit saplings!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t show politeness to him, and directly stated his conditions.

“Okay, thank you senior, I still have some spiritual grass seeds here, I’ll give them to you!” The monk stood up excitedly, took out a jade box from the ring, which contained dozens of spiritual grass seeds, and stuffed them all Gu Xiangfei, he is getting a lot of money. Here, spiritual grass seeds and spiritual fruit saplings can be exchanged for at most one broken knot pill. Now that he has got three pills, he is so excited that he wants to jump up.

Gu Xiangfei put away these seeds and saplings, and continued to walk to the next stall, regardless of the excited vendor who thanked him.

Among these saplings, he found a special sapling, which was very similar to the blue fruit tree he got in the secret land of Lin’an Continent, with a trace of ancient aura, but this aura was very weak, not because he had regular exercises , I can’t find this breath at all.

He wandered around the rest of the stalls, and sat down cross-legged in the open space near the square. There are many casual practitioners who meditate cross-legged here. The casual practitioners have always had a very difficult life. Even if there are caves for rent, they are reluctant to part with those spirit stones. , if he didn’t have star beads, he would be like these casual practitioners, looking for cultivation resources everywhere, and as lucky as him, there are almost none in the cultivation world.

The spiritual consciousness communicated with the star beads, and transplanted the small sapling with a trace of ancient aura to the position adjacent to the blue fruit tree, and found that the sapling absorbed the aura in the star beads, and the ancient aura became stronger. It is also a little vigorous, not as delicate as before, Gu Xiangfei is overjoyed, he guesses that this small sapling will definitely not be an ordinary spiritual fruit tree, it may be the same as the blue fruit tree, it is a plant against the sky in ancient times, but it is still very weak now, Did not reflect their use.

“Go away! This is Lao Tzu’s territory, you dare to occupy it.” The shout of a monk awakened Gu Xiangfei who was observing the young sapling.

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