– The Battle of Qingzong

“I think it’s okay to simply destroy this Luo Qingzong. These girls are indeed too cruel. I didn’t expect women to be so vicious.” The speaker was Feng Gonghai, the elder of the alliance. He had a nephew who was being wiped out. Of course, his nephew did not escape from his sect.

“It’s impossible to exterminate them, but it’s true to have them bleed profusely.” Another elder stood up and expressed his thoughts.

“Hemorrhage? These women bleed profusely every month. How much blood can you make them bleed? Do you want to bleed them to death?” Before the deacon finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the hall, and they all forgot about Luo Qingzong. They are all female cultivators. This deacon is often in charge of outside affairs and knows women very well, so he said such a thing.

Bei Hanyi pointed at the deacon, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, everyone was discussing things, and you had to say some fucking weird things, but the atmosphere in the hall was lively.

Feng Gonghai was also amused by what the deacon said, stood up and said, “Just as Deacon Lang said, this time they will be executed, and I will take the lead.”

Bei Hanyi pressed both hands, stopping everyone’s laughter, “Since everyone is so interested, let’s talk about the rewards this time first, no matter who it is, as long as the resources obtained from the nine major sects, half of them Leave it to him as a reward.”

“Okay!” There was a roar of applause in the hall. The reward this time is very generous, but it also depends on whether you get your life. None of these monks are fools, and they all have their own plans.

“Then let’s go tomorrow. Everyone will go back and prepare everything. I don’t want everyone to lose anything.” Bei Hanyi gave the last instructions to everyone, and everyone walked out of the hall one after another and went home to prepare.

“Brother Gu, what are you going to do?” Li Jingtian and Gu Xiangfei asked after coming out together.

“Let other people go first! There are so many people going this time, I’m afraid it won’t be my turn to make a move, but it’s not certain, when the time comesact! Take care of your own safety. “Gu Xiangfei is not short of resources, and he doesn’t want to compete with others, but when he needs to make a move, he will naturally not stand by.

“Yes! Your idea is right. I’m afraid that you will be competitive. If something goes wrong, the rafters in the early stage will rot first. Let them fight!” Li Jingtian patted Gu Xiangfei on the shoulder, and the two of them took out the spaceship go home.

The next morning, when Gu Xiangfei came to the lobby of the alliance’s headquarters, some anxious monks had already arrived. They saw Gu Xiangfei and greeted him one after another.

After a stick of incense, Bei Hanyi came to the lobby, saw that everyone was basically there, and immediately sent an order to open the teleportation array, and everyone went to the teleportation array outside.

This time, Elder Su is leading the team. Apart from Bei Hanyi, he is the oldest in the league. Li Jingtian is a junior in front of him.

The teleportation array consisting of ten people teleported nineteen times in a row before it was Gu Xiangfei’s turn, and there were more than a dozen groups waiting to be teleported behind.

An hour later, the Alchemy Formation Alliance dispatched 430 monks this time, including three kings of the ninth-level formation, sixteen kings of the eighth-level formation, and the rest were deacons and elders of the alliance. , the monks with the lowest cultivation base are all monks in the Mahayana period, and there are six monks in the Transcending Tribulation period alone.

Elder Su led the team, sacrificed a large spaceship, loaded more than 200 monks and flew to Luoqingzong. The large spaceship behind was operated by Feng Gonghai, and Gu Xiangfei was on this spaceship.

Luo Qingzong is located in the eastern part of Puli Continent. Luo Qingzong originally had a teleportation formation, but for safety reasons, the alliance decided to teleport in Taixing City, the closest city to Luoqingzong. .

Taixing City is one day away from Luoqingzong. The spaceship arrived at Luoqingzong at noon the next day. The female monk guarding the Zongmen saw two large spaceships landing in the distance and hurriedly sent a message to the Zongmen.

The suzerain of the Luoqing Sect, Lian Qinglan, is still practicing in closed doors, so she doesn’t know anything about Luoqingzong’s participation in the war, and the elders of the sect didn’t send anyone to inform her, even Qinglan is a puppet suzerain in the Luoqing Sect The main reason is that she is used to not caring about things, and the elders are in control, and she likes a suzerain like her even more. There are many important matters that can be resolved after a few elders discuss. When someone from the sect asks about the suzerain, these elders always Said like this, “Let the suzerain practice with peace of mind! These trivial matters are not worth bothering the suzerain, we will do it ourselves.”

The matter of participating in the great war this time was decided by several elders, and Luo Qingzong also received great benefits. The rest of the sect received a lot of resources. Now who can think of the suzerain Lian Qinglan?

Several elders and deacons were having a meeting in the main hall of the sect to discuss. Regarding the allocation of resources this time, a sound transmission symbol flashed and hovered over the head of the great elder.

“Great Elder, there are two large spaceships parked outside the Zongmen. There are about 400 monks who are gathering here at the Zongmen. It seems that it is not good for us.” the sound of.

“Call the disciples of the sect immediately, and prepare for the battle!” After hearing the news of the summoning talisman, the great elder immediately ordered several elders and deacons next to him. They probably came to pick up some bargains after the war. Don’t look at them It’s a female cultivator, it’s a dream to think of picking up cheap here.

After Gu Xiangfei got off the spaceship, he used his spiritual consciousness to draw the formation pattern. After Elder Su led them to assemble, his ninth-level strangling formation pattern had been completed, and he was waiting to be activated.

“Who is here? Why do you come to our Qingzong?” The guard monk was not worried at all about so many monks coming, but asked sharply.

“Kill it!” Before Elder Su could speak, Feng Gonghai raised his hand and sent out a few wind blades. He was at the peak cultivation level in the late stage of Mahayana. The heads of those monks who guarded the sect were cut off.

Elder Su looked at it and didn’t say anything. He also knew that today’s matter could not be good. It was like doing it sooner or later. Anyway, he had to do it sooner or later. It’s just that Feng Gonghai was a bit self-assertive and a bit impatient.

“Bold! You dare to kill the monks of my sect at the gate of Luoqingzong. Who are you?” Before the first elder of Luoqingzong could speak, the third elder jumped out first and shouted loudly.

“We are here to avenge the sect that was destroyed by you, let’s do it!” Feng Gonghai was the first to jump out again, and the spiritual weapon sword in his hand, with a blade that was hundreds of feet long, instantly bombarded these fallen Qingzong monks come over.

“How courageous! Send a signal! Summon the disciples of the sect!” The Great Elder said while sacrificing his shield. At the same time, the half-moon halberd, the spiritual weapon in his hand, blasted towards the killing sword with a halberd glow.

“Boom…” Both of them were monks in the Mahayana period. The blade light and the halberd light exploded together, causing the space to burst, causing waves of ripples. The space distorted several times before returning to normal.

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