Entering the Luo Qingzong

Seeing that they had already fought each other, other monks from the Alchemy Formation Alliance also sacrificed various spiritual weapons and bombarded the elders and deacons of Luoqingzong.

The two sides did not say three words, and the war broke out. As more and more monks from the Luoqing Sect came out, until a few monks from the Luoqing Sect came out, the war developed to a fever pitch. Boom, the whole world changed color, the space continued to explode, and from time to time, space blades flew out of space cracks, cutting the monks’ bodies and protective shields regardless of whether they were enemies or friends.

“Bang… Plop! Ah!” Various voices kept ringing at the gate of Luoqing Sect. Gu Xiangfei belonged to the second echelon of monks.When they came over, they were also blocked by the spiritual weapon swords or spears and various weapons in their hands.

The female cultivators of Luo Qingzong are very capable of fighting, but this time the monks from the Pill Array Alliance are all Mahayana monks at the lowest level, so Luo Qingzong suffered heavy losses at the beginning of the war. First, the second elder was killed, and then Two deacons died, and the first and third elders were seriously injured and left the battlefield.

The battle between several cultivators during the tribulation period was the fiercest. Their cultivation bases were equal, and their true energy was the same. The two sides competed for the loss of true energy.

“Boom!” A figure was blown away, spurting blood wildly in mid-air, “Plop!” With a sound, the figure fell to the ground, struggled a few times and lay down motionless on the ground.

“Master Qi! Hurry up and save Her Majesty Qi.” A female cultivator shouted loudly.

A Daoist cultivator from the Luo Qingzong was about to go to rescue the Seventh Empress, when she was greeted by a knife net, “Pfft… ah…” This monk was torn into pieces and scattered on the ground.

“Everyone, retreat to the sect quickly. The enemy is too powerful, so activate the protective array.” The elder of Luo Qingzong hurriedly gave an order. After she cut off from behind, she barely resisted the bombardment of three monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period. After one bombardment, he was blasted into the sect, spitting out pieces of internal organs from his mouth.

Buzz buzz… Luo Qingzong’s sect protection array has opened.

The monks of the Pill Formation Alliance withdrew, and those who were injured took out pills to recover from their injuries. The formation kings took out formation flags and kept breaking into the foundation of the guardian formation.

“Crack!” With a soft sound, a hole was torn open in the protective formation.

“Kill!” Feng Gonghai was the first to rush in at the gap in the formation, and the monks behind immediately rushed into Luoqingzong.

The elder Tai Taishang originally thought that they would be able to restore the depleted true energy in their bodies by opening the protective array, but they didn’t expect that the protective array would be broken in less than half a stick of incense. I guessed that there must be a formation king among these monks, and it is also a ninth-level formation king, otherwise the guardian formation would not be broken so quickly.

Seeing the monks rushing in, they showed no sympathy, and many delicate female cultivators of the sect were killed by them. The grand elder shouted, “Fight for them!” After speaking, he grabbed the spear in his hand and brought With countless spears, they bombarded the monks who charged in.

The battle was very fierce, and the female cultivators of Luo Qingzong also became fierce. From time to time, explosions were heard, overturning the monks who besieged them. Feng Gonghai did not expect these girls to be so vicious. Turned over from the explosion, and hurriedly sacrificed their shields, another female cultivator flew to them, carrying a huge destructive aura on her body, “Boom…” Another loud noise!

Thanks to the shield to defend himself, Feng Gonghai was not harmed, but he was also overturned by the shock wave, made his face look ashamed, stood up and shouted, “These girls are crazy, everyone use shields to protect the whole body, don’t let them approach, long-distance bombardment.”

The elder Tai Taishang saw a lot of monks at the stage of joining the Tao, and they all blew themselves up to stop the group of monks who came in. He felt great hatred, and the two monks at the stage of crossing the catastrophe who attacked her punched her while she was distracted. on the dantian.

The elder Da Taishang was blasted hundreds of feet, fell to the ground and rolled a few times, sat up with a dead face, and muttered in his mouth, “It’s over, it’s over, Luo Qingzong is over.” A white light flashed and chopped her off. The head, the primordial spirit just flew out of the body, and was reduced to ashes by a fire.

As soon as the eldest elder died, the remaining second elder and other elders, seeing that they could not resist, ran away one after another.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the first wave of attacks from the Pill Artifact Formation Alliance had entered Luoqingzong, so he immediately took out the formation flag and entered Luoqingzong’s protective formation, turning this protective formation into a trapping and killing formation to avoid Luoqingzong’s attack. The remaining monks escaped.

The Elder Er Taishang had just fled to the Protecting Sect’s formation, and he would be able to escape from Luoqing Sect in the next moment. He was overjoyed and his face was a little excited. After he escaped, he must hide his name, and then ascend through the tribulation. The group of monks has avenged today.

The ideal is beautiful, but as soon as she started the escape technique, she hit an invisible barrier in front of her with a bang, and countless blade lights around her attacked her, “No! This is a trapped killing formation.” Two The Supreme Elder yelled, but before he had time to sacrifice his shield, he was instantly cut into pieces by countless blade lights, and Yuanshen couldn’t escape, and was killed by the blade lights.

Gu Xiangfei raised her hand and put away her ring. After erasing the restriction, she checked it with her spiritual sense. The ring of the second elder was rich in items. There were tens of millions of spirit stones, including hundreds of top-grade spirit stones. Planting nine-level spiritual grasses was even more costly, innumerable, high-level ores were piled up into a hill, and dozens of jade boxes were randomly thrown in a corner of the ring.

“Get rich!” Gu Xiangfei cried secretly, overjoyed in his heart, he didn’t expect to get so many resources by just killing a monk who hit the trapped killing formation. How rich is Luo Qingzong! How many sect resources have been robbed?

The battle of Luo Qingzong finally alarmed the suzerain Lian Qinglan. The secret room she was retreating was knocked open. Lian Qinglan opened her eyes and saw a bloody monk appearing in front of her eyes.

“Sovereign, something is wrong. Someone attacked our Luo Qingzong. Now the Great Supreme Elder and the First Elder are all dead in battle. Our Luo Qingzong will be wiped out.” The bloody monk didn’t wait for Qinglan to ask , Hastily revealed the reason.

“Why did they attack us Luo Qingzong?” Lian Qinglan stood up and asked eagerly.

“It’s like this…” The bloody cultivator told Lian Qinglan the cause and effect in detail. Now she doesn’t dare to hide anything. It’s about the rise and fall of the sect, and she dares not fool the suzerain like before.

Lian Qinglan finished listeningShe was furious. She had already confessed when she was retreating that Luo Qingzong would not participate in any battles. She never thought that the Great Supreme Elder and the others would dare to go against her wishes and slaughter so many sects. Now they are killed by others. karma.

Although Lian Qinglan was angry, it was related to the rise and fall of the sect, so she had no choice but to go out and protect the sect.

When I left the secret room, I saw a mess in the sect, the corpses of the sect disciples were everywhere, some were intact, some were broken in two, everyone was dying, with big innocent eyes open, filled with fear and despair.

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