Threat to Yujian Palace

Seeing all this, Lian Qinglan was filled with grief and indignation. She jumped into the air and shouted, “Stop!”

“Boom… little baby, what’s your name? Come down for me.” A cultivator in the Tribulation Stage came over with a punch.

Lian Qinglan hastily raised her hand and slapped it, and the two true essences collided in the air, causing ripples in the space. The nearby monks around were shattered by the impact, and they all vomited blood and fell to the ground.

“Stop all Luoqingzong monks. I am suzerain Lian Qinglan, listen to my order! Violators will be killed!” Lian Qinglan’s voice shook the whole field, and the Luoqingzong monks who heard the order hurriedly fled the battlefield. They didn’t want to fight for a long time. , These monks are too powerful, five or six people besieged one and were seriously injured. If there were not many monks in Luoqingzong, they would have been wiped out by others.

Feng Gonghai of the Pill Array Alliance knew Lian Qinglan, and waved his hand. The monks of the Pill Array Alliance also stopped, offering spiritual weapons and standing guard.

“It turned out to be Elder Feng from the Pill Array Alliance. I don’t know why Elder Feng attacked Luo Qingzong?” Lian Qinglan recognized Feng Gonghai from the Pill Array Alliance. She didn’t know why the Pill Array Alliance wanted to attack Luo Qingzong. Qingzong, and Luoqingzong and the Pill Array Alliance have no old feud.

“Sect Master Lian is asking the question knowingly. Don’t you know what you Qingzong did? When massacring other sects, why didn’t you ask why you slaughtered them.” Feng Gonghai killed happily today, and reported for his nephew Qiu, besides Sect Master Lian Qinglan, there are no other monks in the Luoqing Sect, even Mahayana monks. Their goal has been achieved, and now it’s time to negotiate.

Even Qinglan knew that she was wrong, and she also blamed herself for letting the sect do nothing about it, which caused the Great Elder to join forces with the Grand Supreme Elder to do such a big thing as participating in the war. In the current situation, she can’t get rid of her responsibilities.

“These things have already happened, and it’s all because of my lack of control, which caused the sect to be destroyed today. It’s all my fault, but now most of my Luoqing sect has been destroyed, and everyone should be relieved , I will give you an explanation when I discuss it with other people in the sect.” Lian Qinglan knew that she could not fight anymore, otherwise Luo Qingzong would really destroy her sect. opponent.

Lian Qinglan summoned the monks of the sect, and seeing the deacon with the highest cultivation level, she couldn’t help but turn pale. The master asked her to be the suzerain, and originally wanted her to develop the Luoqing sect, but now that she has become like this, she has Inescapable responsibility.

Feng Gonghai walked out of Luo Qingzong’s protective formation with a smile on his face, followed by the monks who fought, and everyone looked happy. This time, the Danqi formation alliance did not lose much, and only three Mahayana monks died in the battle. There are more than 30 people who were seriously injured, but the Pill Array Alliance has a lot of panacea, as long as there is still a breath, they can be rescued.

“Old Feng, this time you have made the most of the limelight. In the next sect, you will replace the first wave with the second wave. It’s time for the second wave of monks to be active. You can’t take all the benefits.” Su The elder couldn’t understand Feng Gonghai’s high-spirited appearance, so he directly disqualified them from attacking.

“What Elder Su said is that we will all listen to your arrangements.” Feng Gonghai got the advantage, so he naturally knew that he couldn’t take all the benefits. Besides, his original intention this time was to avenge his nephew. Now that the big vengeance has been avenged, he has obtained a lot of resources. , and there is no need to fight with others.

Gu Xiangfei and his group of monks, although envious of the harvest of the first wave of monks, are not that bad. There are still a few sects below, which may have more resources than them, not to mention that there are Gu Xiangfei in their wave of monks. The three kings are here, and the benefits must be more than the first wave. Everyone is gearing up and eager to try, ready to attack the next sect.

It wasn’t Luoqingzong who benefited the most from the nine major sects participating in the war. The main reason was that Luoqingzong had a fierce reputation and wiped out several sects, so that the Pill Array Alliance was the first to deal with them.

The second sect is Yujian Palace. This sect rarely appears in the eyes of the monks, because they are all sword cultivators, and they are merciless in their attacks. Almost all the monks who fought with them were killed, so few people know Yujian. The details of the Sword Palace.

The Alchemy Formation Alliance came to the Zongmen of Yujian Palace with the attitude of fighting for nothing, and the monks guarding the Zongmen saw two large spaceships suddenly coming, and the monks on the spaceships exposed their aura, clearly They were all Mahayana monks, which frightened the monks who guarded the sect, and hurriedly took out the messenger talisman to send a message to the Palace Master Duan Zefeng.

After Duan Zefeng participated in the battle, he had already returned to practice in the secret room of the palace lord of Yujian Palace. After receiving the summons from the guards, he hurried out of the secret room and summoned the monks in the sect to prepare for the battle. The Zongmen came to challenge, so Yujian Palace was on guard during this time. After the palace lord ordered the summoning, they quickly gathered outside the Zongmen’s main hall.

Gu Xiangfei and the others disembarked from the spaceship, ignored the cultivators guarding the sect, and directly took out formation flags and drove them into the ground around them. The cultivators guarding the sect saw that these people dared to set up formations outside the sect, and they were about to pass block, a mahayanaCultivator Qi walked over slowly, letting out his aura of coercion, and the four monks guarding the sect vomited blood and fell to the ground.

After Gu Xiangfei finished setting up the strangling formation, he set up a strangling formation at the gate of Yujian Palace’s Zongmen, and then stepped aside to wait for Duan Zefeng, the palace master of Yujian Palace, to come out.

Duan Zefeng, the owner of Yujian Palace, saw that the monks of the Zongmen had gathered together, and led the monks of the Zongmen to the gate of the Zongmen.

Just as he was about to step out of the sect, he suddenly felt a hint of danger. As long as he took another step, he would be attacked, so he hurriedly took a few steps back.

The other monks in the sect didn’t understand why the Palace Master retreated, so they also retreated a few steps.

“Palace Master, what’s the matter?” A monk who was close immediately asked.

“There is danger ahead. The sect has been sealed with a formation. Everyone retreat.” Duan Zefeng took a few steps back as he spoke. Hastily retreated.

“Who is here? I’m Duan Zefeng, the lord of Yujian Palace. I don’t know which fellow daoist can help me. Please let me know.” Duan Zefeng knew that going on like this was not an option. These people just stood at the gate of their house without saying hello Arranging a big formation, is this obviously a bully! But he couldn’t break through this big formation, so he had to salute first and then fight, ask the situation clearly before making plans.

“What did Palace Master Duan do? Don’t you know? You killed so many monks and got so many resources. Let’s share some soup and drink too much!” An elderly monk’s voice came from outside the sect of Yujian Palace. sound.

When Duan Zefeng heard this, he understood in his heart that these people came to Yujian Palace to blackmail them, and they wanted to call the monks of the sect to fight them, but they were worried that the monks outside would not fight them at all and set up a large formation The purpose is to trap and kill them.

Duan Zefeng was very aggrieved. The monks of the sect had heard each other’s words. Some monks were eager to try, couldn’t bear the breath, and wanted to go out to fight. The war started, and it was just outside their own sect. They all retreated a little, hoping to resolve it peacefully.

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