The Beast’s Idea

The little bee is dissatisfied, chirp! With a cry, it flew back to Gu Xiangfei’s head, and pulled his hair with its slender claws to express its anger.

Gu Xiangfei stared at a palm-sized stone in Ye Suting’s hand, and asked, “Where did this stone come from?”

“Ah! I picked up this stone in Fangshi, and I don’t know who threw it aside. I looked like an animal, so I wanted to pick it up and carve a small toy for Niuniu to play with. What’s wrong, brother? You Is it useful?” Ye Suting was speaking, and handed the stone to Gu Xiangfei for him to see.

“This stone is useful to me, so let it be with me!” Gu Xiangfei handed Niu Niu to Ye Suting, and took the stone. Bei Qingshuang also took his son from Gu Xiangfei’s arms.

The little bee saw the stone in Gu Xiangfei’s hand, whoosh! He flew onto the stone with a single click, opened his mouth, and clicked! Swallowed the head of the stone in one gulp, a green liquid came out of the stone, and the bee sucked the green liquid cleanly.

Gu Xiangfei stared at the liquid in the stone, which looked like the embryo of an animal. Moreover, the stone only looked like a stone on the surface, but it turned out to be an animal’s egg inside. The little bee burped after sucking up the green liquid., Lie on the stone and fell asleep.

Although Gu Xiangfei didn’t know what kind of animal’s egg it was, but he thought that the thing that could interest the little bee must not be ordinary. He felt that the breath of the little bee was constantly rising, and it was estimated that it was about to advance, so he threw the little bee into the star bead Next to the spiritual energy vein, there is a gathering spirit array, which can absorb the spiritual energy.

Back in the secret room, he refined all the spiritual herbs in the star beads into elixirs, and took out the space boundary stone, preparing to refine the teleportation array.

Refining the teleportation array requires understanding the rules of space, and the space boundary stone has its own space rules. Sitting cross-legged on the futon, holding a small piece of space boundary stone, operating the rules and techniques to invade the space boundary stone bit by bit, looking for its regular breath.


The inside of Luoma City is very prosperous now. Since the defensive formation and strangling formation were arranged, the monsters attacked several times and were defeated. Other monks saw that the monsters could not attack Luoma City, so they came here to rent shops. , Kaixi Store, Ling Tea House, Danqi Pavilion, grocery store, everything you need, a prosperous scene, and the Xiang family is also earning a lot of money.

In the city lord’s mansion, Xiang Dongting sat at the top. He was appointed by the family as the first city lord of Luoma City because of his meritorious service in helping King Guzhen arrange the magic circle. Here, he has the final say. As the elder of the family, he also It is the pinnacle of life.

“My lord, all the shops in Luoma City have been rented out, and the rent is paid from three years onwards, at least for ten years, and sometimes for as long as a hundred years. This is a jade slip for renting.” Nian monk took out a jade slip, which recorded the lease period and price of each shop.

“Okay! You’ve done a good job. If you have nothing else to do, let’s practice here with peace of mind! Try to break through the stage of transformation as soon as possible, and use these spirit stones first!” Xiang Dongting is very good at buying people’s hearts, if he wants to run away, He must be fed grass. For him, this kind of thing should not be too simple. The elders for so many years are not for nothing, otherwise he would not be allowed to be the city lord.

“Thank you, City Master.” The deacon took a storage bag from Xiang Dongting, turned around and left with a happy face.


In the realm of monsters and beasts, in a cave, there are six monsters exuding a huge aura, almost the same cultivation level as monks in the period of crossing the catastrophe.

“We didn’t expect Luoma City to deploy the magic circle so quickly this time. According to previous speculations, it was a mistake. What we have to do now is how to break through this defensive formation, otherwise our territory will be destroyed by human monks in the future.” Gradually devour it, let’s all come up with a solution!” A bull-headed monster sitting at the top stretched out a hoof, patted the stone table, and made a thumping sound.

“Niu Meng, Boss Niu, if you hadn’t said that you were not in a hurry, I would have taken advantage of the fact that the human beings had just set up the magic circle. How could this be the case now? Let me see if you change your temper first. I have always been in a hurry, but now I know I am in a hurry.” A monster with a human face and a horse body was the first to get angry at the bull’s hair.

“Old Ma, calm down first. Boss Niu also made a mistake in his judgment. Usually, Boss Niu has made a lot of contributions to our territory.” A monster with a fox head and a human body acted as a peacemaker and persuaded the horse monster first. , and talked about the benefits of the tauren. The horse monster sat down on the stone bench in anger. Hurry or not, maybe the big formation in Luoma City was not completed so quickly.

The other monsters have no good solution. They attacked Luoma City a few times but were blocked by the strangling array, and lost a lot of monsters. Now they have no good solution, they can only watch the human monks helplessly. Beast territory plunders resources and kills their kind.

“I have an idea. I don’t know if everyone is willing to give up some resources. If everyone is willing to take out resources, I can go and find that guy.” The fox-faced monster stood up, with five tails behind its buttocks, Furry looks very fancy.

“Old Hu, let your fart go! Don’t talk too much!” The horse monster looked at this cunning fox angrily, not knowing what kind of fart he was, but he was indeed very smart among this group of monsters, with many ideas. All from him.

“That’s right! Lao Hu, if you have something to say, let’s talk! Let’s all listen to it. Let’s discuss it if it’s okay.” Lao Yuan Hou Yaoshou also urged, after all, there is no good way for everyone now.

The other monsters also nodded, waiting for Lao Hu to express his ideas, and we can discuss it again.

“Isn’t there a bug outside our territory? That guy is full of poison. We invited him to spray poison on Luoma City and trap these monks in Luoma City. If they can’t get out, we don’t have to worry about it.” ” After Lao Hu said his idea, his eyes swept over each monster to see who agreed and who opposed it.

“Hmm! You are talking about that black bug? This dog swallowed a lot of my sons. I want to kill him now. Now you want me to beg him? I won’t go.” Lao Niu was the first to stand up and object. The main reason is that this worm likes to eat beef and has swallowed many of its kind. The old cow beat him several times before this guy dared to come over.

“Old cow, calm down first. I think this method is okay. At least we don’t have to worry about these human monks coming to slaughter our own kind, and trapping them in Luoma City. After a long time, the poisonous fog will penetrate into Luoma City. When the time comes The monks in the city are all poisoned to death, and the monks outside can’t get in, so we can do whatever we want.” Lao Yuanhou first persuaded Lao Niu, and then talked about the advantages and disadvantages of it, and the other Several monsters also nodded one after another.Agree with this proposal.

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