The old black bug wants to spray poison

Lao Niu lowered his head and kept silent. Everyone knew that he agreed to the plan, so they all looked at Lao Hu, waiting for him to say the conditions for inviting the bug.

“It’s up to the old cow to nod. That bug likes the old cow’s sons. I plan to send him a thousand cow demons, and bring some spiritual grass and spiritual fruits. He will definitely make a move.” He said all the things he wanted to bring, and he was not afraid of Lao Niu’s anger. After all, this matter was beneficial and harmless to the other monsters.

“No! Definitely not! I don’t have many sons, and I have to send a thousand of them. You can send me there. I would rather produce more spiritual grass and fruit than let my sons go to die. .” The old cow stood up, with white foam on the corner of his mouth, as if chewing cud, and refused again and again.

The faces of the monsters changed, and they all looked at Lao Niu with unfriendly eyes, as if they would turn their backs in the next moment, Lao Niu shuddered and became secretly on guard.

“Everyone pause to appease your anger. Since Lao Niu doesn’t want to, we can’t force him, so as not to hurt the harmony for so many years. Since everyone is living in this territory, we must work together, and we can’t act like relatives and enemies. Let’s talk about things like this, so, I’ll go to that worm to ask his conditions first, and we’ll discuss it when we get back, how about it?” Seeing that a fight was about to start, Lao Hu hurriedly persuaded them, since Lao Niu is willing to contribute more resources, it’s okay. Just let him take out his share! Running errands by yourself can save a lot of resources, so why not do it!

The other monsters didn’t mind what Lao Hu said. After all, although they could kill Lao Niu in a fight, they would have to pay a considerable price. If Lao Niu fought desperately, they might be killed or injured A few, that’s not worth it. Hearing what Lao Hu said, Lao Niu happily urged Lao Hu to go quickly. He didn’t want to fight with them. Of course, it would be best to resolve it peacefully.

After Lao Hu left the cave, he went straight to the outside of the monster territory. His five tails swung a few times in a row, and disappeared in a flash. If Gu Xiangfei looked here, he would know that this was a space escape technique. This old Hu is really cunning. Others None of the five demonic beasts had seen him use space escape.

There is a swamp outside the border of monster beasts. There is a poisonous insect living here. The swamp is his area. Whether it is a human or a monster, as long as it enters, it will be swallowed by it. Therefore, there are many ores and spiritual herbs here. Because it is In the swamp, spirit fruit trees cannot grow, so the spirit fruit that the poisonous insect most wants to eat, the shape-changing fruit, is not here.

After taking the transformation fruit, you can transform into a human being, and human beings are the most suitable for cultivation in the universe. At least sit cross-legged on the ground with your five hearts facing the sky, and monsters can’t do it. Heaven has given monsters a strong physique, The cultivation is fast, but it does not give the monsters a human body shape, so they can only practice lying on the ground, which is why many monsters need the fruit of transformation.

When Lao Hu came to the edge of the swamp, he stabilized his body and let out a neighing sound. The distant swamp kept rolling, and there was a burst of stench. Lao Hu quickly closed his breath. A fox’s nose is very sensitive.

“Old Hu, what are you doing here? What do you want to get from me?” A giant black worm with a length of hundreds of feet swam to the edge of the swamp, raised its head as big as a millstone, opened its eyes like buckets, and opened its mouth. The foul-smelling saliva was constantly flowing, and a puff of green smoke came out from the saliva dripping on the ground, and several corroded potholes appeared on the ground.

“Old Hei, I have something to inform you. Do you know the newly built Luoma City? There are tens of millions of monks gathered there, all of which are your great supplements. You only need to breathe a little, and those human monks are your bag It depends on whether you have the courage to do it.” Old Hu endured the stench, finished speaking in one breath, and quickly held his breath, waiting for the black worm to respond.

“What you said is true? With such a good thing, you will think of me? There must be something hidden from me. To be honest, are human monks going to rob your resources and kill your kind? Now you are here to ask Can I help? Take a shape-changing fruit, and I will follow you right away, and I won’t talk about anything else.” Although Lao Hei is big, he is not a fool. Not so high.

“If you have the shape-changing fruit, I ate it long ago. You should talk about something else! I’ll see if I can give you some spiritual fruit and the like, and you’re not at a loss for this. There are tens of millions more. The monk is waiting for you to eat it, it’s a great supplement for our monsters!” What Lao Hu meant was obvious, there is no transformation fruit, and if you don’t go, there will be no spiritual fruit, and he used the monk’s body to lure Hei insect.

“Okay, give me a hundred nine-level spirit fruits, and I can go there and help you trap that newly built Luoma City with poisonous fog, but you can’t snatch the human monks in that city from me, otherwise I will kill you.” I won’t go.” Lao Hei put forward another condition, and he also brought an additional condition, that he needs the body of a monk.

Lao Hu was overjoyed when he heard that, but foxes are cunning animals after all. He deliberately bargained with Lao Hei for a long time, and finally settled the deal with 60 spiritual fruits.

After negotiating the matter while enduring the stench, Lao Hu immediately dodges away from here. After flying a long distance, he took a long breath, cursing Old Hei Chong non-stop, the stench almost choked him to death.

Back at the Monster Beast Cave, he told some monsters that Hei Chong wanted three hundred nine-level spirit fruits, and he agreed to ask for two hundred nine-level spirit fruits because of his hard-talking, and once he received the spirit fruits, Hei Chong went to sack the horse immediately If the city sprays poisonous fog, they can go and see.

The five monsters were overjoyed when they heard that they only had 200 spirit fruits, and there was nothing else in their monster territory.There are a lot of spiritual fruits. Although the ninth-level spiritual fruits are relatively rare, there is no shortage. The six of them share only more than thirty, and Lao Niu is very generous. He said that he will pay for Lao Hu’s share up.

With the spiritual fruit that was handed over to him, Lao Hu came to the edge of the swamp again, called out Hei Chong, and handed over sixty spiritual fruits to him. Lao Hu embezzled one hundred and forty spiritual fruits by himself, so he was naturally overjoyed. There is no such thing as running errands for free in this world. Besides, this is not my own business. Isn’t it right to get paid?

The old black worm got the spiritual fruit, and he really kept his promise. In fact, the old black worm would go even if he didn’t give him the spiritual fruit. It was the body of tens of millions of monks. After he swallowed it, he might ascend to the fairy world and become Fairy monster.

Lao Niu, Lao Ma, Lao Yuan Hou and the others saw that Lao Hei had really come, and Lao Niu didn’t care about the past with him. Now they want to unite as one, mainly to eliminate the monks in Luoma City, and other grievances will be discussed later.

As soon as he left the territory of monsters, he saw a group of monks preparing to enter here to search for resources. The seven monsters attacked together. These human monks were swallowed by them before they could escape. Old Hei despised them for robbing him, saying They didn’t keep their promises, agreed that it was all his, and even robbed him, so they didn’t go to Luoma City.

Lao Hu was on the sidelines to persuade Lao Hei, and continued to follow them to Luoma City. Lao Niu and the others all showed gratitude to Lao Hu.

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