The Poisonous Mist of Luoma City

The monks in Luoma City are still bargaining fiercely to do business. No one knows that a catastrophe is imminent.

Seven monsters came to kill them along the way, some monks were swallowed up, and some monks escaped, but these escaped monks did not run to Luoma City, but chose to flee to Burning Demon City, these monks felt The aura of these seven monsters was huge, comparable to that of the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period. They were so frightened that they didn’t notify the monks in Luoma City. Even if they did, it would be useless.

When there were still a hundred miles away from Luoma City, Lao Niu and the others stopped leaving. Lao Hu said to Lao Heichong, “Luoma City is ahead, and your prey is in the city, so we won’t fight with you anymore. Lest you say that we are dishonest.”

Old Heichong nodded in satisfaction, meaning that you guys are quite sensible. With a flick of his head, he quickly headed towards Luoma City.

Several other monsters expressed their admiration for Lao Hu stretching out his claws or hooves. After the old black worm was blocked by the strangling formation, he would definitely go into a rage and spray poisonous mist. It would be better if he was strangled by the strangulation formation. Poisoned to death, this is the best of both worlds.

After a few monsters laughed wildly for a while, they stopped in place to watch the battle between the monks in Luoma City and the old black worm.

Old Heichong came to the city of Luoma and found that there were indeed tens of millions of monks in the city. He was overjoyed that Lao Hu did not lie to him. Also work with them.

Looking at the tall and mighty city wall, the old Hei Chong turned around and flicked his tail, trying to smash the city wall open with his tail. With a loud “Boom!”, the wind blades in the surrounding space all bombarded the old Hei Chong.

“Not good! It turns out that there are defensive formations and strangling formations here, and this bastard, Hu, dared to lie to me.” The old black insect was cut with a lot of deep and visible wounds by the space wind blade, and he couldn’t help scolding this old Hu. Sly fox, this is to send him to die! First tempted him with the monk’s body, and then gave him the spiritual fruit, saying it was a reward for helping. They wanted me and Luomacheng to suffer both! Such a poisonous conspiracy, Lao Hu, you will die.

Old Hei Chong scolded Lao Hu in his heart and charged outside the strangling formation, hoping to escape from the strangling formation, but this level nine strangling formation was specially designed to deal with nine-level monsters like him, so how could he escape easily.

“Pfft…” Countless spatial wind blades kept cutting the body of Old Hei Chong. No matter how strong his body was, he couldn’t withstand the constant cutting by these spatial wind blades.

“Aw…” Seeing that he couldn’t escape, the old black worm let out a miserable scream, opened his mouth wide and sprayed out poisonous mist, and soon his mouth was cut into a black hole by the space wind blade, and the old black worm sprayed The poisonous mist is faster and more, it seems that there is more poisonous mist than the space wind blade, or there is more space wind blade.

Half an hour later, the old black worm’s hundred-foot-long body was cut into pieces by the space wind blade, and the soul did not escape. The color of the wind blades turned into black wind blades, and the entire Luoma City was infiltrated by poisonous mist.

“Your Excellency, the City Lord is not well. A giant black worm has come from a monster. This giant worm is poisonous. Now the entire Luoma City is covered in poisonous mist, and the detoxification pill doesn’t work. How can we…” The monk who reported it still said Before he finished speaking, his face turned black and he fell down due to poisoning.

Xiang Dongting was shocked, and hurriedly swallowed a handful of detoxification pills, and then came to his subordinates and found that he was dead, and immediately sent out a fireball to turn him into ashes.

The monks outside the city lord’s mansion are in a mess, looking for a safe place. From time to time, monks fall down on the street, and the ground is already full of dead monks lying in a mess. The monks in the shop have arranged isolation Formation, in an attempt to isolate the poisonous mist.

Xiang Dongting took out a message talisman and quickly sent a message to the family, hoping to send someone to bring the antidote to Luoma City, otherwise the monks in the city would all die.

After sending out the message talisman, Xiang Dongting immediately organized monks who knew how to form a formation, and arranged an isolation formation in the city, hoping to block the penetration of the poisonous mist. Many monks gathered together and took out materials one after another to let the formation mage refine the formation. Banner, fortunately, the isolation formation is not a high-level formation, and many repairThere are some scholars, but the size of the isolated area is different.

There are still less than 10 million monks in Luoma City. Many monks have already run away when the old black worm bombarded the formation. Most of the remaining monks in the city are those who open various shops. not much.

After receiving the message, the patriarch of the Xiang family family turned pale with shock, and immediately organized the family monks to collect detoxification pills, and sent a distress message to the Pill Array Alliance, hoping that the Pill Array Alliance would send Dan King and Array King to Luoma City to save the city. monks here.

After receiving Li Jingtian’s message, Gu Xiangfei immediately came to the alliance headquarters and met with Li Jingtian. After learning about the situation in Luoma City, he couldn’t help but be impressed by the monster’s strategy. what! To think of this method unexpectedly, it can be seen that this monster is also very smart.

Lao Hu, Lao Niu and the other monsters were overjoyed when they heard the roar of Old Hei Chong before he died, and saw the poisonous fog in Luoma City. Swallowing up the old black bug’s territory is really killing two birds with one stone! They all praised Lao Hu’s clever strategy.

Old Hu was even more complacent, boasting brazenly that he had wanted to kill Old Hei Chong a long time ago, and now that Luoma City happened to be an excuse, he took the opportunity to pull Old Hei Chong in and let him and the monks in Luoma City perish together.

“It’s all right now, we should go back and celebrate. This time Lao Hu has contributed the most. We all toast Lao Hu with a few glasses of wine. In the future, Lao Hu has something to say.” Lao Niu is the most hopeful old black insect among the several monsters. Dead, this old black bug finally died today, the old cow was dancing happily, and now he just wants to go back and celebrate.

Several other monsters also responded one after another, preparing to return to the territory of monsters. This time, their confidantes were eliminated, and all of them were smiling, excited, and showing their true colors.

“Wait! Don’t hurry to go back to celebrate now. For the sake of long-term benefits, what we need to do now is to kill those monks who came to rescue. Now that the city is in chaos, they must send out a distress message, and human monks will definitely come to rescue. , and there will definitely be some alchemy kings and array kings coming here, if we kill a group of these people, wouldn’t it be a greater loss for human monks, the more they die, the better for us.” Lao Hu stopped a few The simple-minded monsters told their plan, and they quickly got the approval of these monsters.

“Old Hu is still thinking about the long-term. You must know that it takes a lot of resources for human beings to cultivate an alchemist and formation king. Now that we kill them, the loss of human beings must be great. Old Hu is really cunning, hahaha… “The more Lao Yuanhou talked, the more complacent he became, and he praised Lao Hu’s strategy even more.

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