The Effect of Tan Lin Dan

When Che Yongan saw the peak master asking him something, he saluted, “It’s not me, it’s my junior brother.” He pointed to Gu Xiangfei beside him.

“I’ve seen Uncle Jing, my name is Gu Xiangfei, and I’m also an alchemist of Holy Sword Peak.” Gu Xiangfei bowed to the Lord of Lonely Sword Peak.

“Okay, please nephew Gu to refine sandalwood pills to save my grandson. If I can restore the dantian, I will be very grateful.” After the peak master of Lone Sword Peak finished speaking, he looked at his grandson lying on the bed with a loving look in his eyes, which can be seen He dotes on this grandson very much, and will do anything for his dantian.

“Are you an alchemist? Can you refine sandalwood pills? Then what kind of spiritual grass do you use? In case you make a mistake, it will affect the recovery of Shaofeng Lord’s dantian and destroy Shaofeng Lord’s body. That is not saving people. It’s harming people.” The Deacon Huang next to him said these words, it seemed that he was thinking of the peak owner, but in fact he wanted to get the alchemy of Tanlin Pill, so that he could refine it by himself if he encountered such a thing in the future.

“How old are you? Why should I tell you? Ever since we came to Lonely Dao Peak, you have been making things difficult for us, as if you are the owner of this Lonely Dao Peak. Do you want to stop us from concocting alchemy to save people?” Gu Xiangfei is not just A rookie who has entered the cultivation world, although his cultivation level is low, he also ascended from the cultivation world. He was once a monk in the tribulation period. Deacon Huang said this obviously because of the alchemy formula of Tanlin Pill.

“You… yellow-mouthed child! Presumptuous! It’s ridiculous to think that I, a sixth-grade alchemist in the Alchemy Peak, would covet your alchemy recipes in the cultivation world! I just want to test you. Since you don’t know how to praise, then I Just ignore it, and you will be responsible for all the consequences.” Deacon Huang was exposed by Gu Xiangfei for his purpose, and immediately took out his qualifications as a sixth-grade alchemist, pretending to support the younger generation, but was questioned by the younger generation, showing a heartbroken look.

“Oh! Then if you say that, I still want to thank you. Since you can refine Tanlin Pill, then it is useless for us to come here. Respect Master, please leave!” With a salute, he pulled third brother Che Yongan and turned to leave.

“Nephew Gu, wait a minute! Deacon Huang, since you can refine sandalwood pills, please do so immediately! Let my grandson recover his dantian as soon as possible.” The master of Lone Sword Peak is even more cunning, what Gu Xiangfei said, he immediately understood that Deacon Huang didn’t know how to refine sandalwood pills at all, and wanted to covet other people’s pill recipes, but after his purpose was exposed, he pretended to support the younger generation. He was even more angry with such a hypocritical person. You came to my Lonely Daofeng to pretend to be aggressive, how could I let you go so easily.

“This… Master Peak, because I came here in a hurry, I didn’t bring the spiritual grass for refining the sandalwood pill. When I go back to find the spiritual grass, I will come back immediately to refine the sandalwood pill. It is important to save Shaofeng. I will find the spiritual grass first. Now, this is the spiritual herb of the cultivation world, it’s hard to find!” After finishing speaking, Deacon Huang saluted the Lord of Lonely Sword Peak, and hurriedly left the hall and flew away without waiting for him to speak.

“This Pill Peak is getting more and more dirty, and sooner or later it will be destroyed by these people, alas! Ever since Master Sima was injured, the Pill Peak is getting worse day by day, please ask Nephew Gu to refine Sandalwood Pill!” Lone Dao Master Fengfeng sighed, worried about the future of Danyaofeng, and looked at Gu Xiangfei, waiting for him to refine Tanlin Dan, it is more important to save his grandson.

“Uncle respect, I don’t have the spirit grass to refine the sandalwood pill, but I have a ready-made sandalwood pill, let’s take it for this junior brother first!” Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle after speaking, and handed it to the master of Lonely Sword Peak .

The Lord of Lonely Sword Peak was about to burst into anger by Gu Xiangfei’s first words, and then he said something else, which made the Lord of Lonely Sword Peak turn his anger into joy again. Such a big panting made my old man startled.

He quickly took the jade bottle, poured out a sandalwood pill, and gave it to the young monk lying on the bed.

The medicinal power of Tanlin Dan was volatile in the young man’s dantian to repair the damaged dantian. The peak master of Lone Sword Peak had been observing his grandson’s dantian with his spiritual sense. A smile gradually appeared on his face, followed by great joy.

An hour later, the young man jumped up from the bed and bowed to Gu Xiangfei, “Thank you for the elixir, master. Jingting Mountain will never forget the great kindness and virtue of master.”

Gu Xiangfei hastily dragged Jingting Mountain up and said, “Don’t dare to call me uncle, you and I should call me brother!”

“Since you call me uncle, Tingshan can’t mess up your seniority. It’s right to call you uncle, hahaha…” The master of Lone Sword Peak was overjoyed when he saw his grandson’s dantian recovered, so he said A grandson, his son died young, leaving him a grandson so that his blood can be passed on, so he treats this grandson more seriously.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t want to occupy the seniority, Jing Tingshan wants to call him Shishu, how can he ask for compensation! That is one hundred thousand fairy crystals! Master uncle has a fart, how can there be benefits from fairy crystals.

“I would like to follow my uncle’s instructions. Now that Tingshan Mountain has been restored, my senior brother and I can rest assured, so let’s go back to Shengdao Peak, senior brother, let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei saw that the Lord of Lonely Knife Peak asked Jingtingshan to call them this, So I stopped worrying about this matter, thinking in my heart that since there is no fairy crystal, it is better to go back to practice earlier.

“This is your mission reward. I would also like to thank you two nephews for letting me see clearly the depravity of the Pill Peak. I will report this to the suzerain, Tingshan, and send your uncles for me. “The Lord of Lonely Sword Peak took out a storage bag and threw it to Che Yongan, which made Gu Xiangfei overjoyed. It turned out that he still wanted to give it to the fairy crystal, and it was not for nothing. Then the harvest this time was not small. Recognizing a nephew as a nephew, and letting Lone Daofeng remember their favor, this is a feat!

“Thank you for your generous gift, Master Uncle, and farewell!” Che Yong’an took the storage bag, and Gu Xiangfei saluted Master Uncle at the same time, then turned and left the hall.

“Two uncles, walk slowly. If you have time, you can come to Lonely Knife Peak to play anytime. I also go to Shengdao Peak to see my uncle when I have time.” Jingting Mountain sent them to the foot of the mountain and bowed. It seemed true. Grateful for their elixir.

“Nephew, please come back! You are welcome to go to Holy Knife Peak at any time, and we will also come to Lonely Knife Peak to listen to Master’s teachings.” Che Yongan and Gu Xiangfei returned a salute, Che Yongan sacrificed the spaceship, and the two went to Holy Knife Peak .

Jing Tingshan watched them walk away before returning to the main hall of Lonely Sword Peak. Seeing that grandpa was thinking about something, he didn’t bother him, so he just stood aside and waited.

“These two boys are gone. I didn’t expect that Saint Knife Peak would save you this time. I owe the suzerain a favor!” The master of Lone Knife Peak turned his head and looked at Jingting Mountain with a loving look in his eyes.

“We’ve given them mission rewards, what kind of favor do we still owe?” Jing Tingshan was a little puzzled, and looked at his grandfather suspiciously.

“You don’t know, if the suzerain doesn’t let them come, do you think they will come? Although they are all from the same sect, if they don’t say it, who would know that they will refine Tanlin Dan? This is the suzerain’s acquiescence, so I owe The favor of the Holy Sword Peak.” The Lord of the Lonely Sword Peak looked at the location of the Holy Sword Peak, and did not speak for a long time, and did not know what was in his mind.

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