Flame wants to advance

Che Yongan and Gu Xiangfei returned to the Holy Knife Peak, and Che Yongan took out two storage bags and threw them to Gu Xiangfei, “Junior Brother Gu, one of these two storage bags is fairy grass, and the other is the fairy crystal rewarded by the mission. You use it first, what you need now is to improve your cultivation, and after your cultivation is improved, you can refine higher-grade pills, your senior brother and I are waiting, you have to work hard!”

What Che Yongan said made Gu Xiangfei unable to refuse those fairy crystals, and it was not easy to offer him a share of the fairy crystals. He was secretly grateful to the third senior brother. For his improvement in cultivation, the third senior brother had paid a lot, even though the third senior brother said he would wait. His elixir, but Gu Xiangfei understood that this was what the third senior brother said on purpose because he was afraid that he would feel burdened.

After the two separated, Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, and Yan Yixue left him a jade slip, saying that she and Fourth Senior Sister Mei Yuting went out, so he didn’t have to worry.

Gu Xiangfei opened the storage bag, found that there were only 10,000 pieces of fairy crystals in it, but the fairy aura contained in these fairy crystals was several times stronger than the fairy crystals he used before. He suddenly thought that the fairy crystals he used before might be low-grade fairy crystals. What the peak lord gave was a mid-grade fairy crystal.

One high-grade fairy crystal can be exchanged for ten middle-grade fairy crystals, one hundred low-grade fairy crystals can be exchanged, and one middle-grade fairy crystal can be exchanged for ten low-grade fairy crystals. They were all low-grade fairy crystals, including the 2,000 pieces of fairy crystals given to him by third brother Che Yongan. They were all low-grade fairy crystals, and it was the first time he had seen middle-grade fairy crystals.

He set up a spirit-gathering formation, sat cross-legged on the futon, and practiced exercises. The fairy spirit of the middle-grade fairy crystal was several times stronger than that of the low-grade fairy crystal, and his cultivation base also gradually increased.

The fourth senior sister, Mei Yuting, explained to Yan Yixue a lot of common sense in the fairy world, and introduced to her the thirty-six peaks of the Holy Sword Sect, and said which peak she had a bad relationship with, and asked her to be careful when doing things outside. So as not to be counted by them.

Then I gave Yan Yixue a few introduction jade slips that she didn’t need, which opened Yan Yixue’s horizons and benefited a lot. She was very grateful for the teachings of the fourth senior sister Mei Yuting. Most people would not tell her these things , Yan Yixue also understood that she was under Gu Xiangfei’s favor.

After returning to the cave, she saw that Gu Xiangfei was practicing. The fairy spirit in the training room was very strong, and Yan Yixue was also sitting cross-legged on the futon to practice.

Gu Xiangfei felt Yan Yixue’s aura, and when he knew she was back, he also felt relieved and worked hard to improve his cultivation.

Three days later, Gu Xiangfei broke through to the third floor of the Celestial Immortal. After stabilizing his cultivation, he got up and went to the alchemy room, took out the spirit grass in the storage bag, and refined the elixir.

This time, there are several hundred more fairy grasses than before. It is probably because his elixir is a special-grade elixir, and the price has also increased a little. It took five days for these fairy grasses to be refined. This time, he planned to tell the third senior brother to find some second-level elixir recipes, and now he is sure to refine the second-level elixir.

He took out the message beads and sent a message to the third senior brother, and then waited for the third senior brother to come over in the reception room.

After half a stick of incense was not available, the third senior brother Che Yongan came to his cave, and after handing over a bunch of jade bottles to the third senior brother, Gu Xiangfei said, “Third senior brother, this time you go find some second-level elixir recipes, I am going to refine the second-level elixir. super elixir.”

“Okay! I’m just waiting for you to refine the second-level elixir! I’ll go find it, and ask my friends to see if anyone can use the elixir.” Che Yongan, the third senior brother, has long been looking forward to him being able to refine it. The second-level elixir, put away the storage bag, and left the cave happily.

After the third brother went out this time, he came to Gu Xiangfei’s cave the next morning, took out a storage bag and threw it to him, and took out six jade slips and handed it to him, saying, “I found some friends yesterday, and I just found them today.” Gather six elixirs, let’s see how to refine them. Now the most popular second-level elixirs are Rejuvenation Pill, Tianlin Pill and Yiyang Pill. The elixir to advance to Jinxian, and the fairy crystals sold outside are also high.”

After the third senior brother left, Gu Xiangfei came to the alchemy room, picked up those alchemy formulas to deduce the regular breath of the fairy grass, and modified the places that needed to be modified one by one, and configured his own alchemy formulas, such as refining the immortal spirit of the recovery pill Grass Changing the Immortal Brocade Flower into Bixin Grass, the medicinal effect is more than doubled, and the price of the Immortal Spirit Grass is slightly lower.

After preparing a pill, he continued to deduce the second pill, Tianlin Pill, which is used by the immortals to break through the small realm. After making some revisions, he took out the second-level fairy grass given to him by his third senior brother, and took out the map of fairy grass given to him by his uncle to compare the graphics of various fairy grasses.

After a full five days of deduction, he reorganized the three pills into three new pills. These new pills not only require fairy grass that is easy to collect, but also are two to three times more effective than the previous pills. .

After deducing it countless times, and feeling that everything was correct, he prepared to refine the second-level elixir, picked out all the fairy grasses he needed, and then formed them one by one and placed them so that they could be used directly when refining the elixir. .

Sacrifice the Milky Way, increase the flames, melt the fairy grass first, then throw away the dregs, purify, fuse, infuse spirits, divide pills, pull Dan, “Dang…” Several crisp sounds, nine high-grade recovery pills fell on the jade plate.

“Why is it a high-grade elixir?” Gu Xiangfei picked up a elixir and inspected it carefully. He felt that everything he did was perfect, and it should be a special-grade elixir. The ones refined now are all high-grade He was a little confused about the pills, and began to check the pills one by one.

There must be something that I can’t do well, otherwise it should be a super-grade pill. Thinking of this, he put the rules into operation, and searched for the regular breath of the pill one by one.

“So that’s how it is, I understand.” After Gu Xiangfei’s regular kung fu worked for a few days, he realized that Xinghe hadn’t advanced to Xianyan yet, and now he can refine the second-level elixir, which is very good. This is also his deduction The result of countless times, otherwise this second-level elixir would not be refined at all.

“The ore that needs to be promoted to Xianyan is not easy to find, first ask a few brothers and sisters, and finally ask the uncle.” Gu Xiangfei muttered to himself, his greatest hope is still with the uncle, But if the brothers and sisters want it, then they don’t need to bother the uncle.

Thinking of this, he no longer continued alchemy, and went out of the cave to the outside of the third senior brother Che Yongan’s cave, and slammed the ban on the cave.

“Junior Brother Gu, what’s the matter?” Che Yongan opened the restraint and let him enter the reception room.

“Third senior brother, it’s like this, you know who has the flame to advance to the minestone? My Huoyan has not yet been promoted to Immortal Flame, so I can’t refine special-level pills. I think that after Huoyan’s promotion, I can refine third-level pills. “Gu Xiangfei was not polite to him, and asked directly.

“It seems that the eighth brother has a piece of ore, but it happened a long time ago, and I don’t know if he has changed the pill. I will ask the other brothers to see if they have the ore?” The third brother heard Gu Xiangfei say They were immediately overjoyed to be able to refine the third-level elixir. It seemed that the fourth-level elixir they needed could be refined by this junior soon.

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