Sixth Grade Immortal Alchemist

Gu Xiangfei attributed the reason for this surge of spiritual consciousness to the small sapling. He had also taken the liquid of green soft stones before. Although his spiritual consciousness increased somewhat, it was not as vast as the starry sky this time. what tree? Too powerful, too heaven-defying.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly had an idea, if the leaves on the small tree and the liquid of the green soft stone were combined into a kind of elixir, what kind of effect would it have?

This idea gradually took shape in his mind, and then it grew more and more crazily. Looking at the green leaves on the small tree, there were as many as thousands of them. He picked a leaf at random, performed regular exercises, and explored the regular breath of the leaves.

First, a trace of kung fu was infiltrated into the leaf, and Gu Xiangfei was suddenly pleasantly surprised. The leaf not only contained ethereal aura, but also a trace of life aura, divine consciousness aura, chaotic aura, and essence aura. It can be said that it contains at least five regular auras. There are other auras, but his current cultivation base is too low to detect too many auras.

“Crack!” There was a soft sound from within the body, breaking through to the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal, and interrupting Gu Xiangfei’s regular breath of exploring the little tree.

Looking at the small leaf in his hand, he didn’t have the heart to make a new pill right now. This small tree was too heaven-defying. He picked up a jade box, put the small leaf into the jade box, put a restraint on it, and threw it aside.

After stabilizing his cultivation, he took out the star beads, sat in the reception room, and sent a message to his brothers and sisters, waiting for them to check the effect of the pill when they arrived.

It didn’t take much time, the five senior brothers and sisters all came to Gu Xiangfei’s cave, saw the jade bottle on the table in the reception room, the second senior brother Ye Feng first picked up a jade bottle and poured out a pill.

“Special Grade Zhiqing Pill!…” Several other senior brothers and sisters looked at the Zhiqing Pill in the hands of the second senior brother Ye Feng in surprise, floating around the pill with a lingering halo.

Zhiqing Dan is a elixir for breaking through to immortality. The super-grade Qingdan can increase the chance of breaking through to immortality. Generally, there are very few top-grade elixirs. Now they have special-grade Zhiqingdan. The disciples have to envy them when they see it.

“Special Grass Star Pill! Special Linming Pill!” The eighth senior brother Lin Xing opened several other jade bottles, and found that they were all special pills, and they all carried the pills.

The senior brothers and sisters all turned their heads to look at Gu Xiangfei. This junior brother Gu has only come to Shengdao Peak for more than half a year, and he has refined a special fourth-level elixir. This shows that he is already a fifth-rank elixir master. This is really a monster Genius, Holy Saber Peak is finally proud this time.

They are all in the Xuanxian realm now, and now they have the Caoxing Dan that breaks through the small realm, they will use Zhiqing Dan soon, all of them are full of joy, and the most stable third senior brother, Che Yongan, shows an excited look .

“Senior brothers and sisters, what do you think of this pill? Should it be sold or exchanged for fairy grass? You decide!” Gu Xiangfei’s words interrupted their good hopes.

“Leave this Grass Star Pill, and I will use the rest to exchange for the Immortal Spirit Grass. First, I will exchange it back for the Immortal Spirit Grass, then I will refine the pill, and then I will exchange it for the Immortal Crystal. We will have no shortage of elixirs if we change to immortal spirit grass to refine elixirs. When the big brothers come back, we will be in the realm of immortals, so they will definitely be surprised, hahaha…” Third senior brother Che Yongan said this, The other senior brothers all burst out laughing, fourth senior sister Mei YuTing was also very happy, but she didn’t laugh like the other brothers.

In the next few days, several senior brothers and sisters broke through the small realm one after another. They haven’t used elixir for so long, and now they are using super-grade elixir with the least erysipelas content, and they will soon reach the peak of Xuanxian. Tian will break through the barrier of Xuanxian and enter the realm of immortality.

Both Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue also practiced in the star beads. Now there is no shortage of immortal crystals. Although the two of them have pills, they rarely take them. They try to compress the immortal energy in their bodies to break through.

He spends every day practicing alchemy. It has been a year since Gu Xiangfei came to the Immortal Realm. Now his realm has been promoted to the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, Yan Yixue has also broken through to the second level of the Celestial Immortal, and his alchemy has also been promoted to the sixth-rank immortal alchemist. The realm is still too low, and after being promoted to Jinxian, you can reach the seventh-rank elixir king.

Several senior brothers and sisters have broken through to the realm of immortality. When several senior brothers and sisters crossed the catastrophe continuously, they alarmed the suzerain Wei Tianyun, and hurried out to check. Seeing that five of his disciples had broken through to the realm of immortality, he was overjoyed and hurried He asked, “Where did you get your Zhiqing Pill? I was going to find the Pill Peak to refine Zhiqing Pill for you. Now that you have all broken through, then my fairy grass will be saved.”

“Master, let’s take a look at our Zhiqing Pill first. How about the pill from Pill Peak?” The second senior brother took out a Zhiqing Pill and handed it to the suzerain Wei Tianyun.

“Special to Qingdan? It’s really special to Qingdan! This is much stronger than the elixir of the pill peak! Where did you get it?” Suzerain Wei Tianyun was surprised that his disciple used the special to Qingdan, no wonder everyone has been promoted to the highest immortal.

“Our elixirs are all refined by Junior Brother Gu. Junior Brother Gu is really a genius in alchemy. Now he is a sixth-rank elixir teacher. We will no longer have to go to the elixir peak to seek elixirs. We will be humbled by that bird.” The second senior brother proudly told his master Wei Tianyun, and vented his dissatisfaction with the pill peak by the way.

“Junior Brother Gu? Gu Xiangfei? Well, well, it seems that the youngest disciple is really a genius, what is he doing now? I haven’t seen him for half a year, and this kid doesn’t ask me about his cultivation. He forgot.” Wei Tianyun somewhat lamented that his younger brother’s disciples were much better than his own disciples, and the youngest’s descendants were so heaven-defying.

“Junior Brother Gu is now at the eighth level of the Celestial Immortal, and his wife is at the second level of the Celestial Immortal. The two of them are really talented. They have advanced to the Celestial Immortal Realm in just one year. I guess they will catch up with us soon.” Second Senior Brother Ye Feng showed envious expressions when talking about Gu Xiangfei and his wife.

“Okay, okay! The talent is really strong, even the eighth-level fairy, it’s a bit against the sky, you have to protect them well, don’t let them get into trouble, or you will be sorry to your uncle.” Wei Tianyun was a little surprised by Gu Xiangfei and his wife. Talent, and told Ye Feng to prepare to go back to the Zongmen Hall.

“Uncle? Which uncle?” Ye Feng was a little confused, why did he even mention the uncle.

“They are the heirs of Wei Feng from another generation. Wei Feng was killed…” Wei Tianyun told Ye Feng in detail how Gu Xiangfei obtained Wei Feng’s inheritance.

“Ah! It turns out that Uncle Wei has been killed. I always thought he was retreating to break through the realm of the immortal king. I didn’t expect that Junior Brother Gu turned out to be the successor of Uncle Wei. Master, we want to avenge Uncle Wei! When will we attack God?” Fenggu?” Ye Feng remembered Wei Feng’s teaching to them, the master was very busy as the suzerain, and it was always the uncle who taught them how to practice, they can be said to be half of Wei Feng’s disciples, now that Wei Feng was killed, the first One thought is to avenge the uncle.

“It’s not urgent. We are planning a countermeasure to destroy Kamikaze Valley in one fell swoop. We can’t startle the snake now. You just need to know it. Don’t let it out and ruin our plan.” Wei Tianyun saw Ye Feng first. For a while, I thought of avenging Wei Feng, and felt relieved. It seems that these disciples have deep feelings for Wei Feng, and they all want to avenge him.

“Yes! Master, don’t worry! When you avenge your uncle, you must take us with you. Now we must work hard to cultivate and strive to destroy the God of Wind Valley as soon as possible.” Ye Feng’s resolute words made Wei Tianyun Very pleased.

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