Experience Alone

There are eleven heavenly realms in Zhongtianyu, and each Tianyu has one or two big sects. Huangyatian, where the Holy Sword Sect is located, has only one Junzong. And Wang Zong is the name of the realm of the fairy king. According to the legend, the upper heaven is the Emperor Sect, which is the name of the realm of the fairy emperor.

The Holy Sword Sect is a monarch sect, the suzerain Wei Tianyun is in the realm of immortal monarchs, and eight of the peak masters of the thirty-six peaks are in the realm of immortal monarchs, and the other peak masters are also in the late stage of immortal kings, waiting for someone to break through Queen, the Holy Sword Sect is the Emperor Sect, which has never happened in Zhongtianyu.

Once the Holy Saber Sect becomes the Emperor Sect, all the heavens in the Central Tianyu will be ruled by the Emperor. On the contrary, if other sects have broken through the realm of the Immortal Emperor, they can also rule the Holy Saber Sect. The eleven heavens in the Central Tianyu will compete. They are very cruel. If monks from various sects meet during their training, they will almost all be killed, trying to consume each other’s strength as much as possible.

This time the big brother took the sixth and seventh juniors to practice, and he will send a message back after a while to tell the Zongmen their whereabouts, so that when there is a crisis, the Zongmen can send people to rescue at any time.

Gu Xiangfei sat on the open space in the Sutra Pavilion, read all these brief introductions, lamented the vast and boundless world of the fairy world, and felt that the Holy Sword Sect was very small in this world, and he was even more insignificant as a grain of sand.

It seems that I still have a long way to go in the future, and I have only come to Xian now.After more than a year in the world, he has already gained a firm foothold in the Holy Sword Sect. He can’t practice in the sect all the time. He has to go out to practice, otherwise he will become a flower in the greenhouse under the care of his brothers and sisters. This is not his wish. .

In the world of comprehension, he broke through alone, but when he arrived in the fairy world, he was timid. This is not his character.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei decided to go out to experience by himself. He has star beads, he can hide in star beads if he is in danger, and he has the help of little bees. If there are too many people, his secret will be discovered by others, so he went to Wushan Forest, where he has been For once, some places are still familiar.

Back in the cave, seeing that Yan Yixue was still practicing, she didn’t tell her what she was thinking, so as not to worry her, she left a jade slip and said her plan.

Came to the quest hall, and took a quest for the purple spinosa. It seems that the purple spinosa has been used a lot, and it’s still being released after so long.

After leaving the sect, he sacrificed the spaceship and galloped towards the Wushan Forest.

His spaceship is still a flying weapon in the cultivation world, and it is the best flying magic weapon in the cultivation world, but it is really not enough in the fairy world. The rules of heaven and earth in the fairy world are much higher than those in the cultivation world, and the territory is vast. It appears to be too slow.

It took him 20 days to come here last time, but this time he spent more than a month, all wasted on the road, and when he was flying, he tried to avoid the spaceships of other monks so as not to be disliked by others , A slap to death.

There were no dangers on the road. After more than a month, I arrived in the Wushan Forest. I arrived at the outskirts of the place where weeds were picked at the beginning, and I was about to enter the small valley.

He didn’t dare to be careless when he got here, he released the little bee first, just in case he needed it, he always felt that the little bee was stronger than him, and during this time the little bee often devoured the fairy crystal, at first he had to sleep for a few days before waking up , and later devoured the fairy crystal directly, and flew around, this fairy crystal has no effect on it.

After the little bee came out, it landed on its hair. Looking at the surrounding environment, it didn’t act in the slightest of fear. Instead, it took a breath of fairy aura. It was very dissatisfied with the scarcity of fairy aura here.

Scanning with his consciousness, he saw that the purple spinosa in the small valley was gone. It was probably eaten by wild boars. Last time he searched too hard, and the wild boars were probably worried that there would be another monk to snatch them, so they swallowed them by themselves.

After turning over the small valley and continuing to move forward, the little bee suddenly called out, “Hey!” There was a very excited breath wave, and it flew forward with a swish, not fast, as if it was waiting for Gu Xiangfei to pass by.

Gu Xiangfei hastily let go of his divine sense and swept across. Now his divine sense is like a starry sky, comparable to that of an immortal king, and he swept away thousands of miles in an instant. Hundreds of fairy monsters in the distance are attacking each other. Far away, the aura fluctuations haven’t come over yet.

Why did the fairy monsters fight? Could it be that there are some treasures there? They are all robbing? Gu Xiangfei followed the little bee and flew forward.

“Boom…” The fairy monster’s attack was simple and brutal. After the bombardment of the monster element, some rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys collided with their flesh. The ground was in a mess, and the trees and vines within a hundred miles around were bombarded. Smash, these are five or six level fairy monsters, they are very brave and powerful when they fight, there are still corpses of fairy monsters that have been bombarded on the ground, some of them are broken into pieces, some are bloody and still have a shape.

After Gu Xiangfei scanned it with his divine sense, he saw a fairy fruit tree with twelve spiritual fruits on it, with a hint of thunder-type aura, Leiyin fruit! Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help crying out.

This is a treasure for cultivating thunder-type skills. Swallowing a thunder-type fruit can greatly increase the perception of thunder-type supernatural powers and improve the quality of thunder-type attacks. But the Thunderstorm Peak of the Holy Saber Sect will definitely have one. He remembered that the peak master of the Thunderstorm Peak wanted him to join the Thunderstorm Peak, but he was stopped by the suzerain halfway in the Holy Saber Peak.

We must get this Leiyin fruit tree, but with so many fairy monsters fighting in melee, how can we rush over? Gu Xiangfei thought of several methods, but felt that they were all dangerous. The invisibility technique is not good, and the bombardment of the fairy monsters is random. If you are not careful, you will be killed by the bombardment, and the evasion technique is not good. If the fairy monsters see a human monk , will definitely kill him immediately.

With that, Gu Xiangfei flashed into the star bead, communicated with the star bead with his spiritual sense, turned into a grain of sand, and moved to the Leiyin fruit tree. Although the distance was a bit far and his spiritual sense was wasted, this was the only safe way.

After a stick of incense, Gu Xiangfei controlled the star beads to the edge of the battlefield. It happened that a fairy beast was blown away by another fairy beast. Seeing that the place where it landed was very close to the Leiyin fruit tree, Gu Xiangfei hurriedly took advantage of the messy branches and leaves of the trees and vines. When flying, fly to the Leiyin fruit tree, there is a lot of sand flying around, and no fairy monster will pay attention to it.

Just as Gu Xiangfei landed next to the Leiyin fruit tree, the fairy beast that was blasted to the side of the Leiyin fruit tree struggled to stand up and opened its mouth to swallow the Leiyin fruit tree.

“Ho Ho Ho…” When the other fairy monsters saw it, they all roared in unison, and released various supernatural powers of monsters, such as wind blade, flame, ice arrow, and vine entanglement, all at the same time. Immortal monsters bombarded over.

The fairy beast was first entangled by countless vines, and then bombarded by various magical powers of the monster. It was immediately torn apart by the bombardment, and several flames rolled up its body fragments, turning it into ashes.

Gu Xiangfei was so frightened that he quickly leaned against the Leiyin fruit tree. He didn’t dare to move now, let alone put away the Leiyin fruit tree. He would definitely be bombarded and killed by many fairy monsters.

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