Leiyin Fruit Tree

After the group of fairy monsters saw that the fairy monster was killed by bombardment, they were only quiet for a short while, and then fought again, but theseThe fairies, monsters and beasts were all very close to the Leiyin fruit tree, so Gu Xiangfei didn’t dare to rush out of the star beads to collect the Leiyin fruit tree.

Gu Xiangfei hated that fairy beast to death in his heart. His mother’s accomplishments were not enough, and the guy who failed in troubles has attracted the attention of all the fairy beasts. What should I do? If there is any change over time, the Leiyin fruit tree will not belong to him anymore.

Communicating with the little bee with spiritual consciousness, let it come and land on the Leiyin fruit tree, Gu Xiangfei decided to take a risk, he came out of the star bead suddenly, raised his hand to put away the Leiyin fruit tree, quickly entered the star bee, let the little bee take the star bead run away.

Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead, and entered the star bead after collecting the Leiyin fruit tree. It took no more than two breaths. These fairy monsters were stunned. Why did a human monk suddenly appear here? He also collected the Leiyin fruit tree, and then suddenly disappeared. Could it be the invisibility talisman used? These fairy monsters angrily bombarded the place where the Leiyin fruit tree was, and it was quickly turned into a big pit.

A few birds, fairies and monsters saw the little bee flying out from the Leiyin fruit tree, and immediately chased after the little bee, no matter what the reason was, they swallowed the little bee first.

The speed of the little bee was very fast, and it flew hundreds of miles away in an instant. Several birds, immortals and monsters chased it even faster. Seeing that the little bee was about to be swallowed, Gu Xiangfei immediately let the little bee drop the star beads and ran away.

The little bee didn’t run away after dropping the star bead, but turned around and spit out a breath of corrosion at the flying bird fairy beast that was chasing after it. Several flying bird fairy beasts bumped into this breath head-on, and instantly felt that their souls were corroded, and they were so frightened that they hurried to eat. Fleeing, the little bee flew over and sucked out its primordial spirit and swallowed it, and then swallowed the primordial spirits of three birds, immortals and monsters in a row. The little bee burped and staggered to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei had already come out of the star bead, saw that the little bee swallowed the primordial spirit of the bird fairy and monster in an instant, and immediately raised his hand to collect the little bee into the star bead, and then swallowed the four-headed fairy who had been swallowed by the little bee. Put the corpse of the monster into the ring, and then dodge into the star bead.

First find a place to plant the Leiyin fruit tree, and then take out the corpses of the birds and monsters from the ring, cut off some claw bones, the meat is inedible, and it has been contaminated by the corrosive atmosphere, although Gu Xiangfei is not afraid, but Afraid of trouble, a fire turned the body into ashes.

After scanning with his divine sense, he saw that there were no fairy monsters nearby, so he stepped out of the star bead. It was approaching the inner circle of the Wushan Forest. Gu Xiangfei was still a little worried. Every time he found the fairy grass, he would first use his divine sense to Sweep around and go to pick it after it is safe.

Dozens of purple spinosa plants have been picked, and a lot of other fourth- and fifth-level fairy grasses have been picked, and some low-level ores have also been picked up. With the addition of a few skeletons of fairy monsters, it is estimated that they can be refined into low-grade ones. Fairy sword.

Gu Xiangfei came out to practice this time because he wanted to advance to the Golden Immortal and then go back. Otherwise, he would not gain much from the practice this time, so he might as well be at the Holy Sword Peak.

The sixth-level fairy grass Qingyezhilan, Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness swept over a dozen plants of Qingyezhilan, which is the main medicine of Luoxian’s breakthrough of the small realm Qingzhidan. After scanning around, no fairy monsters were found. The nearest The fairy monsters are hundreds of miles away from him, and now is a good opportunity to dig fairy grass.

Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to fly away, a small dirt bag next to Qingye Zhilan suddenly moved, and he immediately stopped the step of flying away, and after sweeping it with his divine sense, he cursed in his heart, “Damn it, really cunning.”

A sixth-level fairy beast with blue eyes, disguised as a small earth bag, hid there and waited for human monks or fairy beasts to sneak attack when they were picking fairy grass.

Since you are hiding there, is there nothing I can do? Gu Xiangfei immediately drew the void pattern, within half a stick of incense, a third-level void strangulation pattern was completed, and then he drew the trapping pattern, and then activated the void formation with his spiritual consciousness.

Gu Xiangfei flew over to pick the green leaf Zhilan, the sixth-level blue-eyed fox was about to jump out, and the surrounding strangling and trapping formations immediately wrapped it up, and countless void wind blades bombarded it like a gust of wind. …” cutting its body.

“Aww…” With several screams in a row, the blue-eyed fox was cut into pieces by the wind blade of the void, and the demon core and primordial spirit were chopped into pieces.

After Gu Xiangfei collected the green leaf Zhilan, he immediately dodged and left here. Several fairy beasts had already swooped over from a distance.

After entering the inner circle of the Wushan Forest, I picked up a lot of various fairy grasses and ores, but almost all the fairy beasts here are at the sixth level, and the fifth level is rarely seen. Gu Xiangfei is also more and more careful, thanks to His spiritual consciousness is strong, he can detect fairy monsters in advance, enter the star beads in time, and escape several catastrophes.

The little bee woke up from sleep, and hadn’t grown up yet. Some excitedly circled around Gu Xiangfei, and finally landed on his hair.

Gu Xiangfei was a little speechless. After eating so many demon cores, the little bee didn’t seem to be promoted at all. Now he doesn’t know what kind of monster the little bee is. He just feels that the sixth-level fairy monster is not its opponent. Bees are greedy and go to sleep after eating.

After the little bee fell asleep, he had no helpers, so he had to hide in the star bead and wait for it to wake up. Now that the little bee woke up, he took the little bee out of the star bead again, and continued to search for fairy grass and ores.

“Roar…” A red-horned lion, a sixth-level fairy beast, found that Gu Xiangfei had come to its territory, and immediately swooped over. The long red horns on its head emitted a flame, roaring towards the area where Gu Xiangfei was.

Gu Xiangfei was so frightened that he dodged into the star bead. This sixth-level fairy beast is equivalent to the monk’s Luoxian realm. With his current heavenly fairy realm, he didn’t even dare to resist, and could only dodge the attack.

The red-horned lion saw that Gu Xiangfei disappeared suddenly, and was stunned for a moment. After searching around for a long time, he didn’t find any trace of Gu Xiangfei.Burned to pieces by his own flames, he turned around and left, and went to inspect the territory again.

In the star bead, Gu Xiangfei saw the place where the flame of the red-horned lion burned, leaving a deep ditch. The trees, vines, rocks, and land were all turned into powder, which was no lower than his own galaxy. If the galaxy swallowed its flame, Even if you can’t advance, let’s make some progress!

Thinking of this, he released the star beads again, and asked the little bee to swallow the primordial spirit of the red-horned lion, and then sacrificed Xinghe to follow behind the little bee.

The little bee is not afraid of any fairy monsters. With a swish, it flew to the head of the red-horned lion, and sucked in its mouth. Before the red-horned lion could react, it felt that its primordial spirit and demon core were about to be released. This kind of horrible thing has never been experienced before, and now it happened to it, and it was so frightened that it yelled and was about to run away when it suddenly fell to the ground.

The little bee’s whole body was red, as if there was a fire in his body, ready to explode at any moment. Gu Xiangfei was startled. The red-horned lion’s demon pill was swallowed by the little bee. How could his Galaxy advance? This little bee is so small, how can the demon pill swallow it? What a fucking monster.

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