: Pill Peak Peak Lord

Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue didn’t get up until noon the next day, and they were very happy. Yan Yixue had broken through to the second level of the Celestial Immortal in the past four years, which shows that her spiritual root is still very pure.

Gu Xiangfei took out the volume of the great destruction technique book, “Xiaoxue, do you know these fonts? This scroll is all the fonts on the earth, you can see if you can translate it, this is a great supernatural power. One palm can destroy the fairy world.”

“Ah! So powerful? My God! Is there such a supernatural power?” Yan Yixue was taken aback, and hurriedly took the volume, opened the first page, and the fonts on it were indeed traditional characters from the earth. .

Yan Yixue has learned the simplified characters on the earth from Gu Yunjie, and the traditional characters can only be guessed how to read when they are connected together. A single traditional character, let alone she doesn’t know it, even Gu Yunjie doesn’t know it.

Gu Xiangfei saw Yan Yixue holding a pen, reading, guessing, and writing on the paper. He knew that this was a delicate job, so he didn’t urge her. He came to the training room, took out the high-grade fairy crystal, set up a spirit gathering array, and took another The formation flag arranged a closed formation in the training room to prevent the leakage of the fairy spirit.

After everything was done, Gu Xiangfei sat cross-legged on the futon and practiced the regular exercises. Yan Yixue wrote very quickly at the beginning, and then wrote more and more slowly. This volume is only nine pages in total. I don’t know what materials are used Refined, neither gold nor silk, each page has some weight, and the font is even engraved on it.


Sima Hengtian, the master of Danyao Peak, received a summons from the suzerain today, asking him to go to the main hall of the sect to discuss important matters.

Since Sima Hengtian’s foundation was damaged, he seldom participated in sect affairs. Deacon Huang did everything for him. Today, the suzerain called him to go, so he had no choice but to come out of the secret room, sacrifice the spaceship and come to the Holy Sword Peak.

After arriving at Shengdao Peak, I met many disciples of Shengdao Peak along the way. When these disciples saw his clothes, they all had disdain in their eyes, let alone saluted him, and they all pretended to be nonchalant. There was no intention of saluting him.

Sima Hengtian was very angry, but this is the Holy Knife Peak, not his pill peak. Because of these trivial matters, he came to the main hall of the Holy Knife Peak very depressed. The guard at the door asked him, “Which mountain are you from? What are you doing here?”

This angered Sima Hengtian. Lao Tzu’s clothes are embroidered with the words “Holy Sword Sect, Pill Peak”, can’t you fucking see it? He also deliberately asked back, this is not giving Pill Peak any face! Could it be that even a small guard dared to bully him after his foundation was damaged?

Just as he was about to raise his hand and slap the guard to death, he suddenly remembered that since he came here, many disciples of the Holy Saber Peak hadn’t saluted him. Could it be that his Pill Peak caused the trouble? After all, Sima Hengtian has experienced countless major incidents, and his emotions and anger were invisible. He immediately put away his anger and said slowly, “I am Sima Hengtian, the master of Danyao Peak. Let me know.”

The guard originally thought that what he said would definitely anger the peak master of the pill peak, and maybe his life would be lost, but when the news got out, the peak master of the pill peak would be humiliated. Even though this guard was killed, the reputation of the master of Pill Peak will definitely drop, and there will be other guards who will continue to make things difficult for him in the future.

Now that the guard saw that Sima Hengtian was so gentle and polite, most of his anger towards the Pill Peak had subsided. He bowed and said, “Since the suzerain has summoned you, please come in!”

Instead, Sima Hengtian didn’t go in, and asked the guard, “Is there any dissatisfaction with your Holy Sword Peak on our Pill Peak? Why has everyone pretended to be nonchalant since I came here?” Look, as if you didn’t see me, tell me why.”

“Since the peak master has seen it, I will tell you everything I know. Ever since the peak master handed over all the big and small affairs to Deacon Huang, the pill peak has changed. It often withholds the peak’s pills and fills its own pockets. We provide The high-grade fairy grass they got was low-grade elixir, and they often failed in alchemy. In fact, they had already refined the elixir and sold it in the market outside. From Deacon Huang to the small stewards below, everyone is corrupt, not only our disciples of the Holy Sword PeakIt’s not good for Pill Peak, most of the thirty-six peaks hate Pill Peak. “The guard told Sima Hengtian, the lord of Pill Peak, everything he knew, and heaved a sigh of relief. Today, he found the right lord, and finally let out the bad breath in his heart.

Sima Hengtian didn’t expect his elixir peak to become like this. Thanks to him still trusting Deacon Huang so much, it seems that both monks and ordinary people have selfish thoughts. Fortunately, he didn’t arouse public anger now, otherwise his elixir peak would Maybe it will be wiped out by other peaks at any time.

“Okay, okay! You actually did these things behind your back. I’ll go see the suzerain first, and I’ll talk about it when I get back.” Sima Hengtian didn’t show any anger, but calmly thanked the guards, and turned to enter the hall.

Those who are familiar with Sima Hengtian know that the calmer he is, the more angry he will be. If he gets angry at the time, it will be fine. I’m afraid that if he speaks in a soft voice, it means that his anger has already risen to the sky.

“Junior brother, sit down first! How is your recovery now? Just ask what fairy grass you need. If the sect doesn’t have it, we can go to the auction to buy it, or send disciples out to look for it.” Wei Tianyun saw Sima Hengtian coming in, let He sat down and asked about his health.

“Thank you, brother, for your concern. I know my own body. Unless there is an alchemy king who refines the Heaven-Bending Pill, I’m afraid I will disappoint my brother in this life.” Sima Hengtian was very grateful to the suzerain Wei Tianyun, and his foundation was damaged. And being able to keep his cultivation was thanks to the suzerain, Wei Tianyun, who spared no effort to expend his own immortal energy to open up the meridians of his whole body. He persisted for three full months. He could never repay this kindness in his lifetime.

“Oh! What grade is this pill of mending the sky? Is there a prescription?” Wei Tianyun heard that the pill that needs to be refined by the alchemy king, they now have an eighth-rank alchemy king in the Holy Sword Peak! With the elixir formula, you can quickly refine the sky-replenishing elixir.

“Butian Pill is a ninth-grade elixir. It has both pill formula and fairy grass. It’s just that the pill king has not been found, so it has not been able to refine the elixir. Moreover, there are only two or three people in the upper heaven of the fairy world. , Their alchemy success rate is also extremely low, and no one would dare to take over, because they are afraid of ruining their fame.” Sima Hengtian heard Wei Tianyun’s question, and he was not afraid that it would be embarrassing for him to know, anyway, he couldn’t find the alchemy king. He simply told Wei Tianyun.

“Ninth-rank alchemy king! It’s a pity, he is now the eighth-rank alchemy king, and he can only refine it after he advances to the ninth-rank alchemy king, but this is also a hope.” Wei Tianyun heard that he wanted the ninth-rank alchemy Wang Cai was able to refine the Heaven-Bending Pill, saying it was a pity, and talking a lot to himself.

“Eighth-rank alchemy king? Does the sect know you?” Sima Hengtian was shocked. The suzerain really deserved to be the suzerain, and he actually knew the eighth-rank alchemy king. Even in the entire fairy world, the eighth-rank alchemy king was only one-handed. Listen to the suzerain It means that the eighth-rank alchemy king should be able to advance to the ninth-rank alchemy king.

“Hehe! I have a elixir here, you can see it when you look at it.” Wei Tianyun took out a jade bottle and threw it to Sima Hengtian.

“Superior Qianwang Pill! This is a super Qianwang Pill that can only be refined by eighth-rank alchemy kings.” Sima Hengtian poured out a elixir, couldn’t help being taken aback, and couldn’t help crying out.

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