: Refining the Heaven-Mending Pill

Wei Tianyun looked at Sima Hengtian yelling and said with a slight smile, “What do you think of this pill?”

“Does it need to be said? It must be the Qianwang Pill refined by the eighth-rank alchemy king, and the refining time is not long. It may have been refined in the past few days. Senior brother, please help introduce it. If I have the opportunity to meet this senior, I will have no regrets in this life.” Sima Hengtian stood up and bowed to the suzerain Wei Tianyun, asking him to introduce this senior alchemy no matter what.

“You don’t have to do this, this eighth-rank alchemy king is our nephew, and he is the successor of Wei Feng…” Wei Tianyun told Sima Hengtian about Gu Xiangfei in detail.

“It turns out that Junior Brother Wei has already fallen. We can’t bear this matter with the Sovereign. We must avenge Junior Brother Wei! I know that the Sovereign will definitely make careful arrangements. It’s a pity that I can’t recover now, otherwise I will definitely avenge Junior Brother Wei personally. But Junior Brother Wei is a genius! He has been able to cultivate to the realm of immortality in just five years of ascension, and he is still an eighth-rank Alchemy King. Brother, you must protect him! The future of the Holy Sword Sect will definitely be in his hands Carry forward.” Sima Hengtian first sighed for Wei Feng’s fall, and then told Wei Tianyun to protect Gu Xiangfei, only those who grow up are geniuses, and fallen geniuses are idiots.

“Junior Brother, don’t worry about Gu Xiangfei. This kid has a lot of opportunities and will definitely become a great weapon in the future. I called my junior brother today to let him participate in the alchemy competition. The junior brother will give him a place to participate in the alchemy competition, and it will be our holy knife.” What do you think, junior, that Zong won the ranking in the Alchemy Grand Competition and gained more resources?” Wei Tianyun comforted Sima Hengtian, and discussed this matter with him again.

“Actually, brother, I think it’s best not to let him participate in the Alchemy Dao Competition. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. It’s better to wait for his cultivation to improve and avenge Junior Brother Wei, and then let him participate in the next competition.” Alchemy Dao Competition. Our Holy Sword Sect is not short of resources, and it’s not the same if there are false names of Alchemy Dao. From now on, I will train him with all my strength, and I think I will reach another level soon.” Sima Hengtian told Wei Tianyun what he wanted in his heart, he didn’t want Gu Xiangfei to show his face in public, it would arouse the jealousy of other Tianyu sects, maybe some sects would come to assassinate him.

Although there are not many enemies in the Holy Sword Sect, there are still some. Every sect will kill those genius disciples if they have the opportunity, so as not to grow up and hurt themZongmen is not good.

After hearing Sima Hengtian’s words, Wei Tianyun couldn’t help thinking for a while. What Sima Hengtian said was quite right. The Holy Sword Sect had done this kind of thing, and more than once.

“Okay, just according to what the younger brother said, don’t let him participate in the alchemy competition this time, and go next time, and fully support him in improving his cultivation. By the way, he also has a wife who is also the successor of Wei Feng. She is the best. Ice spirit root is now a celestial immortal, I want to cultivate the two together, and the mutant spirit root is also very scarce in our Holy Sword Sect.” Wei Tianyun finally decided not to let Gu Xiangfei participate in the alchemy competition, Do your best to train them as a couple.

“That’s great. The top-grade ice spirit root is the rarest spirit root. The general wind, thunder, and ice spirit roots are rare. In this way, we can cultivate the ice magic power of our holy knife sect, the black ice cold blade.” ” Sima Hengtian suddenly remembered a supernatural power of the sect, which had been shelved for a long time due to lack of ice spirit roots, and now it happened to be used for Yan Yixue to practice.

“Don’t tell me, junior brother, I forgot about this supernatural power. Now I just show it to her. By the way, I also show Gu Xiangfei your alchemy. Maybe he can refine the sky-replenishing pill.” After Wei Tianyun finished speaking, Stand up and leave the hall with Sima Hengtian.

Gu Xiangfei did not practice in the cave these few days, but entered the star bead to practice. Yan Yixue was translating the scrolls outside. Someone came to Gu Xiangfei, Yan Yixue would vibrate the star bead, and Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead.

Now Yan Yixue has translated to the last page, and there are some unfamiliar fonts. She marked them according to her own guess, and wrote out several fonts respectively, so that when Gu Xiangfei is practicing, he should first try to practice and judge that the font is correct. , and then continue to practice.

The restriction on the cave was knocked off, Yan Yixue saw the suzerain and a white-haired old man standing outside the cave from the surveillance array, and immediately vibrated the star beads, Gu Xiangfei stopped practicing and released the star beads, he is now the third immortal layer up.

“Master, please come in.” Gu Xiangfei opened the restraint and invited Wei Tianyun and the white-haired old man to come in. Yan Yixue had already brewed fairy tea and put it on the tea table.

“This is Sima Hengtian, the master of the Pill Peak. You should also call him Master! The two junior brothers are Gu Xiangfei and his wife Yan Yixue. Take out your pill and let him see if he can refine it.” ?” Wei Tianyun sat down and introduced each other to them.

“Uncle Sima, please sit down.” Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue bowed to Sima Hengtian.

“Sure enough, Junior Brother Wei can have you two successors, and his hard work is not in vain. It is also a chance for you. If you need fairy grass in the future, just ask. See if you can refine the sky-replenishing pill with this pill. ?” After Sima Hengtian sat down, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei took the jade slip, and after examining it with his spiritual sense, he found that it was a elixir to make up for the damaged monk’s foundation. There were three main herbs in it, and there were 36 other auxiliary fairy grasses.

Now he happens to have that Primordial Spirit Luo Jijie, who collected all kinds of pills and some fairy grasses. Sima Hengtian’s pills for mending the sky are a little bit older. Comparing the two, it is found that there are more pills than Luo Jijie’s pills. Blindly adjuvant.

Gu Xiangfei deduced this auxiliary medicine and found that after adding this auxiliary medicine, all the essence of fairy grass will be gathered together, which not only increases the rate of alchemy, but also the effect will be better.

Gu Xiangfei put down the jade slip and raised his head, saying, “If there are two copies of fairy grass, I guess I can refine it, but I can’t guarantee one.”

“Really?” Sima Hengtian stood up suddenly, his lips trembling with excitement.

“Junior brother, sit down quickly, sit down quickly, and listen to what Nephew Gu has to say.” Wei Tianyun persuaded Sima Hengtian to sit down, he knew why Sima Hengtian was so excited, it was related to his fundamental matter, like drowning A person suddenly grabs a piece of wood, but he has not grasped it tightly, so it is normal for him to be excited.

“I’ve lost my mind. It seems that the practitioners are still not at home. Nephew Gu, I have three copies of the fairy grass for refining the sky-replenishing pill. You can refine one.” Sima Hengtian sat down in embarrassment. After that, he took out three big jade boxes and put them on the tea table.

“It’s like this, this Butian Pill was used by your Uncle Sima, he…” Wei Tianyun told Gu Xiangfei what happened in detail.

When Gu Xiangfei heard that this was the case, he said why Sima Hengtian was so excited. He thought it was because the foundation of his family was damaged. It turned out to be him.

“The two uncles, please use tea first. I will go to the alchemy room to deduce it before refining it. It is best to increase the success rate.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he put away the jade boxes and entered the alchemy room.

Yan Yixue poured tea and water for them, and Wei Tianyun gave her the jade slip with the mysterious ice cold blade supernatural power. No one in the Holy Sword Sect knew how to use ice supernatural powers, and no one could guide her. She practiced slowly by herself, Yan Yixue was overjoyed when she saw this jade slip, and quickly thanked the suzerain Wei Tianyun.

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