Meeting the Lord of Thunderstorm Peak Again

The disciples of Thunderstorm Peak were listening to the deacon’s preaching and teaching in the preaching hall. Suddenly, the deacon received a message from the peak master and immediately ended today’s preaching and explanation. Let theseDisciples go to practice first, and then continue to explain today’s lesson.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know the name of this valley. The disciples of Thunderstorm Peak often practiced lightning-type exercises here, so everyone called it Thunderstorm Valley.

Thunderstorm Valley is the exclusive training place for Thunderstorm Peak disciples. If disciples from other peaks want to enter Thunderstorm Valley, they must obtain the consent of Thunderstorm Peak Master Lei Yitian, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

The senior brother and the second senior brother were watching the wind for Gu Xiangfei here. Seeing that the disciples from Thunderstorm Peak had come early today, they hurriedly asked the second senior brother Ye Feng to send a message to Gu Xiangfei, telling him to come out quickly.

“Hey! What are Senior Brother Leng and Senior Brother Ye doing here? Are you going to enter Thunderstorm Valley to cultivate? Welcome! Welcome!” A young man from Thunderstorm Peak took off his spaceship and saw Leng Yuandong, the first disciple of Holy Knife Peak, and Ye Feng, the second disciple. Standing at the entrance of the Thunderstorm Valley, knowing that neither of them dared to enter the Thunderstorm Valley, he deliberately teased them a few words, and even stretched out his hand to lure them in, embarrassing them.

“It turned out to be Junior Brother Lei. You didn’t go to the preaching hall to listen to the lecture today? We are waiting for a junior brother to come out here. He wants to see if the Thunderstorm Valley is as powerful as it is in the legend.” Senior brother Leng Yuandong knew that he couldn’t hide it, so he simply said it directly , but didn’t say that Gu Xiangfei went in to cross the catastrophe, he just lied casually.

“Oh! There are disciples from your Holy Saber Peak going in to see the Thunder Arc? Do you believe what Senior Brother Leng said? I’m still a three-year-old kid, so you can fool me! To be honest! We have a good relationship between the two peaks, and I don’t feel embarrassed You guys, otherwise I will tell the peak master, you think the suzerain can protect you.” The young man surnamed Lei put away his smiling face, very serious, and forced to ask senior brother Leng Yuandong, this Thunderstorm Valley is not a place where disciples from other peaks enter and leave at will. You must obtain the permission of the peak owner to enter.

“Lei Yuxuan, what do you mean? Eldest brother has already said that we are waiting for the younger brother to come out. Believe it or not, you still tell the peak master what’s wrong, just go!” The second senior brother Ye Feng has a fiery temper, seeing this Lei Yuxuan from Thunderstorm Peak dared to talk to the elder brother like this, and immediately detonated his character, and directly confronted him. At the same time, the breath of the Immortal King was released, and some Thunderstorm Peak disciples around them were suppressed by the pressure of the breath. They retreated one after another.

“You… have you advanced to the level of Immortal King?” Lei Yuxuan was also startled by Ye Feng’s aura of Immortal King. He is also in the realm of Immortal King. He is not afraid of facing Leng Yuandong alone. Another fairy king appeared on Dao Peak, Lei Yuxuan was a little guilty, it was not worth getting beaten up by the two of them, the physical injury was minor, but Lei Tianfeng lost all face.

“Okay, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It turns out that you have been promoted to the Immortal King, little bastard, even the Immortal King can’t act wildly on my Thunderstorm Peak territory.” When the words fell to the ground, a white-haired old man descended from the sky and stood in front of the senior brother and the second senior brother. , a huge coercion of the immortal monarch’s aura fell, and the senior brother and the second senior brother hurriedly used their kung fu to resist.

“Lei…Uncle Lei was joking, I made a joke with Junior Brother Lei, just kidding, hehe! Hehe!” No matter how hot the second brother Ye Feng was, he would not dare to confront Lei Yitian, the leader of Thunderstorm Peak. Lei Yitian is the peak master, even his cultivation can crush him.

Lei Yitian was originally practicing in a secret room. When Gu Xiangfei crossed the catastrophe, the thunder arc and thunder arc fell at the same time. Lei Yitian felt it immediately, but he didn’t understand why the thunder arc in Thunderstorm Valley suddenly increased. The location is in the middle of Thunderstorm Valley. If you want to find out, you have to check it yourself. As soon as your consciousness enters Thunderstorm Valley, it will be broken by the thunder arc, so your consciousness is basically useless in Thunderstorm Valley.

Thunderstorm Valley is related to the important place where the disciples of Thunderstorm Peak practice the Thunder Element Kung Fu. Lei Yitian had to come to check it out, and he was not at ease when other deacons came. For an immortal king, although the Holy Sword Peak is the main peak, their disciples have similar training resources to the disciples of other peaks, and they are not treated specially.

Lei Yitian could only lament that the disciples of the Holy Sword Peak were amazingly talented. They could break through to the realm of the Immortal King without the Qianwang Pill. There is no seventh-rank alchemy king in the domain, unless you go to the upper heaven domain to ask the alchemy king to refine the dry king pill, and in the past hundred years, I have not heard of the sect going to the upper heaven domain to seek alchemy.

Gu Xiangfei received the message from the second senior brother, and immediately fled to the outside of the valley. As soon as he left the valley, he saw a group of people surrounding the senior brother and the second senior brother, and there was a white-haired old man talking to them in the middle.

“Who are you? Why did you come out of Thunderstorm Valley?” Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to say hello to the elder brother and the others, he was stopped by a monk and asked.

When other monks heard this monk’s question, they all looked here. Even Lei Yitian and Lei Yuxuan turned their heads to look at Gu Xiangfei.

“Hey! It’s you! Why are you here? Do you want to practice in Thunderstorm Valley? Come in!” Lei Yitian’s words surprised everyone. Originally, everyone gathered here for Gu Xiangfei’s entry into Thunderstorm Valley. Now Thunderstorm Peak The peak master actually took the initiative to let him go in to practice. Everyone looked at me and looked at you, and they couldn’t figure out what was going on. It turned out that the peak master knew this monk, and he was very happy to hear the tone in the peak master’s words. here.

Lei Yitian let Gu Xiangfei in because he wanted him to feel the benefits of Thunderstorm Valley. Maybe Gu Xiangfei would take the initiative to join him in Thunderstorm Peak. Joining Thunderstorm Peak is the only way to do it. It is estimated that the suzerain will agree just because of Wei Feng.

Although his idea is good, the suzerain will definitely not let Gu Xiangfei join any mountainFeng’s, good fellow, if you want to take away my Ninth Rank Alchemy King, it’s no wonder that the suzerain Wei Tianyun doesn’t give you his life.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, the white-haired old man was the peak master who wanted to take him away to join Thunderstorm Peak that day in the main hall of the sect. When I was practicing lightning-type supernatural powers, I would go to my uncle for advice, and now we are going back to Shengdao Peak, and the uncle will meet later.” Gu Xiangfei did not wait for Lei Yitian to speak, saluted him before turning around and leaving .

“Okay! I’ll wait for you to come to Thunderstorm Peak!” Lei Yitian saw that Gu Xiangfei had made up his mind to go, and he also wanted to go to Thunderstorm Valley to see the increase of thunder arcs, so he didn’t insist on keeping Gu Xiangfei, but just Before he left, he invited him to Thunderstorm Peak.

“I’ll go to my uncle soon, don’t worry, uncle!” Gu Xiangfei responded by cupping his fists and saluting to Lei Yitian on the big brother’s spaceship.

The senior brother and the second senior brother took the opportunity to escape here by flying the spaceship. If they don’t run away quickly, and wait for Lei Yitian to react, they will be dealt with and complained to the master. There will definitely be no good results.

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