Ready to Join Kamikaze Mountain

Back on the Holy Knife Peak, the eldest brother landed on the spaceship, and he let out a long breath, and said, “It’s so dangerous! I was almost caught by Uncle Lei. If I tell the master, I will be in trouble. I will definitely be reprimanded by the master, and I have to agree.” Uncle Lei made some unreasonable conditions.”

“I think it should be fine. You can see that Uncle Lei is so enthusiastic about Junior Brother Gu. He must have bad intentions, so we are still safe for the time being. I am afraid that he wants to have something with Junior Brother Gu. Do you want Junior Brother Gu to join Thunderstorm Peak?” ? By the way, if I’m not mistaken, that’s what Uncle Lei thinks.” The second brother Ye Feng, despite his fiery personality, is sometimes as careful as a hair, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to ascend to the fairyland through the tribulation, unless he was a monk born and bred in the fairyland , Some of the brains react slowly, and none of the monks who have crossed the tribulation and ascended are simple-minded.

“If you put it this way, I think it is very likely to be the case, but this time, if he plays tricks again, Master will definitely not let Junior Brother Gu join Thunderstorm Peak. Now Junior Brother Gu is Luo Xianxiu, and the promotion to Immortal King is just around the corner. Wait for Gu After the younger brother is promoted to the fairy king, the master will ask the younger brother Gu to go to Yuedao Peak to be the peak master and inherit the mantle of the uncle Wei.” The senior brother knows Lei Yitian’s character very well, but this time there is no need to worry, the suzerain Wei Tianyun is sure Gu Xiangfei will not be allowed to join any mountain.

Hearing their explanation, Gu Xiangfei also understood Lei Yitian’s thoughts, but he didn’t care which mountain he joined, only the improvement of his cultivation base was the most important thing. Feng Gu, avenging Wei Feng, also ended his cause and effect.

Back then in the cultivation world, he destroyed the Hall of Divine Might by himself, and now his cultivation is still close, but he is confident that he can destroy Shenfenggu. His formation is now a ninth-level Immortal Formation King, and he still has time to cultivate Xiaocheng’s Great Destruction Technique is enough to kill Kamikaze Valley.

After the elder brother and the others left, Gu Xiangfei returned to his cave. This time, he almost lost his soul during the tribulation. He needs to take a good rest, stabilize his mind, and do other things after he calms down.

After Yan Yixue saw him coming back, she was a little uneasy, and quickly asked, “Did you encounter any problems when you went to cross the robbery?”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to tell her at first, because she was worried that she would be worried, but after thinking about it, Yan Yixue could also go there to train her body in the future. The Thunderstorm Valley’s thunder arc is well utilized, it’s really a good place.

So I told Yan Yixue how I crossed the tribulation and how the arc of thunder caused hundreds of thunder arcs to resonate at the same time, “That’s how it happened, but next time you go to cross the tribulation, I already know where you are It’s just tailor-made for us to be able to train body and at the same time break through and advance.”

When Yan Yixue heard about Gu Xiangfei’s experience, she hugged Gu Xiangfei in fright and said, “Husband, you must not take such risks in the future. If something happens to you, what will we do? What will the family do? They will be very worried. In the past, you can think of a perfect plan, and you can’t be so rash.”

Gu Xiangfei nodded, but didn’t take it to heart, if according to what Yan Yixue said, then what kind of immortal is still cultivating, it’s better to be a dog immortal honestly, cultivating immortal is to compete with heaven and earth for luck and longevity, afraid of wolves Tiger is not his character either.

“Okay, am I okay? Don’t worry, go into the star bead and practice!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and opened the star bead, but Yan Yixue didn’t enter, and kissed his lips directly. Gu Xiangfei felt her Her heart was beating extremely fast, knowing that Yan Yixue was still worried, she had no choice but to comfort her with actions.

A few days later, Yan Yixue entered the star beads to practice contentedly. She felt that Gu Xiangfei’s mind had stabilized and returned to the previous state, so she was relieved to practice.

Gu Xiangfei, after Yan Yixue’s gentle and considerate care, felt that doing this kind of thing with Yan Yixue could relieve stress. A woman can solve many things by her side. The so-called solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow. They breed and depend on each other. Only when yin and yang are reconciled and water and milk blend together can they reach the sky, which is in line with the rules of the six realms of reincarnation.

Yan Yixue went to practice. Gu Xiangfei counted the time and decided to go to the Ascension Hall to see if there were any family members who ascended to the Immortal Realm.

After the Zongmen reported, he drove the spaceship to the Feisheng Hall and galloped away. He was familiar with the road, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When passing through the Wushan Forest, he saw monks practicing here. I can’t tell from the costumes that they are monks of the sect, or aSome casual repairs.

The cultivators in these small teams saw Gu Xiangfei flying over in a spaceship by himself, and immediately put on alert. All the spiritual weapons in their hands were activated, to guard against Gu Xiangfei’s sudden attack on them.

Gu Xiangfei was secretly amused, these monks were too careful, but he didn’t care, he directly drove the spaceship whizzing past, leaving behind a fluctuating aura of spiritual energy, these monks felt relieved.

After coming to the Ascension Hall, there were more monks inside, about two hundred people, all of whom had recently ascended. After Gu Xiangfei scanned with his spiritual sense, he did not see any familiar family members, even the monks of the Pill Formation Alliance. If I didn’t see it, I was a little disappointed in my heart.

Gu Xiangfei plans to stay here for a few days. Although the immortal aura in the Ascension Hall is not very strong, he doesn’t think about cultivation now. He finds a place to sit cross-legged on the futon, and takes out some jade slips to examine.

“A sect has come to recruit disciples, this time they are disciples from the outer sect, but this sect is a bit small, it is a sect from the Lower Heaven Realm.” A monk’s shout interrupted Gu Xiangfei’s thoughts.

Almost all of these ascended cultivators stood up and walked outside, thinking that although the sect is small, it is better than the handyman disciples of the big sect!

Gu Xiangfei looked at the jade slips in his hand. Originally, he had just realized some details about the refining. When this monk interrupted his thinking, he felt a little unhappy. However, this place is not his cave, so it is not good to blame others.

“Why doesn’t this fellow Taoist join the sect? Could it be that he dislikes our sect for being small and looks down on our sect.” A young monk came in from the outside and saw Gu Xiangfei sitting on the futon alone in the hall, and didn’t want to go out I couldn’t help but ask him about the intention of joining the sect, but there was displeasure in his tone.

Gu Xiangfei was a little unhappy when his thinking was interrupted, but now this young monk treats him like a newly ascended monk, and he is even more annoyed in his heart, “What kind of sect are you? Is there anything worthy of my joining?”

“We are from Kamikaze Mountain. We are a big sect in the Lower Tianyu. We also have a headquarters in the Zhongtianyu. The famous Kamikaze Valley is our headquarters. If the spiritual root is good, we can send it directly to the headquarters for training. Then we will reach the sky in one step. . ” After the young man finished speaking, he showed a proud expression, as if he was about to enter the Valley of the Gods of Wind.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart moved, and he suddenly had a plan, so he pretended to be pleasantly surprised and asked, “What the brother said is true? I just want to go to Zhongtianyu, so I am here to wait for them to recruit disciples. If I follow what the brother said , I will join Kamikaze Mountain, I think my spiritual root will definitely be able to join Kamikaze Valley.”

The young man was stunned for a moment, and thought, there are people who are so proud and arrogant, if they don’t think their spiritual roots are good, or they like to brag, he has seen this kind of people a lot, their hearts are higher than the sky and their lives are thinner than paper , often end badly.

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