Heading to Kamikaze Valley

Gu Xiangfei followed the young monk to the outside and saw more than two hundred monks testing their spiritual roots. The young monk asked him to wait in line, then walked up to a deacon and whispered something in his ear, the deacon raised his head He glanced at Gu Xiangfei with a mocking expression in his eyes.

From the aura fluctuations from this deacon, Gu Xiangfei found that his cultivation base was in the realm of Xuanxian, but the young man did not reveal the slightest aura fluctuations, which shows that his cultivation base is very cautious in hiding.

More than two hundred monks tested their spiritual roots, and it passed quickly. It was only half an hour when it was Gu Xiangfei’s turn.

“Put your hands on this array.” The deacon looked at Gu Xiangfei expressionlessly, but there was still disdain in his eyes.

“Extreme Lei Lingen!” The deacon exclaimed when he saw Gu Xiangfei’s blue beam of light.

A few monks and deacons from Kamikaze Mountain who were testing their spiritual roots hurriedly gathered together, looking at the eight-foot-high blue beam of light on the formation plate, their eyes showed shock. An unbelievable expression fell out.

The young monk also hurried over and said, “Okay! That’s great, this time I can go to the headquarters of the Central Heaven Region, Kamikaze Valley.”

Seeing that these monks were all looking at the beam of light and no one was paying attention to him, Gu Xiangfei asked, “Can I take my hand away?”

“Quick, quick! Take it away! Take it away!” Before the deacon could speak, the young monk was all smiles and hurriedly urged Gu Xiangfei to take his hand away.

“What’s your name? Which continent did you ascend?” At this moment, several deacons and monks from Shenfeng Mountain came back to their senses and asked Gu Xiangfei about his origin.

“My name is Wu Yao, and I ascended from the Lin Ang Continent. When I was helping the Brotherhood, I sensed the breath of attracting, so I ascended through the tribulation.” Gu Xiangfei recalled Wu Yao, the ninth-level formation king of the Lin Ang Continent, and casually gave his name. Report it.

“Okay! Martial Brother, from today onwards you are the core disciple of Shenfeng Mountain. When we go back to meet the suzerain, we will go to the Shenfeng Valley in Zhongtianyu. Wu Junior’s wish has also been fulfilled. By the way, my name is Ma Yunfei. You can call me Senior Brother Ma.” The young monk immediately got close to Gu Xiangfei, told him his name, and asked Gu Xiangfei to call him Senior Brother.

“Yes, Senior Brother Ma, I would like to ask Senior Brother Ma to support you more in the future. If Senior Brother hadn’t told you today, I would still be waiting for the Zhongtianyu sect to recruit disciples. Senior Brother, I am really grateful.” Gu Xiangfei heard that he was able to join God Fenggu, his heart was already full of joy, it really didn’t take much effort, he happened to go to Shenfenggu to destroy their sect, so he respected this senior brother Ma very much in language.

“Hahaha…” Ma Yunfei burst out laughing. He was bored so he went to the Feisheng Hall to watch it.Look, I didn’t expect to meet Gu Xiangfei, a wonderful monk, but this monk really gave him a surprise.

Ma Yunfei sacrificed the spaceship and greeted Gu Xiangfei to board the spaceship. Several other deacons and the monks of Kamikaze Mountain also sacrificed the spaceship, so that the monks who joined the Kamikaze Mountain also boarded their own spaceships. From the matter of the spaceship, we can see Coming out of the Tianyu sect, it is really incomparable with the Zhongtianyu sect. Such a big sect doesn’t even have a large spaceship.

From the Feisheng Hall to the sect where Shenfeng Mountain is located, it took two days to fly to the sect of Gonghua Tianshen Fengshan. This place is far worse than the Holy Sword Sect. Not very full bodied.

Ma Yunfei landed on the spaceship and stopped at the Zongmen Square of Shenfeng Mountain. Gu Xiangfei saw that there were already a dozen monks standing in the square. They seemed to be the masters and deacons of the eight peaks of the Zongmen, waiting to select new disciples. .

Ma Yunfei took off the boat, walked up to a middle-aged monk, saluted first, then said a few words to the middle-aged monk, and then waved to Gu Xiangfei, signaling him to go over.

“You are Wu Yao, the top grade Lei Lingen?” The middle-aged monk looked at Gu Xiangfei and asked with curiosity in his eyes.

“Yes, senior, I am Wu Yao, and my spiritual root is of the thunder attribute.” Gu Xiangfei answered the middle-aged monk with clasped fists and saluted. From the aura exuded by this monk, he knew that this middle-aged man was in the realm of a fairy king.

“Okay! That’s right, you and Yunfei will wait for me here. After I’ve dealt with the matter, I’ll go to the headquarters of the Zhongtianyu, Kamikaze Valley.” After the middle-aged monk finished speaking, he turned and went to the peak masters who selected disciples from each peak. Let’s discuss how to arrange these disciples.

“Junior Brother Wu, just after I told the Suzerain about you, the Suzerain decided to go to the Kamikaze Valley in Zhongtianyu immediately. It seems that there is also an urgent need for monks from Leilingen at the headquarters. I heard that there is a holy sword sect in Zhongtianyu. Yes, they have a Thunderstorm Peak, and the disciples of this mountain are all Leilingen, so Kamikaze Valley also decided to build a mountain like Thunderstorm Peak, and they are recruiting Leilingen disciples, so your luck is good, just in time Come on.” Ma Yunfei and Gu Xiangfei revealed why they were going to Kamikaze Valley.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that God’s Wind Valley has heard some clues, why is it recruiting Lei Linggen’s disciples now? Whether it was accidental or purposeful, it was time to deal with the Holy Sword Sect.

“Brother Ma said that, so I realized that it was like this, but why did you start cultivating the Thunder Element Mountain now! Does the Holy Saber Sect have a bad relationship with our sect?” Gu Xiangfei tried and asked Ma Yunfei, hoping Can get some news from him.

“How about it? I don’t know very well, but I heard that Uncle Lu Feidong of the Divine Wind Valley Sect was seriously injured by a monk of the Holy Sword Sect. The Ninth Rank Alchemy King refines Dushen Pill and Tanyang Pill, and asks his subordinate sects to look for fairy grasses, but these fairy grasses are unknown, and although they have graphics, they are rarely seen.” Ma Yunfei said Suddenly stopped talking here, Gu Xiangfei looked back, and it turned out that the suzerain was waving to them.

The two got on the suzerain’s spaceship, and the suzerain drove the spaceship straight into the sky. After reaching a certain height, the middle-aged monk took out a storage bag and threw it to Gu Xiangfei, saying, “You just transformed the immortal essence, let’s take these immortal crystals to practice first. ! I will notify you when we arrive in Kamikaze Valley.”

“Thank you for the reward from the suzerain, I will definitely not disappoint the suzerain’s expectations.” Gu Xiangfei took the storage bag, pretended to be very happy, complimented the suzerain a few words, then saluted the suzerain, turned and went to the room on the spaceship.

“Ma Yunfei, tell me about your meeting with Wu Yao in detail. Don’t miss a single thing. This is related to a major event in the sect.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei entering the room, the suzerain immediately asked Ma Yunfei to come over and ask about Gu Xiangfei. .

Ma Yunfei went to the cockpit, and told the Suzerain of Shenfeng Mountain verbatim about the encounter with Gu Xiangfei in the Feisheng Hall, including the conversation between Gu Xiangfei and him.

Sect Master of Shenfeng Mountain, after listening to Ma Yunfei’s narration, think about it carefully, although this Wu Yao is a little arrogant, there is nothing suspicious. After all, some monks think that their spiritual roots are better, and their cultivation is faster than other monks. It is normal to be a little arrogant Yes, there are many monks even more arrogant than Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei came to the room on the spaceship, and carefully recounted what he had said to Ma Yunfei. Except for the first few words, which were a bit arrogant, after hearing about Kamikaze Valley and having a plan, he spoke very cautiously and did not Nothing went wrong.

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