Undercover Kamikaze Valley

Immortal King Realm piloted the spaceship a few minutes faster than Gu Xiangfei. It took less than half a month for Gu Xiangfei to hear Ma Yunfei call him, and he had already arrived at the Valley of the Gods of Wind.

After getting off the spaceship, they found that they were on the edge of a large square, surrounded by some shops, and many monks were coming and going, coming in and out non-stop.

Most of the monks’ costumes are the same color, dark gray, with the word “Kamikaze Valley” embroidered on the left chest. There are also some monks wearing other costumes. They seem to be casual cultivators, and they are also looking for or exchanging resources here.

“Let’s wait here, someone will pick us up soon.” As soon as the suzerain finished speaking, someone said, “Has senior brother Bai just arrived? I am ordered by the suzerain to take the disciple that senior brother Bai said to report to Leishen Peak. Brother Bai can go to the main hall of the suzerain, the suzerain is waiting for senior brother Bai.”

Ma Yunfei and Gu Xiangfei saw a middle-aged monk appearing in front of them at the same time, and saluted the suzerain.

“It turned out to be Junior Brother Lu. These are Ma Yunfei and Wu Yao. One of them is Lei Linggen and the other is Feng Linggen.What the Zongmen was looking for happened to be brought here together. “Sect Master Bai clasped his fists in return, pointed at Gu Xiangfei and Ma Yunfei, and introduced them to the monk named Lu.

“Okay! Brother Bai has made great achievements this time, and the suzerain will definitely reward you. Brother Bai is so lucky! Not only is he the suzerain of the branch sect, but he can also help the sect find two mutated spiritual roots. The younger brother is envious Dead.” The monk surnamed Lu looked at Sect Master Bai with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

Gu Xiangfei guessed that this monk surnamed Lu would definitely scold Sect Master Bai in his heart when he said words of envy. This son of a bitch is really lucky.

“Hahaha! It’s all the suzerain’s grace. Junior brother Lu is much more comfortable in the sect than I am. The middle heaven region is full of fairy spirits, but the lower heaven realm is far worse than here. I still envy Lu junior brother! When I meet the suzerain Come find Junior Brother Lu for a drink later.” After saying that, Sect Master Bai clasped his fists and saluted, then turned and entered the sect.

“You two, come with me!” The monk surnamed Lu said as he sacrificed the spaceship, took Gu Xiangfei and Ma Yunfei, and flew to the mountain peak far away from the sect.

The peaks of Kamikaze Valley are the same as the peaks of the Holy Sword Sect. There are thirty-six peaks. Each peak has a peak master, a deacon, stewards, and disciples. Among them, the core disciples live in places with strong fairy aura on the top of the mountain. Living on the mountainside, outer disciples live at the bottom, but some handyman disciples live with their masters on the mountainside or on the top of the mountain.

After the spaceship galloped past several peaks, it stopped on a mountain peak. On the top of the mountain was a huge stone engraved with three large characters, “Thunder God Peak!”

“It turns out that Master Lu has arrived. My master is in the main hall. Master Lu, please come in.” A young monk clasped his fists in salute to the monk surnamed Lu, looked at Gu Xiangfei and Ma Yunfei beside him, and nodded to them as a greeting.

The monk surnamed Lu asked Ma Yunfei to wait for him here, and then brought Gu Xiangfei into the main hall of Leishen Peak. Gu Xiangfei saw five or six monks in the main hall. Jun’s aura is exposed, and there is a faint sense of coercion. It is obvious that he has just broken through and has not been able to restrain his aura. It can be seen that the skills he cultivated are somewhat low-level.

“Senior brother Hong, this is the disciple sent by senior brother Shenfengshan Bai, the top grade Lei Lingen Wu Yao, who just ascended from the lower realm.” The monk surnamed Lu clasped his fists to the red-haired old man and introduced Gu Xiangfei’s background.

“Oh! That’s great, Junior Brother Bai is really good. I would like to thank him if I have the chance. Your name is Wu Yao, right! Now you are my core disciple of Thunder God Peak. Let Tan Weilin take you to choose a cave. All the items that should be collected have been collected.” The red-haired old man Peak Master Hong looked at Gu Xiangfei with a smile on his face, and was very satisfied that Master Bai sent him to his own mountain.

Tan Weilin was the young cultivator I met outside. He entered the hall after hearing the message from Master Hongfeng, “Junior Brother Wu, come with me!”

Gu Xiangfei clasped his hands and saluted Master Hong, then saluted the monk Lu, and then followed Tan Weilin out of the hall.

Master Hong and the monk surnamed Lu were very satisfied with Gu Xiangfei’s performance. This disciple did not have a trace of arrogance. When he left, he saluted and bid farewell to them. They were very happy and laughed.

The process of receiving the jade brand clothing is similar to the procedure of the Holy Sword Sect. There are one hundred fairy crystals in the storage ring, two sets of Kamikaze Valley costumes, a few introduction jade slips, two bottles of elixir for earth immortals, and other items. The ones are gone, neither the attacking fairy weapon nor the defensive armor.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about these things either. After receiving these items, he followed Tan Weilin to several vacant caves.

“Junior Martial Brother, choose a cave here! If you like quietness, you can choose it. If you like to communicate with other disciples, you can choose this place. The fairy aura is similar.” Tan Weilin pointed to this cave, and let Gu Xiangfei choose by himself.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to communicate with other disciples. If he said too much, he would be in trouble if he accidentally showed his feet. So he planned to choose a remote cave.

“Thank you, Brother Tan, for your guidance. I just ascended, and my realm is too low. If I want to work hard to improve my cultivation, I should choose to stay there!” Gu Xiangfei pointed to a cave in the distance, and decided to get the one far away from this area.

“Junior Brother Wu seems to be a cultivator. Well, when I first ascended, I also wanted to work hard to improve my cultivation, so as not to be looked down upon by other disciples. Now that Junior Brother Wu has made a decision, I will report after I have made my mark. Junior Brother Wu can go to the Gongfa Pavilion Choose the exercises you practice.” Tan Weilin is very talkative, and Gu Xiangfei’s actions reminded him of the scene when he first came here, and he didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei had other deep meanings, but he was optimistic about him.

“Thank you, Senior Brother Tan. If you need to trouble Senior Brother Tan in the future, please give me your advice.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists to Tan Weilin after speaking, expressing his gratitude.

“Junior Wu, don’t be polite. We will be disciples of the same sect from now on. Feel free to come to me if you have anything to do. Now, Junior Brother Wu, go to the cave to clean up! I’ll report to the police.” Tan Weilin was very satisfied with Gu Xiangfei’s respectful behavior, and turned to leave after clasping his hands in return .

Gu Xiangfei came to the cave he chose. This cave is slightly larger than the one on the Holy Sword Peak, and there is an extra pet room. It can be seen that the disciples of Kamikaze Valley have animal pets.

After cleaning up the cave, Gu Xiangfei took out a few jade slips to check. One of the jade slips was a map of the entire Kamikaze Valley, marking the positions of the peaks. He decided to go to the Gongfa Pavilion first to see what kung fu is available in Kamikaze Valley. In the future, when we attack, we will first destroy the kung fu pavilion and cut off the inheritance of Kamikaze Valley.

Putting on the dark gray attire, he is now a disciple of Kamikaze Valley again. It turns out that it is so easy to get into Kamikaze Valley. Does it mean that there are also Kamikaze Valley disciples who get mixed into the Holy Sword Sect?

Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He is a disciple of the Holy Sword Sect.There is no guarantee that he will be discovered by an undercover disciple of Kamikaze Valley. If he passes his voice and appearance to Kamikaze Valley, he will be exposed soon.

Gu Xiangfei decided to go out of the cave as little as possible during this period, so as not to be discovered by other disciples. At the same time, he decided to act as soon as possible to find out the details of Kamikaze Valley, and then set up a monitoring formation in the cave to prevent himself from being discovered. Get ready to flee.

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