The Dusty Jade Slips

Three days later, the ban on Gu Xiangfei’s cave was blocked. He first checked the projection of the surveillance array with his spiritual sense, and found that only Tan Weilin was there, so he opened the ban to welcome him into the cave.

“Junior Brother Wu, the Peak Master summoned the disciples to gather in the main hall. I have something to report to everyone. Hurry up and gather in the main hall of the Peak Master!” Tan Weilin did not enter the cave mansion. He stood at the door and turned around to notify other disciples after speaking.

Gu Xiangfei secretly observed Tan Weilin, but he didn’t find any strange expression on him, so he felt a little relieved.

When he came to the main hall of the peak master, there were already dozens of disciples standing inside. Gu Xiangfei stood behind one disciple and began to draw void formations. He was going to immediately activate a large formation to trap these monks if the incident happened, and he took the opportunity to escape here.

After half a stick of incense, a sixth-level void trap formation was completed, and then a void defense formation was carved around him. This defense formation was to protect himself.

There are so many monks in the hall, and the peak master’s cultivation is two realms higher than his. I don’t know how many other deacons and stewards are in the realm of immortal kings. He has to protect himself first.

“Has everyone arrived yet?” A red-haired old man suddenly appeared on the first place. He was the Peak Master Hong of Thunder God Peak. Mystery.

“It’s all here, Peak Master.” Tan Weilin immediately replied when he heard Peak Master Hong’s question and saluted.

“Several undercover agents from other sects have sneaked into the sect now, and one of them has been detected by Shendao Peak. Now the sect master requires us to investigate strictly. The disciple whose name I read will stay. The other disciples should go back to the cave to practice!” Hong Feng After the master finished speaking, he picked up a jade slip and prepared to read the name of the monk.

“Boom!” Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a young monk cut off the head of a disciple beside him, and then slashed at several disciples around him.

“Stop!” Master Hong put the jade slips on the table, raised his hand, and a huge aura of pressure crushed the young monk, but the young monk’s immortal sword had already killed There are four or five disciples next to him.

“Boom!” There was a loud explosion, and the young cultivator was directly crushed by the coercion. Master Hong originally wanted to catch him to search for his soul, but he didn’t expect that he had just broken through the realm of the immortal king, and he was not very proficient in controlling the aura coercion. It directly crushed the young man.

This situation happened suddenly in the hall, which immediately caused chaos. Fortunately, Gu Xiangfei was standing far away, otherwise when the young man’s long knife was about to kill him, he would have exposed his cultivation level if he had to dodge or make a move.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the hall, Gu Xiangfei immediately scanned the jade slip placed on the table by Master Hong Feng with his spiritual sense. His spiritual sense was comparable to that of the late Immortal King, and this distance was not difficult for him. Besides, the jade slip was not hit. prohibition.

In less than two breaths, Gu Xiangfei read the name on the jade slip, but his name was not there. In fact, Gu Xiangfei’s worries were unnecessary. After he joined the Holy Sword Sect, he rarely appeared in crowded places, and the suzerain Wei Tianyun also intentionally concealed his identity. Except for a few good peak masters and the core disciples of the Holy Sword Peak who knew about him, the other inner disciples of the Holy Sword Peak did not know that there was such a person as him.

“I will continue what I said just now. The disciples whose names I read stay here. Chai Youshen, Mo Chenggang, Li Dongpo…” Hong Fengzhu read the names of more than a dozen disciples, and the disciple who was crushed by him was Mo Mo. Cheng Gang, maybe this Mo Chenggang knew that he had been exposed, and suddenly launched an attack, beheading six Leishen Peak disciples in a row, causing some losses to Leishen Peak.

After Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, he was in a good mood. It seems that his affairs in the Holy Sword Sect have not been discovered, and he can work in the God of Wind Valley with peace of mind in the future.

Two days later, Gu Xiangfei came to the Gongfa Pavilion. After the guard checked his identity jade badge, Gu Xiangfei entered the Gongfa Pavilion.

The kung fu pavilion in Kamikaze Valley is divided into six floors, and his jade card can enter the lower five floors. Only the sixth floor must be the master of each peak to enter.

In order not to attract other people’s attention, Gu Xiangfei decided to start looking at the jade slips of various exercises from the first floor. He specifically looked at those dusty jade slips. He had seen these dusty jade slips when he was in the Holy Sword Sect. From it, he learned about the development experience of the Holy Sword Sect, as well as some strange records, which benefited him a lot.

These jade slips of Kamikaze Valley also introduce these things, but the introduction of the origin of Zhongtianyu is somewhat different from the introduction of the Holy Sword Sect. After comparing the two, Gu Xiangfei feels that their records are similar. Thirty-six Heavenly Domains lost three Heavenly Domains and became the current Thirty-Three Heavenly Domains.

Gu Xiangfei felt a little strange, but he didn’t search for the reason in detail, and the jade slips in these records didn’t say the reason, so he picked up a dusty jade slip, blew off the dust on it, and swept it with his spiritual sense. , I was startled, and then overjoyed, it turned out that this is a jade slip of supernatural power, this supernatural power is the Great Thunder Art, the jade slip has several layers of restrictions, and the content inside cannot be seen.

Gu Xiangfei saw that there were not many monks here on the first floor of the Gongfa Pavilion, and these monks were all picking jade slips in other places. No oneWill look at these dusty jade slips like him, Gu Xiangfei immediately decided to break the restriction of this jade slip, secretly copy the contents of the jade slip, and then destroy this jade slip, it cannot be left to Kamikaze Valley.

It took him less than half a stick of incense to break the restriction of this jade slip. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he didn’t find anyone around him paying attention to him, so he immediately copied the jade slip with his divine sense. After copying the jade slip, he compared it back and forth. Fan, after finding that there was nothing missing, he destroyed the content of this jade slip with his divine sense.

After gaining the supernatural power of this great thunder technique, Gu Xiangfei randomly chose a jade slip of escapism, and came to the gate of the Gongfa Pavilion. After the guard checked it, he logged in his jade token information, and then opened the jade slip’s restriction, giving He copied this escapism jade slip.

The jade slip copied by the Gongfa Pavilion will automatically disappear after three months, and this jade slip cannot be copied again.

After Gu Xiangfei thanked the guards, he flew directly back to his cave. After putting on the restriction, he immediately entered the star beads and practiced the Great Thunder Art.

The Great Thunder Technique, as the name suggests, must have something to do with thunder. First of all, you need to have the Thunder Spirit Root to practice. After you have cultivated to the extreme, you can use a big thunder technique to destroy a plane, and the entire planet on the plane will be destroyed. Instant destruction is the same top-level supernatural power as the Great Destruction Technique.

The Great Destruction Technique starts from the place where the supernatural power is cast and expands outward. According to the cultivator’s cultivation level, after the supernatural power is cast, the speed of the expansion of the destructive breath is determined.

Cultivators in the realm of the Immortal King and cultivators in the realm of the Immortal Emperor must expand at different speeds, and bring about different degrees of destruction.

After the Great Thunder Technique has been cultivated to great success, once it is cast, it will destroy a plane in an instant. If the realm cannot be reached, if the Great Thunder Technique is used forcibly, it will end with the supernatural power. The last suggestion for the Great Thunder Technique is that it must be at the realm of the Immortal King , Only then can he perform the small success of the Great Thunder Technique in the fairy world.

Due to the different rules of heaven and earth in each plane, the effect of casting the Great Thunder Spell will also be different.

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