Trapped in Kamikaze Valley

After Feiyun Peak was destroyed, Gu Xiangfei immediately went out of the cave, raised his hand to scatter the pattern of the void isolation formation, and came to another mountain peak. The name of this peak he saw on the jade slip on the map was Guangyao Peak.

First, he changed the protective formation on the mountain peak into a trapping formation, then used his spiritual consciousness to build a void isolation formation, then drew a void strangle formation pattern, and finally injected a large destruction technique, then returned to his cave and entered the star formation. Inside the bead, he secretly observed the situation of Guangyao Peak with his spiritual consciousness while practicing.

The disciples of Guangyao Peak were engulfed by the aura of destruction during their cultivation or in their deep sleep, and they attacked from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Some of the caves that had been reduced to debris by the aura of destruction attracted the attention of a steward on the mountainside.

This wind steward is sorting out the affairs on some mountain peaks today. He heard the sound of the cave collapse. When he left the cave, he saw that Guangyao Peak was sinking. He was about to reach the mountainside. The lower half of the mountain had disappeared. Also disappeared, everything happened so strangely.

The wind steward yelled loudly in a hurry, and soon the inner disciples halfway up the mountain all came out of the cave. Seeing that the bottom had been destroyed, they rushed to the top of the mountain.

The fate of Guangyao Peak was the same as that of Feiyun Peak. It was reduced to pieces by the aura of destruction and then blown away by the breeze.

Seeing all this, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and decided to strike while the iron was hot, turning the entire Kamikaze Valley’s defensive formation into a trapping formation, and then constructing a void strangling formation. Although it was very difficult, as long as he changed the defensive formation to In order to trap and kill the large formation, he is sure to slowly consume the people in Kamikaze Valley to death.

The person guarding the Zongmen defensive formation is an Elder Liu who is in the realm of the Immortal King. He is currently cultivating in a cave at the center of the formation. The place is full of fairy aura, and guarding the Zongmen defensive formation is a fat job. Just practice here every day. For so many years, the Zongmen’s defensive formation has never had any accidents, so he is not worried about the operation of the defensive formation here, and he is practicing in his own cave every day.Gu Xiangfei quickly came to Elder Liu’s cave. After all, there was a monk in the realm of the fairy king. He didn’t dare to be sloppy. He immediately built a void strangle formation to wrap the entire cave, and then entered the formation flag to set up a forbidden air barrier. Array.

The array flag was driven into the ground, which quickly caused fluctuations in the fairy aura. Elder Liu immediately noticed the fluctuations in the aura outside his cave, but he was usually lazy, so he thought some disciples were looking for him, so he didn’t pay attention. Moreover, he was breaking through a small realm now, and he decided in his heart that it was the disciple who had knocked off the restriction on his cave mansion, and he should wait until he had broken through before opening the restriction.

Elder Liu was immersed in his cultivation, and Gu Xiangfei found that the aura he had entered into the formation flag was fluctuating, and no one came out to check it. It seems that Kamikaze Valley has been at ease for too long, and he didn’t feel any danger approaching at all.

The area of ​​Elder Liu’s cave is not large, and Gu Xiangfei quickly arranged a forbidden air isolation formation. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the Immortal King, and that the Immortal King was irresponsible, so he decided to use the formation to kill the Immortal King. Use the divine sense to draw the pattern of trapping and killing in the void, and then connect it with the pattern of strangling and killing in the void to form a large pattern of trapping and killing in the void. He sacrificed the long knife fairy, and slammed the prohibition of the cave, preparing to attack this fairy suddenly Elder Wang.

Elder Liu is still waiting for the disciple with the fluctuating spiritual energy to ring his cave restraint, but he is breaking through the small realm, so he doesn’t care about that disciple. The elder was still praising this disciple in his heart for being sensible. He actually knew that he was breaking through the small realm, and waited for him to burn a stick of incense before ringing the restraint.

Little did he know that he had already been wrapped up in various nine-level formations, waiting for him to open the restriction and kill him.

Elder Liu stood up and came to the entrance of the cave. What he thought in his mind was that since this sensible disciple came to look for him and waited for him for a while, he would go out to greet him, ask what’s the matter, and then come back to stabilize his cultivation.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that the elder fairy king would come to greet him in person, but his spiritual consciousness has been observing the situation inside the cave, and when he saw the elder fairy king walk to the entrance of the cave, the long knife in his hand suddenly rose a few feet. At the same time as the cave opened the door.

“Boom!” Elder Liu never thought that there would be a disciple attacking him. Seeing that the blade glow was soaring and bombarding him, he hurriedly dodged and retreated, but it was already a bit late. body, almost cut him in half, cut him in two.

Elder Liu felt a great pain. He sacrificed his shield to protect his whole body first, and then prepared to take out the medicine to treat his injuries. Unexpectedly, there were countless sword lights directly bombarding his shield. Elder Liu, who was already seriously injured, , the waist that was bombarded was broken at once, the upper body retreated and hit the wall of the cave, fell to the ground, and the lower body stayed at the entrance of the cave.

“Junior, how dare you!” Elder Liu roared angrily when he saw a burst of flames, instantly turning him into ashes, leaving only one ring behind and Gu Xiangfei put it away.

“It turns out that the fairy king is nothing more than that, and he can kill the same thing.” Gu Xiangfei has made various preparations this time. He underestimated himself and overestimated the fairy king. Here, you can use these formations to protect the heart of the formation.

Gu Xiangfei immediately came to the center of the formation. For him, the ninth-level immortal formation king, it was difficult to change the ninth-level defensive formation of Kamikaze Valley, but it was not beyond his imagination. For the shield, erase the formation pattern depicted on it, re-draw the trapping formation pattern, and then drive it into the ground, and transfer several large formations that have been arranged in advance to protect the center of the formation.

Everyone in Kamikaze Valley did not expect Gu Xiangfei’s action this time, including Suzerain Zuo Kanqing, that someone had arranged a trap to destroy the entire Kamikaze Valley.

During this period of time, after some undercover agents were found out, the Zongmen is now thriving. Seeing that the Zongmen is going to develop vigorously, it would never have occurred to them that the Valley of the Divine Wind would be wiped out.

After the defensive formation was changed to a trapping formation, Gu Xiangfei took out a bunch of formation flags and continued to arrange the air-forbidden isolation formation. The entire area of ​​Kamikaze Valley is vast. If he hadn’t changed the defensive formation of Kamikaze Valley, it would have saved A lot of time, otherwise he would not be able to complete the trapping and killing formation of the entire Kamikaze Valley without ten days.

Breaking into the formation flag on the basis of the trapping and killing formation saved him a lot of time. Even so, when the disciples of Kamikaze Valley discovered that the sect was trapped by the trapping and killing formation, he had just completed one-third of the time. Two’s air-forbidden isolation formation.

First of all, it was discovered that the Zongmen was attacked by a group of disciples who were preparing to go out to practice. After so many days of rectification, the disciples of Kamikaze Valley, after the Zongmen issued the lifting of the ban, all came to the mission hall to accept the mission.

After receiving the task, one of the disciples came to the gate of the sect very quickly. The disciples guarding the sect were about to open the formation of the sect and let them go out, but found that the defense formation of the sect could not be opened. When I came to the gate of the sect to check, the pair of disciples who were about to go out to do the task also came to check.

The guard disciple thought that the sect was undergoing rectification during this time, and the jade cards for entering and leaving the sect had been upgraded by the sect’s formation master, and the new jade cards had not yet been delivered, so he took out the emergency formation flag and prepared to open the sect’s protective formation , Let the disciples who go out to do the task go out first.

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