Tampering with the Defense Array

The formation flag of the guard disciple had just been inserted into the emergency position of the formation, when the formation suddenly made a sound of “嗡…”, and then hundreds of blade lights suddenly appeared, and the disciple guard cut it into pieces in an instant, approaching him Several of his disciples were also beheaded by the blade.

“Not good, the defensive array was blockedDestroyed, quickly send a message to the formation master and report the situation here. “The team leader has rich experience and immediately saw that the defensive formation was destroyed, so he hurriedly shouted.

There are ten people in a team, four of them were killed by the bombardment just now, and now the remaining six disciples of Kamikaze Valley immediately took out the communication talisman and fired it out.

When Gu Xiangfei saw that the trapping and killing formation was activated, he knew that someone might have discovered it, so he hurriedly speeded up the deployment of the formation, trying to complete the arrangement of the forbidden air isolation formation before the formation master of Kamikaze Valley arrived, so that the disciples of Kamikaze Valley could They couldn’t send messages with the Zongmen, and the suzerain of Kamikaze Valley couldn’t contact the outside world, couldn’t get rescue, and was trapped to death in Kamikaze Valley.

The reason why Gu Xiangfei wants to set up the air-forbidden isolation formation is because he is worried that the outside rescue monks will destroy his formation and rescue the people in the Kamikaze Valley. He is only in the realm of the gods, and the friend of Zuo Kanqing, the suzerain of the Kamikaze Valley, is sure. His cultivation base is about the same as his, and he is also the cultivation base of an immortal king. He can’t even beat an immortal king, let alone a monk in the realm of an immortal king.

When the time comes, monk Xianjun bombards him with a large formation, and he can only watch helplessly as he does not dare to make any moves.

The array mage from Kamikaze Valley came very quickly. Seeing that the gate of the Zongmen was sealed with a trapping array, he immediately knew that there was something wrong with the array’s heart. He came to the Zongmen’s defensive array and saw here There is a nine-level strangulation formation, which just protects the formation’s heart. This formation mage can’t do anything about it. He is only a sixth-level formation mage. It can be seen that the ninth-level strangulation formation is not bad. He would never dare to break the formation. , if a large formation is triggered, he may be torn to pieces in an instant.

The formation master immediately sent a message to the master of Baizhen Peak, made a detailed report on the situation here, burned it on the communication talisman, and then activated the teleportation talisman. Because the debris was floating in the air, the teleportation talisman failed to activate.

“Not good! There is also a space-forbidden isolation formation here! I will go to Baizheng Peak to find the peak master, everyone must not move around, and be careful to be trapped and bombarded by the killing formation.” He was taken aback for a moment, then put away the spaceship, and ran directly to Baizhen Peak to find the peak owner.

When the other disciples saw this, they suddenly remembered that there was already an air-forbidden isolation formation in the sect, and even spaceships could no longer fly. They immediately understood why the formation master ran away to Baizhen Peak.

The air-forbidden isolation formation arranged by Gu Xiangfei has not yet been completed, but the air-forbidden formation that he first arranged here at the gate of Kamikaze Valley is an air-forbidden isolation formation arranged with void formation patterns, but the area is small, just to The trick to confuse the formation mage has already worked, as long as you leave the gate a few tens of meters, you can get out of the range of the forbidden space formation, but that formation master preconceived it, thinking that the entire sect was equipped with a forbidden space isolation formation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Xiangfei accelerated the speed of entering the formation flag, and Baizhen Peak is hundreds of miles away from the gate of the sect. Even though the formation mage is in the realm of Xuanxian, it will take more than an hour to run to Baizhen Peak .

Just as Gu Xiangfei completed the air-forbidden isolation formation, he saw the formation master galloping over with a few people on the spaceship.

“Huh! It came so fast? Oh! I understand.” Gu Xiangfei thought for a while and knew how the formation master came so fast. It must be that the formation master was in other places, after seeing the disciples flying in spaceships , I understand that the air-forbidden formation is only the area at the gate of the sect, and you can fly after leaving there.

Seeing the fast speed of the spaceship, Gu Xiangfei immediately activated the air-forbidden isolation formation, and the galloping spaceship made a loud noise, as if hitting a light curtain in front, and suddenly fell from the sky, bringing a There were ripples, and then slowly calmed down.

The few monks who fell from the spaceship hurriedly activated the wind control technique, and landed lightly on the ground. They were all fine, but the spaceship was smashed into pieces and scattered down due to its high speed.

“There is an air-forbidden formation here, let’s run over!” Luo Pinglin, the master of Baizhen Peak, is a seventh-level immortal formation king. After receiving the report from the formation master, he took a few disciples and took a spaceship to the gate of the sect. Come here.

When the spaceship hit the light curtain, Luo Pinglin knew that there was an air-forbidden formation here, and without any hesitation, he immediately led his disciples to the gate of the sect.

After Gu Xiangfei arranged the air-forbidden isolation formation, he immediately used his spiritual consciousness to draw the void formation pattern, and prepared to deploy another strangulation formation to completely surround the Kamikaze Valley.

Luo Pinglin, the leader of Baizhen Peak, came to the gate of the Zongmen. He saw the pieces of broken corpses on the ground. He carefully inspected the cut parts of these pieces of meat, and then raised his hand to shoot a flame, turning these pieces of meat into ashes.

“It turned out to be a ninth-level trapping formation. When did the ninth-level formation king appear in Zhongtianyu? Could it be that those undercover sects invited them to deal with Shenfenggu? Is this ninth-level formation king so easy to invite? It seems Tell the suzerain about this matter as soon as possible, and contact the friends of Kamikaze Valley to come to rescue, otherwise Kamikaze Valley will disappear in the middle sky.” Luo Pinglin muttered a few words to himself, and immediately took out the communication talisman to inspire the suzerain.

“Boom!” There was a soft sound, and the messenger talisman turned into shards and scattered in the air.

“Not good! This is an air-forbidden isolation formation, such a vicious formation king, this is to drive the Kamikaze Valley to extinction! Hurry up and tell the suzerain, there is a ninth-level formation king who sealed the sect, and sent an order to the peak masters of the peaks Hurry over here, everyone bombards the formation together, or we will destroy the sect.” Luo Pinglin saw that the communication talisman was blocked by the isolation formation, and knew that his friends from the outside world could not be contacted, so he immediately asked a few disciples to find the suzerain and other sect masters. Master Fengfeng is here.

After hearing what Master said, several disciples also knew the seriousness of the problem, and immediately rushed to contact the suzerain and the others.

ValleyXiangfei has already completed more than half of the void pattern pattern. With his current cultivation level, he can’t cover the entire Kamikaze Valley with the void strangle formation, but he thinks of the suzerain of the Kamikaze Valley and the masters of the peaks. They will all gather here, and his Void Strangling Formation only needs to be placed here, and it will be activated after they enter the formation.

After a stick of incense, Zuo Kanqing, the suzerain of Shenfeng Valley, brought more than a hundred monks with great aura to the gate of the sect. Now there are thousands of disciples and deacons who have heard the news, and there are many others of all kinds. Disciple Feng and the deacon steward are rushing here.

“Lord Luo Feng, what happened here? Tell everyone about it in detail.” Zuo Kanqing, the suzerain, saw the Baizhen Peak master Luo Pinglin waiting here, and asked him to tell everyone that the sect was blocked. And the defensive formation turned into a trapped killing formation.

“Returning to the suzerain, I hurried over after hearing the report from my disciples. At that time, we…” Luo Pinglin said that the Kamikaze Valley was blocked by a large formation, and the ninth-level formation king arranged a forbidden space to isolate the large formation. He told all the monks present.

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