: The Lord of Moonblade Peak

“By the way, how did you know the escape route, Junior Brother Gu? Without Junior Brother Gu’s guidance, I would definitely have died in Kamikaze Valley. Thank you Junior Brother Gu for saving my life.” After Tan Weilin finished speaking, he bowed to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to block Tan Weilin’s salute and said, “Brother Tan, don’t be polite, we are all on our own now, because I set up the big array of God’s Wind Valley, just to kill all the high-level people of God’s Wind Valley and avenge Master. ”

“Ah!” Tan Weilin was blocked by Gu Xiangfei’s bow when he raised his hand to salute, only to realize that Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation base was a big realm higher than his, and he heard that the formation of Shenfeng Valley was arranged by Gu Xiangfei, so he couldn’t help being shocked. I couldn’t help but yelled.

“Brother Gu, you…youIs it the ninth-level Immortal Formation King? And you also issued the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique? “The more Tan Weilin thought about it, the more surprised he became. The series of questions surprised the disciples of Thunderstorm Peak next to him, and Lei Yitian was even more surprised. They and the suzerain came back from Kamikaze Valley and were still talking about who was the one who destroyed Kamikaze Valley. Yes, now that Gu Xiangfei said this, he realized that Gu Xiangfei single-handedly wiped out Kamikaze Valley in order to avenge his master.

“I can’t bear to be called Senior Brother Tan, so I will use the old one, otherwise we will not be friends anymore. As for the ninth-level Immortal Formation King and the Great Destruction Technique, I learned it by accident.” Gu Xiangfei called himself Senior Brother to Tan Weilin , a little dissatisfied, and insisted on letting him be called before, which moved Tan Weilin very much.

“Let’s go! Let’s go to the suzerain’s holy knife peak. I sent a message to the suzerain just now.” Lei Yitian took the message talisman in his hand and rushed to Gu Xiangfei, then sacrificed the spaceship, took Gu Xiangfei, Yan Yixue, Lei Yuxuan and Tan Weilin went straight to the Suzerain Hall of the Holy Sword Peak.

On the spaceship, Gu Xiangfei introduced Yan Yixue to Tan Weilin and they knew each other. Lei Yuxuan didn’t need an introduction, they had known each other for a long time.

After a few breaths, I came to the main hall of the suzerain of Shengdao Peak. After entering the main hall, I saw that there were already more than a dozen peak masters and eight disciples of the suzerain. These disciples greeted Gu Xiangfei very affectionately when they saw Gu Xiangfei. Yixue, Fourth Senior Sister, and Sixth Senior Sister walked together and whispered.

Wei Tianyun saw Gu Xiangfei coming in, and his eyes showed relief. His younger brother, the successor of the next generation, is really amazing, and he personally avenged his master without saying a word. He saw the destruction of the God of Wind Valley with his own eyes scenario.

After a few more breaths, thirty-five peak masters of the Thirty-six Peaks came, and everyone stood separately on both sides, waiting for the suzerain Wei Tianyun to speak.

“Everyone is here. Today our Moon Knife Peak has a peak master. From then on, there are quite a few of the thirty-six peaks of our Holy Saber Sect. All of them have gathered. This time, the peak master of Moon Knife Peak is Gu Xiangfei, Wei Feng’s disciple, and he is To avenge Master and destroy Kamikaze Valley, Nephew Gu, please tell me about the story!” The suzerain Wei Tianyun’s words surprised Gu Xiangfei, and even let him be the master of Yuedao Peak, even though Yuedao Peak belongs to Wei Feng The peak master, he is Wei Feng’s disciple, and his name is justified, but he didn’t expect to let him be the peak master.

“Yes, master, I’ll go to the Ascension Hall to see if any family members have ascended, and I met in the Ascension Hall…” Gu Xiangfei explained in detail the matter of destroying the God of Wind Valley from the beginning to the end, and Tan Weilin was very fond of him. It’s about taking care of things.

“Okay! As expected of Junior Brother Wei Feng’s disciple, I agree to let Gu Xiangfei be the peak master, I agree, I also agree…” The first person who agreed was the peak master Jing of Lone Knife Peak, and the second was Sima Hengtian, the master of Pill Peak, and the third one is Lei Yitian, the master of Thunderstorm Peak. The other peak masters nodded when they saw that the master of Pill Peak agreed. After all, this is a matter of Yuedao Peak. , have no conflict of interest with them.

“Then Gu Xiangfei is the master of Yuedao Peak now. Among the thirty-six peaks, you are the youngest and have the lowest cultivation level, so if you have any tasks, you have to wait for you to advance to the Immortal King before you can arrange them for Yuedao Peak.” Wei Tianyun was afraid of Gu Xiangfei. They just became peak owners, and they couldn’t complete some things or tasks, so they comforted Gu Xiangfei first.

All the peak masters were a little dissatisfied with the suzerain’s words after hearing it. It is true that the youngest is the youngest and the lowest cultivation level is true, but who dares to provoke him from the other thirty-five peaks? When it arrived, even the mountain peaks were turned into nothingness.

Wei Tianyun saw the expressions of the peak masters of the peaks, so he knew what they were thinking, so he said to Gu Xiangfei, “You are now the ninth-rank immortal alchemy king, and the ninth-level immortal formation king. If the peak masters of other peaks ask you to make alchemy , don’t refuse, helping them is helping yourself, and helping the Holy Sword Sect.”

As soon as Wei Tianyun’s words fell, there was an uproar in the hall. Only then did the peak masters of the peaks know that the peak master of Yuedao Peak was actually a ninth-rank elixir king. Immortal King, now that their Holy Sword Sect has appeared, then their Holy Sword Sect will soon have an Immortal Emperor, and by then the entire Central Heaven Region will be under the control of the Holy Sword Sect.

“Yes, what the uncle said is true, I will help everyone.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists at the suzerain Wei Tianyun, expressing that he would not refuse them.

Tan Weilin was even more taken aback. He didn’t expect that Junior Brother Gu was actually a Ninth Rank Immortal Alchemy King. What a heaven-defying talent this must be!

After Gu Xiangfei withdrew, the peak owners who were close to him greeted him with smiles on their faces, introduced themselves to each other, and took out communication beads to exchange with Gu Xiangfei, so that they could contact each other in the future.

Wei Tianyun was relieved to see this scene. His younger brother’s Yuedao Peak finally had an heir, and this heir’s talent was astonishing, and he would soon surpass other masters of other peaks, and carry forward Yuedao Peak.

“Nephew Gu, this is your ring. Now that Kamikaze Valley has been wiped out, and you have become the peak master of Yuedao Peak, this ring is the peak master’s token.” Wei Tianyun took out a ring and handed it to him. Gu Xiangfei was exactly the ring he got in Gujia Village.

Gu Xiangfei took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he saw that everything inside the ring was there. It seems that Wei Tianyun didn’t touch the ring at all after taking it back. He just waited for him to give it to him when he became the master of Yuedao Peak in the future.

“Uncle, I would like to invite all the seniors, brothers and sisters to go to Moon Knife Peak. I wonder if you have time?” Gu Xiangfei saw that since the masters of all the peaks were here, he simply invited everyone to go to Moon Knife Peak to be lively. It was the first time he was in charge of the house.

“Then we must go, let’s go now!” Before Wei Tianyun could speak, Lei Yitian was the first to stand up and leadhead out.

Everyone wanted to get closer to Gu Xiangfei, and they all said, “All go! All go!” Wei Tianyun didn’t even have a chance to speak.

After leaving the main hall of the suzerain, the masters of the peaks sacrificed their spaceships to fly to Yuedao Peak. Gu Xiangfei sat on Wei Tianyun’s spaceship. The main reason why he asked everyone to go to Yuedao Peak was that he didn’t know where Yuedao Peak was? There is no need to ask now, these peak masters must know where Moon Knife Peak is.

After a few breaths, the spaceship stopped on a mountain peak. This mountain peak is similar to other peaks, and there is no special building, but now there are only Yan Yixue and the two of them on Yuedao Peak, and the other disciples are not on the mountain peak. superior.

“Nephew Gu, the disciples of Yuedao Peak have already left and joined other peaks. Now that you are back, if there are former disciples of Yuedao Peak who are willing to come back, don’t stop them. Everyone is nostalgic. It’s the same for monks.” Wei Tianyun explained to Gu Xiangfei that the peak master is gone, and the disciples of Moon Knife Peak will definitely be bullied by disciples of other peaks, so he simply let the original disciples of Moon Knife Peak join other peaks .

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