Arranging the Moon Saber Peak

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t care much about these things. After all, what hope is there for a mountain that doesn’t even have a peak owner?

“Yes, uncle, as long as they are willing to come back, they will still be my disciples of Yuedao Peak. I want to call Li Jingtian back. He helped me a lot in the cultivation world, and he is also the deputy leader of the Pill Formation Alliance. Personally The ability is very strong.” Gu Xiangfei thought of Li Jingtian when he saw that there was no one on Moondao Peak.

“Okay, I’ll ask the deacon to send him over.” Wei Tianyun also thought that Gu Xiangfei had his own team, and when he heard Gu Xiangfei said that Li Jingtian’s abilities were good, he immediately agreed to let him come and join Yuedao Peak.

Gu Xiangfei took out some fairy wine and some fairy fruits, Yan Yixue and the two hurriedly greeted everyone, the fourth and sixth senior sisters saw that they were too busy, so they hurried over to help, and the senior brothers also followed suit stand up.

Li Jingtian soon came to Yuedao Peak. He was very happy to see Gu Xiangfei. Gu Xiangfei told him that he wanted him to join Yuedao Peak and help him manage Yuedao Peak. Li Jingtian agreed without saying a word. He knew that Gu Xiangfei’s ability, after following Gu Xiangfei, will definitely rise to the sky, but he put forward a condition, let the female cultivator who came with Jiaojiao, Lian Huixian, also join Yuedao Peak.

Once Gu Xiangfei told suzerain Wei Tianyun, Wei Tianyun naturally agreed that he had many disciples at the Holy Sword Peak.

Gu Xiangfei approached Tan Weilin again and invited him to join Moondao Peak. Tan Weilin wanted to come very much. He also knew that Gu Xiangfei’s ability would definitely not be bad in the future, but he is now a disciple of Thunderstorm Peak. It is impossible for him to join Moondao Peak if the peak master doesn’t tell him.

However, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t be bothered by this matter. When he found Lei Yitian, he directly asked Tan Weilin to join Yuedao Peak. Lei Yitian agreed without even thinking about it. He also wanted Tan Weilin to follow Gu Xiangfei, which was better than being in Thunderstorm Peak.

After drinking the fairy wine and eating the fairy fruit, all the peak masters took their leave and left. It is impossible for them to stay here all the time. The peak masters of all peaks are very busy.

After Gu Xiangfei sent everyone away, he was going to set up a large formation to protect the peak. Otherwise, anyone at Yuedao Peak could enter at will. Before, there was no peak master at Yuedao Peak, and no one was in charge of the formation. Anyone can enter and exit at will. Now Yuedao Peak Now that Dao Peak has a peak master, it is natural to arrange a large formation to protect the peak of Moon Dao Peak.

Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag and started to arrange the big peak protection formation. He planned to build a small kung fu pavilion after finishing the formation of the peak protection formation, and put some jade slips collected from Shenfeng Valley into the kung fu pavilion .

Jiaojiao and Lian Huixian came to Yuedao Peak together. After ascending to the fairy world, Jiaojiao seldom saw her eldest brother, and even saw her sister-in-law much less. Everyone is working hard to improve their cultivation. Daofeng’s fairy aura is very strong, and Jiaojiao is now a celestial being.

The two brothers and sisters were very happy to meet each other. When Jiaojiao saw her sister-in-law Yan Yixue, she threw herself into her arms and slumped. She still had the same personality as when she was a child.

Lian Huixian came to Yuedao Peak and saw the desolate scenery here, as if no one lived in it for a long time, so she was not discouraged and put it away. She knew that Gu Xiangfei would definitely be able to build Yuedao Peak. , several core disciples took good care of her, and gave her some fairy crystals and elixir from time to time, she knew that it was all for Gu Xiangfei’s face, to see how other disciples had this kind of treatment.

The formation of the peak protection formation was quickly completed. This formation was one level higher than the sect’s eighth-level defense formation. Gu Xiangfei arranged a nine-level peak protection formation.

Then a kung fu pavilion was built on the mountainside, and the kung fu skills below the fifth floor of the kung fu kung fu pavilion in Kamikaze Valley were sorted out by Gu Xiangfei, and all of them were put here for the disciples of Yuedao Peak to select the kung fu they need to practice. Law, and various attack methods.

Luo Tiandu was originally a small steward of Yuedao Peak. Since Wei Feng disappeared, Yuedao Peak has gone from bad to worse. Although there is a suzerain to take care of him, but after a long time, the suzerain does not have so much time. The deacons and stewards of Yuedao Peak, There are also some disciples, the hearts of the dragons without a leader gradually dispersed, and later the suzerain allowed them to join other mountain peaks, and Yuedao Peak soon disappeared.

Luo Tian didn’t leave. Back then, the peak master Wei Feng took good care of him, so he decided to stay and wait for the peak master to come back. Even if all the disciples of the Moon Knife Peak had left, he would stay and watch over the Moon Knife Peak.

Without cultivation resources, he teamed up with disciples from other peaks to search for resources. Before the disciples of Moon Knife Peak joined other peaks, they did not do well and were often squeezed out by disciples from other peaks. mother’s child,After being adopted by other peaks, no one cared about taking care of them, and the disciples of these Moon Knife Peak spontaneously formed a team to find resources.

These disciples of Yuedao Peak do not have enough fairy crystals and elixir, their cultivation base has not been improved, they do not have high-level attacking fairy weapons, they run away when they encounter fairy monsters, and sometimes they even fight with fairy monsters for a fairy grass. The beast is desperate, there is no high-quality spaceship, and the speed is slower than others. Others walk for five days, and they have to walk for half a month, wasting a lot of time. Only those who have experienced the hardships know.

Luo Tian came back from the outside today. After parting with the members of several teams, he planned to go back to Moon Knife Peak to rest for a few days before going out to look for resources. But this is his home, a place where he can shelter from the wind and rain, and the most important thing is that it is safe here, so he doesn’t have to worry about being robbed by immortal monsters or monks from other sects.

When he came to the foot of the Moon Knife Peak, he raised his legs and walked up the mountain, “Boom!” He bumped into a light curtain and was almost knocked over, “When did the big formation be set up here? Is someone going to occupy the Moon Knife?” peak?”

“Which mountain are you a disciple of? Why are you here at Yuedao Peak?” Just as Luo Tian was muttering, a voice rang in his ears.

“Who are you? Why are you at Moon Knife Peak? I was originally a disciple of Moon Knife Peak, so of course I’m going home when I come here.” Luo Tian looked at the young monk in front of him and asked him back.

“Oh! I’m Gu Xiangfei, the master of Yuedao Peak. You are a former disciple of Yuedao Peak? Didn’t you all leave?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that the disciples of Yuedao Peak would come back one more time.

“I’ve been living here all this time. I didn’t leave. I want to watch the Moon Knife Peak for the peak lord. When the peak lord comes back, why did the suzerain give you the Moon Knife? Isn’t the peak lord Wei coming back?” Luo Tian They all showed a trace of decadence, the master of Yuedao Peak is not coming back, what hope do he have here, but he is really reluctant to leave the place where he has lived for so many years.

Gu Xiangfei saw this disciple’s face covered with dust and vicissitudes, and the clothes on his body could barely see the small words of Yuedao Peak. He couldn’t help being moved. This disciple must be a die-hard loyalist of Yuedao Peak.

“Master Wei Feng was murdered by someone. I am his disciple, so the suzerain handed over Yuedao Peak to me. Since you are a disciple of Yuedao Peak, if you don’t want to leave, you can still live here! You are still Yuedao Peak. A disciple of the peak.” Gu Xiangfei told about Wei Feng, he was very happy that Yuedao Peak had such a disciple.

“Ah! The peak master was assassinated? Who assassinated the peak master? I want to avenge the peak master. I will not leave here. I am still a disciple of Yuedao Peak. I am a subordinate of Luo Tiandu and the steward in charge of the task pavilion of Yuedao Peak. I’ve met Lord Peak Master.” Luo Tian was shocked when he heard that Wei Feng was assassinated, and decided in his heart to avenge Wei Feng, and when he heard that the new peak master was Wei Feng’s disciple, he immediately decided to stay and help the new peak master Rebuild Moonknife Peak.

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