Return of the Moon Saber Peak Disciple

“It’s too late for you to take revenge. The enemy is Lu Feidong of Kamikaze Valley. I have already wiped out Kamikaze Valley. Manager Luo. From today onwards, you will be the deacon of Yuedao Peak. What you are responsible for depends on your ability. Now Come with me!” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he opened the protective array and let Luo Tiandu come in.

Of course Luo Tian knew that the Valley of the Divine Wind had been wiped out. They often practiced outside, so they were well-informed. Now all the eleven regions in the Central Tianyu knew that the Valley of the Divine Wind had been wiped out.

It turned out that Lu Feidong from Kamikaze Valley murdered the peak master. This new peak master turned out to be a disciple of the old peak master. No wonder he wants to destroy Kamikaze Valley. Although the legend is a bit exaggerated, but one person can destroy Kamikaze Valley. Where will it go.

Arriving at the main hall of Yuedao Peak, the decorations inside have been replaced with new ones. Now there is a vibrant scene here, but the fairy spirit is a little thin.

“Deacon Luo, are there any disciples of our Moon Knife Peak who are willing to come back? The suzerain has issued an order to the masters of each peak. If the disciples of the Moon Knife Peak are willing to come back, they must not obstruct them. Violators will be dealt with according to the laws of the sect.” Gu Xiangfei thought Knowing whether the former Yuedao Peak disciples are still willing to come back, Luo Tian is familiar with them and must know their thoughts.

“Returning to Peak Master, most of the disciples are definitely willing to come back. It’s not a good feeling to live under the fence. I think as long as the Peak Master makes a statement in the mission hall, there will definitely be disciples who are willing to return to Moon Knife Peak.” Luo Tian remembered the Moon Knife The prosperity of the peak makes me very excited. The new peak master is going to summon the old department. In the near future, Yuedao Peak will definitely restore its previous prosperity.

“Okay, you go to the mission hall to release the news. The time limit is two months. Disciples who don’t come back after two months will not want it. You take this jade card with you. It is used to enter and exit the mountain formation. Now it is only a ninth-level defense formation. Formation, I will immediately set up a nine-level strangulation formation, and if there is no jade token, you will be strangled by the formation.” Gu Xiangfei took out a jade token and threw it to Luo Tiandu, after thinking for a while, he took out a ring and threw it to him.

Luo Tian received the jade card and the ring excitedly. This new peak master is indeed powerful. A peak protection formation is a ninth-level defensive formation, and there is also a ninth-level strangling formation, which is one step higher than the sect’s defensive formation. layer up.

Luo Tian clasped his fists in a salute, turned around and left the main hall of the peak master, looked at the contents of the ring with his spiritual sense, and almost threw the ring away, there were millions of middle-grade fairy crystals in the ring, and a middle-grade flying fairy weapon, several pieces Middle-grade defensive armor, a few middle-grade attack weapons, and the pills he needs to reach the fairyland, these pills are enough for him to break through to the Luoxian realm.

Luo Tian was very excited. He had never seen so many good things. From a beggar to a rich man in an instant, he still had a hard time accepting this fact.

Gu XiangfeiThe formation flag was set up behind the large defensive formation, and a nine-level strangulation formation was set up. When Luo Tiandu came back with the news, the ninth-level strangulation formation had been set up, and then took out more than a dozen middle-grade fairy veins, and buried two at the foot of the mountain. , five were buried on the mountainside, ten were buried on the top of the mountain, two middle-grade fairy veins were buried in the main hall of the peak, and two high-grade fairy veins were buried in his own training room.

The entire Moon Knife Peak was suddenly as dense as rain and fog. Luo Tian was almost overwhelmed by the strong fairy aura as soon as he entered Moon Knife Peak.

Today he felt that everything he saw was like a dream. He went out to practice for more than ten days, and when he came back, everything changed, and he couldn’t believe it was real.

When he went to the mission hall to announce the news today, the deacons and stewards in the mission hall greeted him with smiles and tried their best to please him. Senior brothers are older and senior brothers are shorter, and they don’t have the same attitude of ignoring them before. Luo Tian knows all about it All this is the face of the new peak master, and the five-body admiration for the new peak master in his heart is even more optimistic about the future of Yuedao Peak.

There are few people on Moondao Peak now, so Luo Tian volunteered to serve as the guard of the peak. After the former disciples of Moondao Peak come back, he will go to work on Yuedao Peak’s affairs.

The fairy aura in Yuedao Peak is unbelievably strong. Even at the foot of the mountain, if you don’t practice, you will feel that your cultivation base is rising.

“Guardian Luo, I heard that the sect released the news that the former disciples of Moon Knife Peak can come back if they want to come back?” A few former disciples of Moon Knife Peak came to the foot of Moon Knife Peak and saw Luo Tian standing on the mountain Serve as a guard.

“Yes, are you willing to come back, or come here to have a look?” Luo Tian didn’t even tell these disciples what happened at Yuedao Peak. Now is the time to test humanity.

“We all want to come back. In other mountains, there is always no sense of belonging. Although Yuedao Peak is not as good, it is the former home after all. Only here can I feel the feeling of home.” Several disciples showed gratified expressions on their faces. It is like a child who has left home and returned to his own home, full of happiness.

“Okay, register here, and then go back to your previous cave and wait for the peak master’s summons.” Luo Tian pointed to the registration book on the table and asked them to register their previous positions and cave locations.

After these disciples registered, Luo Tian took out a jade token and opened the peak protection formation. A strong fairy spirit rushed towards his face, and these disciples almost choked.

After entering Yuedao Peak, these disciples were even more surprised. The immortal aura here is so strong that it almost melts into fog. If they can practice here, what resources should they go out to find? These are the best resources for cultivation.

Gu Xiangfei has been busy with the affairs of Yuedao Peak. All kinds of guard formations, kung fu pavilions, elixir pavilions, and weapon refining pavilions have been built. Li Jingtian manages the big and small affairs of Yuedao Peak. These are his old professions. In the cultivation world, he was responsible for these things, and now he has a place to play in the fairy world. He is familiar with the road, and it is very easy to manage.

As more and more disciples of Moon Knife Peak came back, Moon Knife Peak began to become lively. The reason why these disciples were willing to come back was because they were unhappy outside. The holy land of practice in the middle sky.

Some disciples vacillated from side to side, asking other disciples to come back first to have a look, and come back if they are good, and vice versa.

The disciples who entered Moondao Peak immediately sent messages to the other disciples when they saw the situation on Moondao Peak, asking them to come back. Unexpectedly, the message talisman was blocked by the air-forbidden isolation formation, and no information could be sent out.

So some disciples came to ask Luo Tiandu, why can’t he send out the communication talisman? Luo Tian told them very clearly that the return was voluntary, and Yuedao Peak would not take in those disciples who wavered and acted according to the wind, and everyone had to be responsible for their own actions.

The disciples who came in first felt very lucky, and those disciples who were waiting for their arraignment had no time to regret it.

Two months later, Gu Xiangfei brought Li Jingtian and Luo Tian to the square of Yuedao Peak. More than 20,000 previous disciples of Yuedao Peak had gathered here, waiting for the arrival of the peak master to rearrange their positions.

“I am Gu Xiangfei, the master of Moondao Peak. Today is the first summit of our Moondao Peak. Everyone can return to Moondao Peak, which proves that everyone still has feelings for Yuedao Peak. I welcome everyone to come back here.” Gu Xiangfei said As soon as the voice fell, there was thunderous applause immediately.

“Everyone may have heard that my master, Wei Feng, was murdered by Lu Feidong of Shenfeng Valley. I have already destroyed Shenfeng Valley and avenged my master. The suzerain arranged for me to be the master of Yuedao Peak. Starting today, we will Moon Knife Peak will not be recruiting previous disciples, we will recruit new disciples according to the quota allocated by the sect, now I appoint Li Jingtian as the deputy peak master of Moon Knife Peak, Luo Tiandu is the chief deacon of Moon Knife Peak, and everyone else The appointment is up to them to decide.” After Gu Xiangfei made the announcement, everyone applauded again.

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