Wei Tianyun’s Surprise

Gu Xiangfei pressed his hands, the applause gradually subsided, and continued, “We Yuedao Peak has our own kung fu pavilion, our own medicine pavilion, and our own refining pavilion. The disciples in the peak need to refine medicine or refining equipment. , you need to prepare fairy grass and ore in advance, come here to exchange, our pill pavilion is all special medicine, as long as you have enough fairy grass, we have ninth-grade pills here, because I am a Ninth-rank elixir king.”

Gu Xiangfei’s words immediately silenced the disciples in the square. After a few breaths, deafening applause erupted.

Ninth Grade Immortal King! This is very rare in the upper heaven, and now the peak master of Yuedao Peak is actually the ninth-rank elixir king. This news surprised all the disciples of Yuedao Peak, and thenEveryone is ecstatic, and there is no need to worry about the elixir that breaks through and advances in the future. These returning disciples feel that their choice is too right. For those disciples who watch the wind, they regret it too much, and even want to die up.

After the Yuedao Peak Conference ended, Luo Tiandu arranged more than a dozen deacons and stewards according to the previous positions of Yuedao Peak. These people used to manage Luo Tiandu, but now they are managed by Luo Tiandu. In reality, I have to admire Luo Tiandu’s tenacity. No one is like Luo Tiandu, who guards Yuedao Peak with all his heart. He has persisted for decades, and now he has finally been rewarded. He has become tens of thousands of people under the two of them. The third high-rise above.

The entire Moon Knife Peak is full of prosperity. The disciples are now proud of the Moon Knife Peak disciples when they go out, and they will never be looked down upon. Gu Xiangfei has replaced all these disciples with new equipment, and they are basically middle-grade immortals. Weapons, pills, exercises, and even more open supply, these things quickly spread throughout the Holy Sword Sect.

The disciples of Yuedao Peak, who used to watch the wind, are now too regretful. They blame themselves for being weak and opportunistic. Now seeing those fellow disciples from the past, they are ashamed to face others. When they return to their own mountain, they are ridiculed by others, and they feel depressed One can imagine.

The immortal aura in Moondao Peak was so strong that the disciples from other peaks were very jealous. After returning to the peak, they kept complaining. The peak masters of the Thirty-five Peaks had no choice but to go to suzerain Wei Tianyun to complain.

Wei Tianyun couldn’t help it. Gu Xiangfei, his nephew, scoured the Kamikaze Valley and got a lot of resources. He was too embarrassed to ask Gu Xiangfei to ask for it, so he had to send his disciples to Yuedao Peak to find Gu Xiangfei.

Eldest brother Leng Yuandong brought seven juniors and juniors. As soon as he entered Yuedao Peak, he was almost overwhelmed by the strong fairy aura. This junior brother Gu is too extravagant. Our Holy Knife Peak is not as strong as his fairy aura.

Second Senior Brother Ye Feng yelled when he saw Gu Xiangfei, “Junior Brother Gu, you have to give us dozens of fairy veins, otherwise we won’t leave. Your fairy energy almost choked us to death.”

“That’s great! Brothers and sisters, you can choose a cave to practice here, and you will be guaranteed a sufficient supply of fairy energy and pills. You can take whatever you want.” Gu Xiangfei joked to the brothers and sisters.

“Junior Brother Gu, the celestial aura here is so strong that it is about to melt into fog. The disciples from other peaks are very jealous and went to the master of the peak. The masters of each peak went to the master again. Look…” Third senior brother Che Yongan told Gu Xiangfei about their intentions, and they were too embarrassed to ask for the fairy veins. Gu Xiangfei gave them a lot of pills and resources, and now five of the eight senior brothers and sisters have broken through the realm of the fairy king, and the remaining three A breakthrough is also a matter of time. The Qian Wang Pill has been prepared in advance, and it is waiting to cultivate to the Great Perfection and break through the realm of the Immortal King.

Gu Xiangfei woke up suddenly when he heard the third senior brother’s words. He had obtained so many resources, but he didn’t give any of them to the suzerain Wei Tianyun.

“What the third brother said is that he has been busy with Yuedao Peak during this period of time, and he has not gone to see his uncle at Shengdao Peak. Now that he has just finished his work, he will go to see his uncle at Shengdao Peak today, and tell him about God of Wind Valley by the way. things.” Gu Xiangfei pretended to have suddenly realized, and looked gratefully at the third senior brother.

Gu Xiangfei found a ring, and put seventy fairy veins in it, and some jade slips of exercises, and filled the ring with low-level fairy grass and ores.

Followed the senior brother and the others to the Holy Knife Peak. After entering the main hall, they saluted the suzerain Wei Tianyun first, took out the ring and said, “Master, this is what I gained in the God of Wind Valley. During this period of time, I have been busy on the Moon Knife Peak.” It’s a matter, so it was delivered a bit late. We used some on Moon Knife Peak, and the rest are here. This time, the high-level people in Kamikaze Valley were all blasted into nothingness by the Great Destruction Technique, and even their rings were destroyed. It was destroyed, so there are not many fairy crystals.”

Wei Tianyun was originally inclined towards Gu Xiangfei, but now he is very satisfied when he sees the harvest of Kamikaze Valley. After taking the ring and scanning it with his divine sense, he is overjoyed. It doesn’t matter whether there are immortal crystals or not. There are enough immortal spirit veins It’s almost on par with the Holy Sword Sect’s immortal spirit veins. It seems that Yuedao Peak is useless, even if it is used, it doesn’t matter. ?

“Okay! I know that your Moon Knife Peak is full of waste, and there must be a lot of things. It doesn’t matter if you come back after you’re done. You can take some of these resources back, otherwise, what can you do as a peak master without foundation.” Wei Tian Yun said and took out ten fairy veins and gave them to Gu Xiangfei.

Senior brother and his disciples saw this scene, and thought to themselves, who is your disciple, master! He is just your nephew, third senior brother Che Yong’an understands the master’s feelings, in the situation of loving the house and black, it is also necessary to take care of Gu junior brother more.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, this master really treated him well, he took out another jade slip and handed it to Wei Tianyun and said, “Master, this jade slip was obtained by me in the cultivation world, it is a body training method, It’s called Qianyuan Exercise! It’s very suitable for exercise in the Thunderstorm Valley, I’ve already reached the sixth floor, and I don’t need defensive armor at all when I’m crossing the catastrophe, and I won’t take any damage if I resist the arc of thunder catastrophe.”

“Oh! This is a good thing. If that’s the case, you won’t have to be bombarded by thunder when you cross the catastrophe.” Wei Tianyun took the jade slip, felt an ancient aura on the jade slip, and knew It is a very long-standing body training method, and this top-level body training method cannot be found in the fairy world.

“Master…look at us…” The second senior brother Ye Feng saw the body training method, and his heart ached.Overjoyed, the entire Holy Sword Sect doesn’t have body training skills, and when Gu Xiangfei said that he can resist lightning, he immediately asked for it.

“Wait, I’ll copy it and give you a copy. Don’t spread it outside, or you will know the consequences.” Wei Tianyun glared at the second senior brother Ye Feng angrily, with a threatening look in his eyes, the meaning is obvious, you If you want to pass it on to me, be careful and I will deal with you.

The second senior brother was stared at by Wei Tianyun, and he shivered in fright. He immediately swore that he would never spread it out, and the other disciples also said that they would not spread it out.

Third Senior Brother Che Yong’an didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei had body training skills, but he never discussed body training with Gu Xiangfei, so Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that they didn’t have body training skills, otherwise Gu Xiangfei would have given it to him long ago.

“Is this body training method very scarce in the fairy world?” Gu Xiangfei was a little surprised. Could it be that there is still a lack of body training skills in the fairy world?

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