Qianyuan Exercises

Wei Tianyun looked at Gu Xiangfei, and said, “There are many top-level exercises in the fairy world, and some supernatural powers, but the most lacking in the fairy world is body training exercises. Every time a monk breaks through a realm, he will become much stronger, and his body will also be promoted. After becoming stronger, but it will never exceed the physical body, so it is necessary to train the body. Only after surpassing the physical body can it resist the thunder arc without being hurt. It is just that there is no body training method, so many monks have to prepare defensive armor. Some wealthy monks will prepare a few pieces of armor in order to resist thunder.”

It was only then that Gu Xiangfei realized that there were missing skills in the fairy world, so it was the right time for him to give this jade slip to the suzerain. No wonder Wei Tianyun was so excited, as if he had obtained a treasure.

After bidding farewell to Uncle Wei Tianyun, and waving goodbye to his brothers and sisters, Gu Xiangfei returned to Yuedao Peak. Now Yuedao Peak is well managed by Li Jingtian and Luo Tian, ​​and everything is developing on the positive side.

Coming to the main hall of the peak master, Gu Xiangfei was about to open the ring of Zuo Kanqing, the suzerain of Kamikaze Valley. He got some rings in Kamikaze Valley, but he had no time to open them. Today, the brothers came to him and took out the harvest of Kamikaze Valley. Only then did I realize that there were still some rings that hadn’t been opened.

He cracked the restriction very quickly. The rings were broken open one by one, and the things inside were sorted by him. There were not many fairy crystals in the more than one hundred rings, only a few hundred thousand. The items are all used by low-level disciples, and he picked up another ring. This ring has many restrictions, with more than a dozen restrictions. He guessed that it might be Zuo Kanqing’s ring.

These restrictions can’t help him. He can break through the ninth-level restrictions, let alone the seventh-level restrictions. Wow! With a soft sound, the ring was opened, and he poured out the contents. There were more than one million top-grade fairy crystals, various jade slips, jade boxes, hundreds of eighth and ninth-level fairy grasses, and top-grade fairy artifacts. There were a few pieces, and some high-grade ores. Gu Xiangfei guessed that this ring was not Zuo Kanqing’s, but a ring of a peak master or an elder.

This ring alone is several times more harvested than before, and I picked up another ring to break the restriction, and poured out the items inside. There are tens of thousands of high-grade immortal crystals, and there are several jade slips and Two jade boxes, a medium-grade flying fairy artifact, and a few ores. This is a ring for a supreme or mysterious immortal.

“Yeah!” Gu Xiangfei picked up another ring, which had thirty-six restrictions. He guessed that this ring belonged to Zuo Kanqing. Items are poured out.

Crash! With a sound, the entire hall of Yuedao Peak is full of high-grade fairy crystals, which are hundreds of millions, and the fairy spirit immediately fills the entire hall of Yuedao Peak. This is not yet finished, and more than half of the contents in the ring have not been poured out.

“Get rich!” Gu Xiangfei yelled happily, raised his hand and put these fairy crystals into the star bead, picked up the ring, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and saw that there were tens of millions of fairy crystals inside, A large fairy herb garden, piled up like a mountain of various ores, hundreds of fairy fruit trees, fairy fruits hanging all over the branches, there are more than a dozen jade slips, dozens of jade boxes, and more than a dozen jade bottles , This is a small world! No wonder there are thirty-six prohibitions.

Gu Xiangfei decided to use this ring by himself, gave Yan Yixue his Weifeng ring, and chose more than a dozen larger rings to give to Li Jingtian and Jiaojiao. The small rings, those rings issued by Zongmen, the space inside is too small.

It took another busy day to sort out these items. I didn’t have time to look at the jade slips and jade boxes. In several rings, there were hundreds of thousands of high-grade immortal crystals and some elixir, attacking immortals, defensive armor, Flying Immortal Artifact, and then out of the main hall of Yuedao Peak.

“Brother Li, this ring is for you. There are some cultivation resources in it. You should improve your cultivation first! Leave these matters to Luo Tiandu.” Gu Xiangfei found Li Jingtian and saw that he was still busy with Yuedao Peak. , persuaded him a few words.

Li Jingtian is now at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, and his cultivation is a bit too low. The other deacons and stewards are all in the Profound Immortal or Supreme Immortal realm, and it is a bit difficult to manage. Although these people have no intention of contemptuous of him, there are always some who are inferior to others. Feel, feel uncomfortable.

“Okay, I’ll take care of these things and then practice in closed doors.” Li Jingtian didn’t stop Gu Xiangfei from calling him. The relationship between the two people can’t be changed by their names.

Li Jingtian took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he saw the items inside. He was shocked. How many things did Brother Gu get back! 500,000 high-grade immortal crystals, pills, attacking immortals, flying immortals, and defensive armor, which can be said to be necessary items for a monk, are all in this ring, and they are all good things.

Although Li Jingtian was shocked, he quickly calmed down.Yu Gu Xiangfei is against the sky, he already has an immune system, but he has obtained so many resources, he is naturally overjoyed and extremely happy.

Gu Xiangfei found Jiaojiao again and gave her a ring. After seeing it, Jiaojiao jumped up happily. The elder brother treated her so well, even in the fairy world, the elder brother still did not forget her.

He told Jiaojiao to practice hard, and then go out to practice after her cultivation base has been improved. The two talked for a while, and Jiaojiao told him about her family, they should be ascending soon! Gu Xiangfei decided to visit again in a few days.

There are still a few rings in his hand. Gu Xiangfei thought about it and didn’t know who to give it to. He has only been in Yuedao Peak for a short time, and he doesn’t have many acquaintances. Luo Tian is an acquaintance, and Tan Weilin is an acquaintance, but they have nothing to do with them. Friendship is not enough to give them so many resources, besides, some cultivation resources have been given to Luo Tiandu, and Yuedao Peak’s fairy spirit is so strong that almost no fairy crystals are needed.

After much deliberation, Gu Xiangfei thought of the third senior brother Che Yong’an, and decided to share the remaining few rings among them. When he first arrived in the fairy world, the third senior brother helped him the most. When he broke through the heaven, the third senior brother gave him two rings. Thousands of immortal crystals, now that he has the ability, he must repay the third senior brother.

After sacrificing the spaceship and arriving at the Holy Knife Peak, the guard disciples saw Gu Xiangfei approaching, and hurriedly opened the protective array to let him in. Not to mention that he is now the master of the Moon Knife Peak, he was a disciple of the Holy Knife Peak before! Didn’t see that the suzerain took care of him better than his disciples!

When he came to the third senior brother’s cave, he rang the barrier of the cave. Third senior brother Che Yong’an saw him coming, and opened the barrier to let him in.

“Junior Brother Gu, what’s the matter?” Che Yong’an always had a calm expression, thoughtful, and took great care of Gu Xiangfei.

“Senior brother, this ring is for you. There are some cultivation resources in it. You can use it. Now that the younger brother is rich, the younger brother should get rich too!” Gu Xiangfei smiled and handed him a ring.

“Brother has become rich, so of course brother should follow suit.” Third senior brother Che Yong’an took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, third senior brother’s face also showed a somewhat surprised expression.

There are one million high-grade fairy crystals in the ring, all kinds of pills, attacking fairy weapons, defensive armor, and flying fairy weapons. These items are above middle-grade and close to top-grade.

The third senior brother Che Yong’an is secretly grateful, this junior brother Gu is not a person who has forgotten his roots, his care for Gu Xiangfei back then was firstly an order from his master, secondly because Master Wei also took good care of them back then, and thirdly because when he saw Gu Xiangfei, he remembered him back then It’s time for him to ascend, and fourth, he feels that Gu Xiangfei will definitely become a great weapon in the future. This feeling has been felt since he saw Gu Xiangfei. There are several reasons that make him take good care of Gu Xiangfei.

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