Extracting the Immortal Spirit Vein

Lei Yitian received the message from Gu Xiangfei, and immediately brought eleven peak masters to Fangshi in Chiyan Mountain. The deacon felt the aura fluctuate, and just about to go out, a huge coercion came, and the disciples in the whole Fangshi And some casual cultivators, who were suppressed by the coercion, spurted blood wildly, and immediately passed out on the ground.

The twelve peak masters quickly wiped out the square city, locked up the casual cultivators, and killed all the deacons and disciples of Chiyan Mountain.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the peak masters of the Holy Sword Sect had come, and immediately arranged for them to separate and surround Chiyan Mountain, waiting for his order to attack.

There are thirty-two peaks in Chiyan Mountain, and its area is smaller than that of the Holy Sword Sect. Even if it is smaller, Gu Xiangfei’s nine-level strangling formation will take three days to surround the entire Chiyan Mountain.

Of course, Gu Xiangfei would not do that. He only set up a nine-level strangling array at the gate of the sect, and painted void patterns in other places. The fifth-level void strangling array, even if people are panicked, they will also think it is a ninth-level strangling array, which is quick, time-saving and labor-saving.

In the main hall of the Chiyan Mountain sect, the suzerains of the three sects, together with some peak masters of the three sects, are discussing how to start a war with the Holy Sword Sect.

Twenty peak masters and more than a dozen elders came to the Split Knife Sect this time, and so many people came to the Divine Sword Sect, because the Holy Sword Sect has a large number of people, and if there are fewer people, they will be killed by the Holy Sword Sect, so they almost More than half of the peak masters and elders were transferred from the sect. The three sects added up to more than 70 people in the realm of immortal kings, and more than 60 people in the realm of immortal kings, which is one-third more than the number of people in the holy sword sect. , strive to kill the Holy Sword Sect once, and everyone will share the resources of the Holy Sword Sect equally.

The main hall was bustling with people like shopping in a market place, there was everything there was to say, but Gu Xiangfei had never expected that Gu Xiangfei had arrived outside the main hall of the Chiyan Mountain Zongmen, and was drawing patterns of strangulation in the void.

Gu Xiangfei used the invisibility technique to come outside the main hall of the Chiyan Mountain Zongmen. There were four guard disciples chatting at the door, and they secretly looked into the main hall from time to time, wanting to hear how they attacked the Holy Sword Sect.

Gu Xiangfei hid in the star beads to draw patterns of void strangle formations. With such a small area in the hall, it is too easy to arrange a void strangle formation.

Soon the Void Strangling pattern was drawn.After that, Gu Xiangfei continued to draw the void formation pattern, and prepared to set up a serial strangulation formation to kill these high-level people in one fell swoop, and the remaining disciples would be easily dismissed.

The four guard disciples at the door were chatting, discussing what the suzerain said in the hall, and suddenly felt a huge wave of aura, turned around and saw hundreds of sword lights had wrapped them up, “Pfft…” The four The disciples guarding the Xuanxian Realm were cut into pieces in an instant. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away their rings with a wave. At the same time, he activated the Void Strangling Formation and the Void Trapping Formation to form a Void Serial Strangling Formation.

The monks in the main hall were still discussing how to attack the Holy Sword Sect, but no one came out to check what happened outside. Although they also felt the spiritual energy fluctuations, they all thought it was from the disciples of Chiyan Mountain.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help laughing secretly, you guys continue to discuss! I went to search for resources, and you guys can’t get out anyway. I wanted to use a big destruction technique, but thought that their rings would also be destroyed, so I endured it.

The entire Chiyan Mountain has set up a forbidden space isolation formation, but this formation has no effect on Gu Xiangfei. Under the operation of his regular skills, the regular breath of the forbidden space isolation formation is integrated into his rules, and he flies to a mountain peak Next, break through the large formation protecting the peak, enter the interior of the mountain, and take out the formation flag at the top of the peak, “Boom…” There was a loud noise, two deep grooves appeared on the mountain, and the fairy veins were pulled out by the dragging formation , Throw it into the star bead.

The loud noise alarmed the disciples of this mountain peak, and they hurried out to check. The fairy veins of the mountain peak were taken away. Who did this? You are too brave! Hurry up and report to the Peak Master! The deacon took out the communication talisman to activate it, and with a sound of “Boom!”, a puff of green smoke came out of the communication talisman, which turned into shards and floated in the air.

“Not good. There is an air-forbidden isolation formation here. We have been assigned a formation here. Hurry up and go to Qianzheng Peak to find the immortal formation master.”

“Looking for an immortal master, hurry to the suzerain hall, the master of Qianzhen peak is in the suzerain hall.” Several deacons spoke incoherently, and the disciples didn’t know who to listen to, so they had to go separately to Qianzhen peak to find the immortal master , Some also went to the suzerain hall to report.

Gu Xiangfei had already arrived at another mountain peak, and there was another loud noise, the fairy vein was pulled out, and the deacon and disciples all ran out to check again, but the person had disappeared.

Gu Xiangfei took out the fairy veins of six peaks in a row, and was discovered at the seventh peak. The deacon finished dealing with the affairs of the mountain, and his mind was a little dizzy. Fluctuated, and then I saw a person holding an array flag continuously driving into the ground. After a few breaths, “Boom…” There was a loud noise, and two strong fairy veins were drawn out and received into the ring.

“Bold!” The deacon didn’t expect someone to be so arrogant, and even ran to the mountain to take away the fairy veins, and immediately sacrificed the fairy spear to bombard the figure. , arrived in an instant.

Gu Xiangfei’s top-grade fairy long sword turned into a blade screen and blasted against the gun light, “Boom…” The blade screen and the gun light collided, and the space twisted several times in a row, and several voids appeared Several void blades burst out from the crack, shooting towards the two of them.

Gu Xiangfei has long been experienced, and immediately sacrificed the fairy shield to block the void blade. The deacon and Gu Xiangfei knew that the person who stole the fairy veins was in the Luoxian realm just like him, and he might not be able to fight alone over him.

Seeing the Void Blade coming towards him, he hastily hit the Void Blade with a spear, trying to shatter the Void Blade, “Bang! Bang!” After several impacts, the Void Blade was not shattered, but his body The spear was cut into several sections.

Originally, there were no blades in the void, but after the void is broken, cracks will appear in the void, and the pressure of the entire void will come out of the cracks, and then form blades, these blades are several times stronger than the wind blades issued by the Immortal Emperor , not to mention his middle-grade fairy weapon spear, even the top-grade fairy weapon shield will be cut into several deep grooves. If there are many blades in the void, the top-grade fairy weapon shield will not be able to withstand it.

After Gu Xiangfei blocked the blade light in the void, the top-grade immortal long knife in his hand turned into a sea of ​​swords and blasted towards the deacon. The vast sea of ​​swords instantly submerged the deacon and turned him into a piece of debris.

Raising his hand to put away his ring, the long saber turned into countless waves of sabers, blasting towards the surrounding disciples of Chiyan Mountain.

These disciples are in the realm of Golden Immortal or Profound Immortal, not even in the realm of Immortal, how can they block this wave of sabers, after two breaths, these more than a hundred disciples who surrounded them were killed, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and waved Put away a bunch of their rings, dodge away from this mountain, and continue to the next mountain.

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