Destroy Red Flame Mountain

The disciple who reported the letter from Chiyan Mountain came outside the Zongmen Hall of Chiyan Mountain, and saw that there were no guards here. He originally wanted the guards to report to the peak master, but the fairy veins were taken away. Now there are no guards, so he had no choice but to Go in and report by yourself.

As soon as he stepped into the main hall of the sect, he activated the Void Strangling Formation. Countless saber glows hit him, and he was cut into pieces without even making a scream. The smell of blood spread into the main hall.

“Hmm! It smells so strong, who vomited blood?” One of the peak masters sensed it first, and couldn’t help asking, but then he thought it was wrong. It was because people were killed that the smell of blood was so strong.

The peak master hurriedly ran out of the main hall, and as soon as he reached the entrance of the main hall, countless sword lights slammed on him, “Ah!” He screamed, and hurriedly backed away, several deep bone wounds appeared on his body, His right arm was amputated at the elbow, and several fingers of his left hand were amputated, leaving bloodstains with every step he took.”Not good! The main hall has been set up with void strangling formations! Void strangling formations…” Qianzheng Feng, who led the party Qianzheng, shouted loudly.

The Void Strangling Formation is carved with void formation patterns. The formation patterns are carved in the void and arranged into a large formation. Those who do not understand the void formation patterns will not be able to find the foundation of the formation even if they break the formation, and they cannot be cracked at all. As a seventh-level The Immortal Array King has only heard of the Void Array, but has never seen the Void Array. Now someone has set up a Void Strangulation Array at the entrance of the main hall, and they will all be trapped here.

There was a sudden chaos in the hall, and the three suzerains were even more shocked. Could it be that the monks of the Holy Sword Sect came to kill them? The monk of the Holy Saber Sect came to the Suzerain Hall of Chiyan Mountain without a sound, and even set up a void strangle formation. This is obviously the first to strike first!

“Boom…” Some peak masters and elders of the Splitting Knife Sect sacrificed their long knives and blasted the roof of the hall, falling out of the stars in the sky.

“Boom…” The master of the Excalibur Sect and the elders smashed down the walls around the hall, and the scenery outside was unobstructed.

Seeing that his main hall was smashed, Chiye didn’t make a sound to stop him. Now that more than a hundred people are trapped here, he must find a way to get out! The main hall was shattered and can be rebuilt, as long as you can get out.

“Hahaha…” There was a burst of wild laughter. Twelve figures fell around the ruins of the main hall. Everyone’s aura was exposed. Twelve immortal monks surrounded them, ready to kill them all in one fell swoop.

“The monks of the Holy Sword Sect? You are the monks of the Holy Sword Sect, why do you trap us?” A peak master saw twelve monks in the realm of immortal kings, who else could they be except the monks of the Holy Sword Sect? Instead, he questioned.

“Haha… are you a pig? Since you are going to start a war with our Holy Sword Sect, you still ask why we trap you. We not only trap you, but also destroy your Chiyan Mountain, and then go to destroy Cracking Knife Sect and Divine Sword Sect, you all die now!” After Lei Yitian finished speaking, he raised his hand and punched a thunder gang.

With a sound of “Boom!”, the peak master who asked the question was hit by Lei Gang, and a blood hole the size of a bowl appeared in his chest, and a piece of scorched black appeared around the blood hole. The lightning attack method is really powerful.

“Everyone fought with them.” A peak master sacrificed a long knife and turned it into a hundred-foot-long sword glow, blasting it on the void strangle formation. Countless sword glows counterattacked back in an instant, and many monks in the hall hurriedly sacrificed their fairy shields.

“Boom…” There was a sound of the sword light hitting the shield, and there was a chaotic sound. After a few breaths, the sword light stopped, and everyone saw that several deep grooves were cut on their shields. It is estimated that the shield will be destroyed a few more times.

“Hahaha… Aren’t you very arrogant? You still need two-thirds of the supplies, and now you all belong to Chiyan Mountain.” Lei Yitian saw the group of trapped suzerains and peak master elders, Standing uneasy in this place with a big butt, shaking back and forth, unable to get out, I couldn’t help laughing.

Gu Xiangfei took the twelve peak masters and took away the fairy veins of the thirty-two peaks of Chiyan Mountain, and searched the Gongfa Pavilion, the Treasure Pavilion, the Mission Hall, and the entire Chiyan Mountain. , The deacons and stewards who were cultivated above the Xuanxian level were bombarded and killed by them, and only after they plundered a large amount of resources did they come to the main hall of the Chiyan Mountain Zongmen.

When Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall of the Zongmen of Chiyan Mountain, he saw that the main hall had been blasted into pieces. He felt that this scene was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. At that time, there were not as many monks in the Shenwei Temple, and his formation was not as powerful as it is now.

The monks in the main hall of the Chiyan Mountain Zongmen saw another young monk coming. This young monk seemed to be the leader of the Holy Sword Sect. When this young monk came here, he did not speak, and stood there with his eyes closed.

“Not good! He’s drawing void formations, and he’s going to activate the void strangulation formation.” Qianzhen Feng, the leader of Qianzhen, roared loudly, but no one could stop it.

The suzerains of the three sects and the elders of the peak masters only now know that this young man is the Immortal Formation King who arranged the void strangle formation.

Gu Xiangfei quickly finished drawing the activation pattern of the Void Strangling Formation, and then activated the Void Strangling Formation. After the large formation was activated, countless sword lights appeared instantly, and they bombarded the monks in the main hall non-stop. The monks in the main hall began to suffer casualties.

“Uncle Lei, send a message to the suzerain! We can go to the Cracking Knife Sect or the Divine Sword Sect.” Seeing that Chiyan Mountain was over, Gu Xiangfei thought about destroying the other two sects.

“What message! Let’s go and destroy the other two sects before we go back, so as not to send other brothers and sisters, let’s work hard and forget it, everyone thinks?” Lei Yitian knew that after sending the message to the suzerain, they said I want to change back, I just made a windfall, and there are still two sects waiting to search, the resources are more than Chiyan Mountain, how can other mountains be cheaper.

The eleven peak owners immediately agreed, “That’s right! It’s nothing if we work hard, and the suzerain is very busy, so don’t bother him.”

“Yes, yes, yes! Don’t bother the suzerain, we can just go for them, it’s nothing if we are all our own people.”

When these people heard Lei Yitian’s words, they didn’t know what he was thinking, but they were not familiar with Gu Xiangfei, so they were embarrassed to say these words, but Lei Yitian and Gu Xiangfei knew each other well! And Gu Xiangfei couldn’t refute what he said.

An hour later, the monks in the main hall of the Chiyan Mountain Zongmen were all slaughtered by the Void Strangulation Array. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the rings of the three suzerains, and then slapped the Void Strangulation Array pattern with a slap. Lei Yitian and the others went in to collect them. over a hundred rings, These rings are all the background of the three sects, each of them divided more than a dozen rings, and put away the rings happily one by one. Then a fire turned it into ashes.

Sacrifice the highest-grade fairy weapon spaceship, driven by a peak master, Gu Xiangfei came to the room of the spaceship, erased the restriction on a suzerain ring, and checked the contents with spiritual consciousness. There are more than 200 million high-grade fairy crystals, and nine-level fairy grass There are more than two hundred plants, dozens of jade slips, more than twenty jade boxes, a pile of high-grade ore, and ten high-grade fairy veins.

I don’t have time to organize these things now. I saw a lot of high-grade ores, so I sacrificed Xinghe to refine the flying fairy weapon and prepared it for Lei Yitian. Although this old man is a bit shameless, he is good to Gu Xiangfei, and he must do what he promised. do it.

He is now the King of Ninth-Rank Immortal Artifacts, all of which he refines are top-grade Immortal Artifacts, and there are a lot of high-grade ores in this pile, so he simply refined some top-grade Immortal Artifact spaceships.

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