Training in the Extremely Ice Cold Pool

When Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead, more than three months had passed outside, and he finally practiced the big cutting technique to the peak of Xiaocheng in the fairy world.

Now that he has the three great magical powers to open up the sky, as well as a divine sense attack method, his confidence is getting stronger and stronger. Gu Xiangfei guesses that even if he encounters an immortal king, he should be able to kill them.

After scanning the spiritual sense, I saw that the family members were practicing at ease. I remembered that the third senior brother said that he was practicing in Huangjiatian’s extremely cold pool. It happened that Yan Yixue had the root of ice spirit, so we could go there to practice together.

First, send a message talisman to the third senior brother, asking him if he has time to go to Huangjiatian’s Extremely Cold Pool. He is going to take Yan Yixue to the Extremely Cold Pool to practice.

After a while, the third senior brother sent a message saying that he can go tomorrow. He is exercising in Thunderstorm Valley, so he can go to him early tomorrow morning.

After the two made up their minds, they sent a voice transmission to Yan Yixue, telling her that she was going to practice in the Extreme Ice Pool, and asked her to prepare to leave the customs.

The next morning, Yan Yixue crawled out of Gu Xiangfei’s arms, the two tidied up, took out the spaceship to Shengdao Peak to pick up the third senior brother Che Yongan, and galloped to Huangjiatian.

“Senior Brother Third, what level have you reached in your exercise?”

The third senior brother Che Yong’an said excitedly, “Now I have cultivated to the fourth level. Your Qianyuan body training formula is really good. I am now in the realm of the fairy king. My previous physical body can’t keep up with my cultivation. I always defend my physical body first, for fear of hurting my body, now that I have practiced this Qianyuan exercise formula, especially after exercising in Thunderstorm Valley, I feel that my physical body is much stronger.”

“So fast? Already on the fourth floor? Then you have worked hard enough.”

Gu Xiangfei understands the pain of exercising. He is happy when he advances to the next level, but suffers when he is cultivating. Exercising is self-torture.

“I’m still slow. Senior brother and fifth junior brother are both on the fifth level of body training. That’s what they call pain.” pain.

While driving the spaceship, the two communicated about some small problems in cultivation. Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation is based on the rules and methods, and there are many small things that he didn’t understand. Now after listening to the third senior brother explaining to him, he suddenly realized that he had misunderstood. , it seems that in the future, I will often communicate with my seniors to make up for my shortcomings.

According to what the third senior brother said, it takes a month to fly to reach the extreme ice cold pool in Huangjiatian. Now Gu Xiangfei is a top-grade fairy craft spaceship, and the speed is many times faster than the middle-grade one. It took less than twelve days to reach the extreme ice cold pool. Tan here.

Kaka! There were a few crisp sounds, and then the spaceship of the best fairy weapon, click! There was another crisp sound, and it turned into slag, and the three of them hurriedly flew to the ground. It was indeed a cold pool of extreme ice, and the spaceship was shattered.

Click! The extremely high-quality fairy boots were cracked by the extreme cold, “I can’t go any further, or my bones will be frozen.”

While practicing his own skills, the third senior brother created a shield of immortal essence to block the invasion of extreme cold.

Gu Xiangfei’s body training formula moved forward for tens of meters, and then his regular exercises started to work, looking for the extremely cold regular breath, and prepared to assimilate this extremely cold rule and turn it into a part of his own rules.

Yan Yixue is an ice spirit root, she was not greatly affected by the invasion of the extremely cold aura, she continued to walk for about a hundred meters, stopped, and used regular exercises to assimilate the extremely cold regular aura.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular exercise captured a trace of extremely cold regular breath, and he ran the regular exercise to assimilate it. As soon as this extremely cold breath entered his meridians, his meridians were frozen and cracked instantly, and this extremely cold breath went smoothly. As his meridians invaded, Gu Xiangfei quickly swallowed a elixir, and speeded up the regular exercise. The medicinal power of the elixir began to repair the cracked meridians, and the regular exercise started to work, and the extremely cold breath slowly subsided. , no longer invade along the meridians.

two hoursA few days later, Gu Xiangfei let out a sigh of relief, and the rule-based kung fu method assimilated this extremely cold breath, and he cried out inwardly, it’s really dangerous! Almost frozen.

The three of them stood on the edge of the extremely cold pool, forming a straight line, with a distance of 50 to 60 meters between each person.

The third senior brother Che Yong’an saw that Gu Xiangfei had walked five or sixty meters further than him. He estimated that his body training formula must have reached the sixth level, so he couldn’t help but secretly admire this junior brother.

Seeing that Yan Yixue went even further, she sighed that this top-quality ice root is indeed more suitable for cultivation here.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei assimilated the extremely cold and regular atmosphere here, and now he can travel here freely, and there will be no more freezing and cracking of the meridians.

The operation rules and exercises were scanned with spiritual consciousness, and it was found that the area here is very large, half larger than the Holy Sword Peak of the Holy Sword Sect.

He was about to stop the regular exercises and wanted to practice the Qianyuan Body Exercise Jue. As soon as the regular exercises stopped, his consciousness was immediately frozen by the extremely cold breath, and he could only sweep to a distance of more than two meters in front, which was not as far as the naked eye could see. .

Such a powerful icy breath, if Xiaoxue’s ice-type supernatural powers have been cultivated to this level, the Immortal Emperor probably won’t be able to bear it, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but think secretly.

His consciousness no longer dared to sweep randomly, he stopped the regular exercises, ran the Qianyuan body training formula, and tempered his body, his whole body was immediately wrapped in icy cold breath, feeling that his clothes had been frozen together with his body, and the body in his dantian The celestial power continued to spread out, and the muscles and bones creaked, resisting the invasion of the cold breath.

Five days later, Gu Xiangfei felt that his whole body was able to withstand the icy cold breath. With the operation of the body training formula, his body reached its limit, and he was still a little short of breaking through to the seventh floor of the body training formula. He walked forward ten more About one meter away, his whole body was shaken suddenly, breaking through the seventh layer of the Exercise Art, and his muscles and bones instantly reached another high strength. The surrounding icy breath had no effect on him, and could no longer pose the slightest threat.

After letting go of the consciousness, it was cut off by the icy breath at about ten meters away. After the body was upgraded, the consciousness was also extended for a certain distance. If the consciousness is tempered here, the effect is probably more powerful.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei decided to give it a try. He has the elixir to repair his consciousness, so he doesn’t have to worry about his consciousness being destroyed by the icy breath.

Running the attack method of spiritual consciousness, constantly spreading outward, constantly being cut off by the icy breath, his sea of ​​consciousness is like a starry sky, so there is no need to worry about the loss of too much spiritual consciousness.

Twelve meters, thirteen meters, fifteen meters… As he continued to sharpen his consciousness to attack the method, his consciousness also slowly expanded outwards. Although it only expanded by more than one meter in a few hours, it was still considered made progress.

Another month has passed, and his consciousness has expanded to ten miles away. During this period, he took a few Xinghai pills to replenish the lost consciousness. For the rest of the time, he has been tempering his consciousness to attack the method.

After the third senior brother Che Yongan broke through to the fifth floor of the Body Exercise Jue, he walked forward for more than 20 meters and continued to practice the Body Exercise Jue. This place is more suitable for tempering the body than the Thunderstorm Valley. Although it is a bit cold, at least there is no need to worry about thunderstorms. The arc hit the head, and after the thunder arc hit the head, I felt my head buzzing instantly, and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t tell the north, south, east, and west.

Yan Yixue’s extremely cold ice blade has cultivated to a small level. Every time an ice blade is fired, it not only carries the icy breath, but also has a freezing effect. After practicing this kind of ice supernatural power, it has become many times stronger

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