: Black Wind Valley in Immortal Realm

A year later, all three of them advanced to the Body Exercise Jue, Yan Yixue and Gu Xiangfei both advanced to the eighth level of the Body Exercise Jue, and the third brother Che Yongan broke through to the seventh level of the Body Exercise Jue, which shows that the third brother Che Yongan’s spiritual root is also very strong good.

Not only did the three of them advance to the body training formula, Gu Xiangfei and the third senior brother also broke through a small realm. Yan Yixue actually broke through three small realms. It seems that her spiritual roots are more suitable for cultivation here.

Now that they have entered the interior of the extreme ice cold pool, there is still a lot of distance from the core of the cold pool. Gu Xiangfei will definitely be able to reach the core of the cold pool if he uses regular exercises, but he does not want to expose too much with the three senior brothers following him.

In the future, if he has the opportunity to come here again to visit the core of the cold pool, he reckons that there must be ice-type treasures in the core of the cold pool, otherwise there would not be an extremely cold pool here.

It has been more than a year since he came here, and he wants to go to the Ascension Hall to see if any family members have ascended.

So Gu Xiangfei sent them a voice transmission, planning to go to the Feisheng Hall to have a look, and then go back to the Zongmen to see if there is anything wrong.

The three of them sat on the spaceship, and the third senior brother was very satisfied with the results of this exercise. It took more than a year to break through to the seventh floor of the Exercise Art. Powerful, even the Thunder Tribulation of Dujie Xianjun can resist it.

The happiest person is Yan Yixue. Her ice-type supernatural powers are almost perfected, and her cultivation base has also broken through to the late stage of Xuanxian, and her body training formula has reached the eighth level. Long ago, I wished I could ravage Gu Xiangfei and vent my ecstasy.

It will take half a month for Huang Jiatian to go to the Feisheng Hall. Gu Xiangfei drives the spaceship and asks the third senior brother and Yan Yixue to practice to stabilize his cultivation. This superb fairy craft spaceship has six rooms, three at the front and three at the front and back. , in the middle is the cockpit, which can accommodate twelve people to practice.

The third senior brother gave him a jade slip map, and then went back to the single room in front to cultivate a stable cultivation base. Yan Yixue kissed Gu Xiangfei with charming eyes, and went to the back room to practice. Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue have not seen each other for more than a year. Being together, I felt a little itchy in my heart, being kissed by Yan Yixue again,Even more emotional.

It’s a pity that the spaceship can’t be driven without a human, otherwise he would have followed Yan Yixue to the back room, sighed, and drove the spaceship to Huang Jiatian bitterly.

Five days later, a spaceship came head-on. Seeing that their spaceship did not dodge, it directly ran into it. Gu Xiangfei hurriedly deviated from the direction to get out of the way of the spaceship. The two spaceships passed by each other. There were three blood-covered monks on this spaceship, who had obviously been dead for a long time, and the monk driving the spaceship had already passed out lying on the rudder.

It’s no wonder that he ignored me when he issued the warning. It turned out that he passed out, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to meddle in other people’s business. Life and death depend on fate, and saving lives might lead to trouble.

After the spaceship continued to fly forward for two days, another spaceship galloped towards it. After seeing Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship, it stopped slowly and waited for Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship to come.

“Friend Daoist, can you see a spaceship passing by? There are four people on the spaceship, all of whom are seriously injured.” Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship also stopped, and there were six monks on the opposite spaceship, one of them was a middle-aged monk, standing At the edge of the area, he clasped his fists together and saluted before opening his mouth to ask questions.

“I saw it two days ago, but I saw that three people died on the spaceship, and the pilot of the spaceship was also unconscious, and their speed was so fast that it was too late to chase them.” Gu Xiangfei did not tell the truth, if at that time He will definitely catch up if he wants to chase, but he doesn’t want to meddle in other people’s business.

“Thank you, fellow daoist, for letting me know. Farewell!” The middle-aged cultivator cupped his fists again, then nodded to the cultivator driving the spaceship. The spaceship quickly started to accelerate away, and galloped away in the direction Gu Xiang flew from.

Looking at their expressions, Gu Xiangfei didn’t see whether it was an enemy or a friend on the spaceship ahead. Although he was a little puzzled, he didn’t take it to heart and continued to drive the spaceship to the Ascension Hall.

This is already the Pingyu Tiantian Realm of the Lower Tianyu, and it is only three days away from Yuwantian where the Feisheng Hall is located. This is because he has the best fairy craft spaceship, otherwise he would have to fly for at least ten days.

There was a sudden wave of spiritual energy in front of him, and Gu Xiangfei immediately scanned it with his divine sense, and saw thousands of monks divided into two parts, and they were attacking each other. There were two kinds of clothing for these monks, one was gray and the other was blue. , the two sides were equally manned, and the fighting was fierce. Magical treasures and talismans flew around, and various attack methods bombarded each other. From time to time, monks were bombarded and killed, and some monks were pierced by talismans through their chests or heads, and fell to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei stopped the spaceship and took a closer look at the cultivation bases of these monks. They were all between Xuanxian and Zhixian. The six tallest monks were all cultivated by Luo Xian. , Void wind blades flew out from time to time, they were all blocked by the shields and armors of both sides, and it was inextricably fought for a while.

After watching for a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei turned the spaceship around, trying to bypass the battlefield. A cultivator in the realm of immortality, who was red-eyed, killed the cultivator who was against him, and slashed towards Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship. The hundred-zhang-long sword light came in an instant, and it was about to hit the spaceship.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped the light on the blade, and the light of the blade suddenly broke inch by inch, until it reached the immortal long knife of the monk, first the tip of the knife, then the blade, and then the handle, the monk was so frightened that he quickly let go Immortal sword, to avoid the consequences of the arm being destroyed, felt that his long sword had lost contact with his mind, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face immediately turned pale.

“Looking for death!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand again to kill the Supreme Immortal Cultivator. The Supreme Immortal Cultivator was so frightened that he quickly bent down and cupped his fists to salute, “I’m sorry, Senior, I lost my mind. Please spare me! I am willing to pay compensation.”

“Forget it, tell me why you guys started fighting?” Gu Xiangfei is not afraid of being tough, but he is afraid of people saying good things. Seeing that the most immortal cultivator sincerely apologized, he was moved with compassion. His mind has been severely injured. It is estimated that this life will end here, and he will not kill him again.

“Senior, we are from Pingyu Tianmofenggu, and we are fighting against Yuwantian Chixinghai sect. We in Mofenggu found a vein of fairy crystal. Chixinghai came to snatch our vein. Naturally, we have to protect it. The veins, so they fought.”

“Does Mofenggu still have a sect in the cultivation world?” After Gu Xiangfei heard about Mofenggu, he thought of Luo Sen, the deputy suzerain of Mofenggu. Tan Lindan, he also gave himself a lot of spiritual herbs.

“Yes, senior, there is our mother sect in Puli Continent in the cultivation world, and now there are a few monks who have ascended from the sect, all of them are from Mofeng Valley in the cultivation world.” The most immortal monk saw Gu Xiangfei and knew Mofenggu in the comprehension world quickly said that there are Mofenggu monks who have ascended from the sect.

“You take this elixir! Otherwise, you will stay in the realm of immortality forever in this life. Is there a monk named Luo Sen who ascended? He is the deputy suzerain of Mofeng Valley in the cultivation world.” Gu Xiangfei looked at In order to save face, Luo Sen took out a Soul Resurrection Pill and threw it to the Supreme Immortal cultivator.

The Immortal cultivator swallowed the elixir without hesitation, and the Soul Resurrection Pill melted in his mouth, immediately repairing his damaged mind. After a few breaths, the Immortal cultivator felt that his mind had completely recovered, and his spiritual consciousness was better than nothing Still improved before the injury.

He was overjoyed in his heart. He thought that this life would be over for him, but he didn’t expect that when he said the name of the sect, this senior actually gave him such a heaven-defying pill. He had never seen such a medicine. A medicine to restore the mind.

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