: Sect Contribution Points

Gu Xiangfei returned to Yuedao Peak, found Li Jingtian, and gave him a ring. Now Li Jingtian is already in the realm of celestial beings. Yuedao Peak’s fairy aura is extremely strong, and their cultivation speed is very fast.

Li Jingtian scanned the ring with his divine sense, and saw millions of top-grade fairy crystals, some top-grade fairy artifacts, and pills, which were enough for him to cultivate to the realm of the fairy king. He was overjoyed, and even more secretly grateful to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei distributed all the rings on his body to his family members. These things are enough for them to cultivate to the realm of fairy kings.

After distributing the rings, they came to the Holy Sword Peak again and rang the restriction of the third senior brother’s cave residence.

“Brother Gu, come in quickly.” Third senior brother Che Yongan opened the restriction and let him enter the cave.

“How is the third senior brother practicing recently? Have you gone out to practice?” Gu Xiangfei has passed through the Immortal King Realm now and wants to go out to practice. He asked the third senior brother if he has any plans to go to practice.

“I’ve been practicing, and now I’ve broken through to the third level of the Immortal King, hey! Junior Brother Gu has broken through to the Immortal King’s Realm? Amazing! Your spiritual root is good, and your cultivation speed is also fast, but you can’t blindly seek speed, you must also fight well The foundation, the foundation is solid, and it will be easier to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor in the future.” The third senior brother was very surprised when he saw that he had broken through to the realm of the Immortal King, and while admiring his spiritual root, he asked him to practice , it can be seen that the third senior brother really cares about him.

Of course Gu Xiangfei knows about laying a good foundation. He has cultivated in the star beads for hundreds of years, and he has a solid foundation. But only Yan Yixue knows about this. Even his two sons don’t know that he has the cheating tool of star beads. .

“Thank you for the guidance of the third senior brother. I want to go out for some experience. Is there any good place for the third senior brother?” Gu Xiangfei thanked the third senior brother for his kindness, and asked him where he went for training.

“Now with your help, who is willing to practice! Everyone is working hard to improve their cultivation, I think you should do the task, how much is your sect’s contribution point now?” the third senior brother said. What he said was a little depressed. He didn’t want to go to the practice when he had the resources, but the third brother was right. It was dangerous and hard to go to the practice. If he was not careful, he might lose his life. What is the point of contribution to the sect? thing?

“What are Zongmen contribution points? I don’t know!” Gu Xiangfei really didn’t know that there were Zongmen contribution points, and no one told him.

“It’s your identity jade card, take it out and have a look.” The third senior brother was a little speechless. It is said that Gu Xiangfei has contributed a lot to the sect, and he should have a lot of contribution points.

Gu Xiangfei quickly took out his identity jade badge, looked it over and over again, but didn’t see any contribution points.

“Hahaha…” The third senior brother burst out laughing when he saw his jade badge.

“Your contribution point is still zero, thanks to the fact that you are the master of Yuedao Peak, otherwise the law enforcement elder would have gone to you long ago.” The third senior brother pointed to the blank space of the identity jade card and explained to him the meaning of the identity jade card. usefulness.

Gu Xiangfei was a little depressed. Normally, he should have given him hundreds of thousands of contribution points to the sect, but his uncle was so happy that he forgot about it. Could it be that he still asked his uncle for contribution points? Forget it, go do the task yourself!

Third senior brother Che Yong’an sent him to the gate of the cave. Gu Xiangfei said goodbye to third senior brother and went straight to the mission hall.

After arriving at the mission hall, Gu Xiangfei saw on the array display screen that there were many missions, including searching for fairy grass, alchemy, tool refining, high-grade ore, and demon pills… In short There are many miscellaneous tasks.

Gu Xiangfei chose a task with the most contribution points to set up a seven-level defensive formation for a Xiuxian sect. This task is 100,000 contribution points.

“I want to accept the task of arranging a seven-level defensive formation.” Gu Xiangfei came to a window of the task hall and said to the female cultivator who sent and received tasks inside.

“Okay, let me register your array king jade card.” The female nun said to him in a very gentle voice.

“Uh! Do you still want the king’s jade card? I don’t have one! By the way, can I have this jade card?” Gu Xiangfei said as he took out a purple jade card and handed it to the female cultivator.

“Hmm! What kind of jade token is this? The Alchemy Formation Alliance looks amazing, but I’ve never seen this kind of jade token before! I’ll ask the senior deacon.” The female cultivator found the deacon with doubts, and the deacon looked at it. He had never seen the jade token in her hand, but the Pill Artifact Formation Alliance must belong to Shangtianyu, and it is normal that Zhongtianyu has not seen it.

Soon Gu Xiangfei took over the task, left the gate of the sect, sacrificed the immortal weapon spaceship, and flew to the resident of the sect.

The sect that needs to deploy a seven-level defensive formation is the Qingtian Sect, and its residence is also in the Huangya Tianyu, which belongs to the ranks of third-rate sects.

The Qingtian Sect recently made a fortune. Their disciples discovered a small celestial crystal vein. The Qingtian Sect, including the lord Du Kai, mobilized and fought for more than a month to dig out the celestial crystal vein.

The big sect looked down on this small fairy crystal vein, and the small sect and the small gang came up with the idea of ​​this fairy crystal. The Qingtian sect used to have a six-level defense formation, but now that they have fairy crystals, they want to arrange a seven-level defense formation. Formation to strengthen the protection of the sect, so the task was released in the task hall of the holy knife sect.

When Gu Xiangfei arrived at the Qingtian Sect, the suzerain Du Kai had already received a message from the mission hall of the Holy Sword Sect, and brought several elders of the sect with him., greeted him at the gate of the Zongmen.

“Is this the King of the Gu Zhen?” Du Kai asked when he saw that Gu Xiangfei’s costume belonged to the Holy Sword Sect.

“That’s right, you are Sect Master Du! The sect’s grand formation that you want to arrange is here!” Gu Xiangfei saw someone coming to greet him, and guessed it might be this timid Sect Master Du.

“Yes, I am Du Kai. The protective formation is here. Please drink a cup of fairy tea first, and then set up the formation.” After confirming Gu Xiangfei’s identity, Du Kai invited him into the sect for tea.

“You don’t have to drink tea. I’ll set up the big formation first, and you will feel at ease when you finish it early.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he took out the formation flag, flew into the midair, and began to continuously enter the formation flag around Qingtianzong. A large defensive array.

When Du Kai saw that Gu Xiangfei did what he said, he was overjoyed. Originally, he thought that when the formation king came, he would drink tea first, then drink fairy wine, eat some fairy fruits, and rest for a day or two before setting up the formation. , he is ready to use something to entertain the array king.

I didn’t expect that this king of Gu Zhen was different from other kings of formation. Everything was for the sake of their sect. He was naturally happy in his heart, and the elders were also overjoyed.

For Gu Xiangfei, the seven-level defensive formation is simply too easy, but it will take some time to deploy a seven-level defensive formation in the entire sect.

After a busy day and a half, Gu Xiangfei completed the layout of the seven-level defensive formation, handed the last formation flag to Du Kai and said, “Sect Master Du dropped the formation flag here, and the formation can be activated.”

Du Kai excitedly took over the formation flag, and immediately entered the position Gu Xiangfei said, and the formation suddenly, hum! With a sound, the entire sect was protected like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Du Kai was overjoyed with excitement, now the sect no longer has to worry about being coveted by those sect gangs.

“Thank you, King Guzhen, this is your reward, please accept it.” Du Kai excitedly took out a ring and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, which contained 100,000 fairy crystals.

“I don’t want the fairy crystals anymore. Just give me some ore. I need to refine the formation flag.” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand and pushed the ring away. He has too many fairy crystals, and now he needs some ore to refine the formation flag.

“Okay, okay, I’ll prepare right away, please wait for a while.” Du Kai was overjoyed. There are a lot of ores in their sect, and the refiner of that sect can only refine middle-grade ones. Immortal artifacts, a lot of ore was wasted, and a high-grade immortal artifact was not refined.

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