The Monster Clan Goes to War

Gu Xiangfei returned to the mission hall of the sect, and after handing over the mission, his jade badge showed 100,000 contribution points.

He checked again on the display screen of the formation in the main hall, and there was no one with more than 10,000 contribution points. He had just earned 100,000 contribution points, and he was not interested in some hundreds of thousands of contribution points.

There are many monks in the mission hall, and they are disciples from various peaks who come here to do missions, earn contribution points, and exchange for the resources they need.

“I heard that there is a riot in the monster area, and their demon king has changed. I guess they will start a war with our human race soon. At the beginning, the demon king Niu Sheng signed a non-aggression agreement with our human race. Now that he dies, the new comer The demon king will definitely overthrow the previous agreement and unite with other races to attack our human race, and the fairyland is in danger again.” Gu Xiangfei was checking the tasks on the screen, and a monk and another monk were talking in his ears.

“I don’t think the new demon king will do this! If they start a war with us, aren’t they afraid of being wiped out by our powerful human race? At the beginning, the immortal emperor of our human race was killed by the demon king Niu Sheng who voluntarily surrendered, and it was also Immortal Emperor Taiwei I can’t bear to do more evil, and according to the Immortal Emperor Taiyue, I directly wiped out the demon clan, so as not to leave future troubles.” Another monk’s words reminded Gu Xiangfei of what his son said, “Cut the grass without rooting out the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate.

This Immortal Emperor Taiwei is a bit kind, and Immortal Emperor Taiyue is a bit strong. In an instant, Gu Xiangfei felt that Immortal Emperor Taiyue was similar to him in character, and he remembered what his son said, that if he is not of my race, his heart must be different. The language of this earth is too good to describe.

After he heard about it, he didn’t take it seriously. He checked that there were no new missions coming out, and he didn’t pick up those small missions. He was going back to Moondao Peak.

“Hey! Junior Brother Gu, what are you doing here?” Gu Xiangfei heard someone ask him, turned around and saw that it was senior brother Leng Yuandong who had just come in from the outside.

“Let me see if there are any tasks that contribute a lot. Here are some hundreds of thousands of tasks. I am not interested in doing these tasks. I am going back to Moon Knife Peak. Why are you here, big brother?” Gu Xiangfei was a little surprised How did the senior brother come to the mission hall? He is the eldest disciple of the Holy Sword Peak and has great power.

“I’m here to find the deacon. He’s my old friend. It’s been a long time. Come and see him. Come with me! Let’s get to know each other.” The meaning in the elder brother’s words is that he hopes he can get to know more Friends, we can help each other in the future.

Gu Xiangfei thought about it for a while. Since the senior brother had good intentions, he couldn’t refuse. He doesn’t have many good friends. The main reason is that he has too many secrets and he doesn’t want others to know. If he has many friends, he will inevitably leak the truth.

So he nodded and followed the elder brother to the upper floor of the mission hall, the room where the deacon handles missions.

“Brother Liao, I see you’re here. Are you welcome? If you’re not welcome, I’ll go right away!” The senior brother didn’t even knock on the door. He opened the door and walked in while talking.

“Brother Leng is welcome when he comes. Well, who is this little brother? It’s a bit unfamiliar!” Deacon Liao’s face is a bit old, and he looks honest and honest.

“Oh! This is my junior brother Gu Xiangfei, a disciple of my uncle Wei, who is now the peak master of Yuedao Peak. Awesome! Except me in the Holy Sword Sect, who has such a junior? “Leng Yuandong was a little embarrassed, and showed off to Deacon Liao.

“Oh! I have seen Peak Master Gu. I have heard our peak master talk about Gu Peak Master’s deeds. I admire you.” Deacon Liao obviously heard their peak master talk about Gu Xiangfei, but they have never met each other. Today is still the same. The first time I saw him, even though he was a deacon, he still had to salute and greet the peak master.

“Senior brother Liao doesn’t have to be like this. There is no peak master here. I came with senior brother, so I followed the rules of senior brother.” Gu Xiangfei dodged Deacon Liao’s gift, and did not accept his gift, which was also for senior brother.

Senior brother saw that Gu Xiangfei gave him face like this, he was happy, and said, “Okay, brother Liao, according to what my junior brother said, here are all friends, there is no peak master, we are a private party, what are you busy with recently? ”

Deacon Liao glanced at Gu Xiangfei gratefully, smiled and said, “According to the latest news, there was a riot in the monster area. The old demon king Niu Sheng was attacked by several demon kings and fell. Our human race is going to war, the peak master has been notified of this matter, maybe the suzerain also knows, you have to be prepared, once the war starts, the human race in the entire fairy world will mobilize.”

“Oh! That’s it! That’s just right to kill the demon clan and snatch their fairy grass. I heard that they have a lot of resources there, and there are fairy grass everywhere. It’s just that they don’t know how to make alchemy, so the good fairy grass is wasted ” Gu Xiangfei only knew that the situation had developed to this point when he heard Deacon Liao’s words, and according to his guess, this big battle would definitely break out.

“The Yao Clan has now united with the Sea Clan, the Demon Clan, and the Lingzhi Clan. They have formed an alliance. This war is probably inevitable. Our Central Tianyu has already passed the news to the Upper Tianyu. I hope that there will be more from the Upper Tianyu. Immortal Emperor, our Immortal World is about to suffer a catastrophe.” Deacon Liao told them the really bad news with a serious face.

“Hiss… so many races, it’s a bit difficult to deal with! Let’s go first, and hurry back to practice. If we can improve our cultivation level, we will have a chance to save our lives.” The senior brother also knew the seriousness of the matter, and pulled Gu Xiangfei walked out without waiting for Deacon Liao to send them off.

“Junior Brother Gu, this battle will definitely be very tragic. You have to be careful. If you find that you can’t do anything, the most important thing is to escape. No matter how serious the sect’s affairs are, it is not as important as your own life. Without your life, everything is meaningless.” The senior brother came out of the mission hall and gave him some instructions, mainly to save his life.

“Thank you senior brother for reminding me. I know what to do. When the time comes, we will fight side by side and take care of each other.” Gu Xiangfei is very grateful for the words that senior brother told him, which means that he should not work so hard for the sect. It would be tantamount to treason if others knew what they were talking about.

After the two separated, Gu Xiangfei returned to the practice room of Moon Knife Peak, saw that Yan Yixue was still practicing, and quickly sent her a voice transmission to let her enter the star beads to practice. The elder brother was right, it can improve her cultivation a little bit, There are more chances to save lives.

After listening to Gu Xiangfei’s words, Yan Yixue immediately entered the star bead to practice. Gu Xiangfei took her two sons and parents into the star bead to practice. The others should practice outside first! When the time comes, there will be danger. After all, people are selfish.

Gu Yunhao and Gu Yunjie were stunned when they entered the star bead. The fairy aura here was as strong as rain and fog. They also saw that their mother and grandparents were also practicing here, and everyone’s cultivation base was gradually increasing. Find a place, sit cross-legged on the futon and practice.

Gu Xiangfei also entered Star Bead cultivation, and a warning array was set up outside, so that he could receive information from the outside world at any time so that he could respond in time.

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