Crossing Tribulation Immortal Monarch Realm

After the Second World War, more than half a year passed quickly. This time, the four major races gathered a million monks again, preparing to start the third war. The news came that the Yaozu promised a lot of money again. One race may not have been discussed yet, once the other races want to join the war, the major sects of the Central Sky Territory will definitely be mobilized.

More than a year has passed, and nearly twenty years have passed in the star bead, and Gu Xiangfei is about to break through the tribulation and break through to the realm of the fairy king.

Parents and two sons have now entered the Xuanxian realm, and Yan Yixue has also reached the eighth-level realm of the late Immortal King, and will soon break through to the Consummation of the Immortal King.

“Boom!” Nine washbasin-thick thunderbolts hit Gu Xiangfei’s body, his clothes were shattered, and his skin was as smooth as jade. Gu Xiangfei was a little speechless. Thick, this Heavenly Dao must be intentional, he has already planned in his heart, after he cultivates to the God Realm, he must go to Tiandao to ask him, if he does not give him a reasonable explanation, he will destroy this Heavenly Dao.

“Boom!” The second wave of nine washbasin-thick thunder arcs landed on him, and his regular kung fu was running to the extreme, wrapped in the breath of thunder arcs and fairy spirit energy, breaking through the realm of the fairy king in one fell swoop. The barrier, the aura that felt several times stronger than that of the Immortal King, spread out from his body to the surroundings.

This time, he did not go to Thunderstorm Valley, but chose to go to the place where his uncle crossed the robbery. He wanted to see if Tiandao deliberately opposed him. Why did he get different treatment when he crossed the robbery in the same place? Character problem?

His way of crossing the catastrophe is very strange. Others are concentrating on crossing the catastrophe, for fear of being accidentally killed by the thunder catastrophe. He came here to do experiments. After the last wave of thunder catastrophe passed, he waited for a long time. He didn’t come down either, and he was even more depressed, and couldn’t help but yell at Tiandao.

After scolding for a long time, Cai Lingyun still didn’t come down, so he had no choice but to leave depressed. He originally thought that with the help of Cai Lingyun, he could break through to the second floor of Xianjun, but now he was not given to him by the favoritism of Heaven.

Back in the practice room of Yuedao Peak, I didn’t enter the star beads, so I lay on the bed and prepared to sleep.

In the main hall of the Holy Saber Sect, there are now five more immortal emperors, a total of twenty-two immortal emperors, seventeen middle-stage immortal emperors, all of which are the effects of taking Dilan Pill, and five early-stage immortal emperors, all of whom are The elders and peak masters who have not broken through for a long time.

“Now the third war is about to start. I decided to hide my strength. What do you think?” Suzerain Wei Tianyun got the news that more than 20 demon emperors from the four major races died, and two people from the human race also died in battle. Famous immortal emperors, their Central Tianyu is not as rich in resources as the Upper Tianyu, and they have never enjoyed the resources of the Upper Tianyu, so let the immortal emperors of the Upper Tianyu fight first! People are selfish, we have never enjoyed resources, why should we let us work hard?

“What the suzerain said is very true. We have never enjoyed the resources of the upper heaven domain. It is very difficult to find them to refine the elixir. Either the lion opened his mouth, or he put forward extremely harsh conditions. Now it is difficult. Think of us. As long as we were kinder to us back then, we would have gone to help.” An elder of the Holy Sword Sect stood up and told about the faces of those people in Shangtianyu. Not being polite at all, the elders and peak masters of other sects also nodded in agreement, praising the master’s brilliant idea, after all, no one wants to die.

“Okay, then we will continue to hide, five junior brothers, this is Di Lan Dan, you can use it to practice, and strive to break through to the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible, and wait for the thirty-five peak masters of the Holy Sword Sect to break through to the middle and late stage of the Immortal Emperor It is the time when our Holy Sword Sect becomes famous, and this day will come soon.” Wei Tianyun took out five jade bottles, and each gave a bottle of Dilan Pill.

The five juniors thanked each other in unison, everyone was overjoyed. You must know that after breaking through to the realm of the immortal emperor, each breakthrough in a small realm would take hundreds of thousands of years. Can break through to the middle and late stages of Immortal Emperor.

The third war broke out. In this war, the four major races found the helpers of the Boulder and the Barbarian. Both the Boulder and the Barbarian dominated the fairy world with their infinite strength, but they were few in number and were not considered by the human race. The human race is most worried about the Yi people. These Yi people, who are born with extremely fast speed, are the biggest threat. I don’t know why the Yaozu didn’t contact the Yi people, or the Yi people don’t want to participate in this great war.

The Boulder Clan and the Barbarians rushed to the front. The monks of the Boulder Clan were more than ten feet tall. Each of them held a stone the size of a small mountain and bombarded the defensive formation with force. The height of the Barbarian Clan was about the same as that of the Boulder Clan.With an iron rod as thick as a washbasin in his hand, he continuously bombarded the defensive formation of Liangjie City, obviously wanting to blast away the defensive formation and enter Liangjie City.

The array mages rushed into the formation flags in a hurry to defend the formation. More than forty immortal emperors were divided into two groups to bombard and kill these boulder clans and barbarian clans. Human monks were also instantly killed against the Immortal Emperor, and they suffered heavy losses in just a few breaths.

These boulder tribes and barbarians can still charge for a while against the warriors. The immortal emperor uses supernatural powers and immortals. The monks who are more than ten feet tall can kill a piece of them with a single knife. Those small mountain iron rods are smashed. There were endless screams, some were cut in half, and some were blasted into pieces. A river of blood suddenly flowed outside the city of Liangjie, and there was also a lot of blood on the tall man.

The monster emperors of the four major races, seeing that the Giant Stone and Barbarian tribes were so careless, regretted bringing them over. Brute force is useless in a battle in the fairy world.

In less than half a stick of incense, these boulder and barbarian tribes were all killed. A few immortal emperors raised their hands and waved. After a few flames, a pile of fly ash was left on the ground, and the breeze blew past, leaving only the black and red land .

“Aww…” The monster emperors of the Jushi clan and the barbarian clan screamed in grief and indignation when they saw this scene. The two of them led more than 20 monster emperors under them, and crazily rushed towards the immortal emperor outside the city of the two realms.

More than 20 immortal emperors, all kinds of attacking immortal weapons in their hands, the blade light soared, and before these giants rushed over, they all blasted over with their magical powers.

More than 20 demon emperors also used their own methods to confront the immortal emperors. These demon emperors did not attack the method, but just waved their palms as big as millstones and slapped them randomly. The demon essence in their bodies burst out, which was also very amazing.

“Boom…” There was a loud noise! The space continuously cracked countless door-wide gaps, revealing a black void, and an immortal emperor was directly blasted into the gaps in the void.

“Boom!” Countless void blades shot out in a hurry, aimlessly cutting the monks in this space, land, rocks, regardless of enemy or friend.

Immortal emperors of the human race hurriedly sacrificed their shields and armors, and protected themselves first. Those giant boulders, barbarians, and monster emperors of the four major races were not so lucky, and they didn’t have shields and armors either. Relying on the physical body to resist these void blades.

“Boom…” Tens of thousands of void blades cut through these demon emperors and the shields of the immortal emperors. In an instant, these demon emperors, barbarian tribes, and giant stone tribes suffered heavy casualties.

After half a stick of incense, the cracks in the void slowly closed, no more void blades came out, and the distorted space stabilized. Three human immortal emperors were killed by the void blades, seventeen demon emperors died, and the boulder clan and barbarians all died. The entire army of the human race was wiped out. After taking the pill, the immortal emperor of the human race sacrificed various attacking weapons and blasted at the injured demon emperors who were missing arms and legs and were in a daze.

The rest of these demon emperors were blasted to death immediately. The remaining five demon emperors turned around and ran away.

In this battle, another great victory was won at a very small cost. Four immortal emperors of the human race died, all the demon emperors who came were bombarded and killed, and the entire army of the giant stone and barbarian tribes was wiped out.

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