conspiracy, conspiracy

The third war ended like this. The human race obtained dozens of demon emperor rings this time. Although they lost four immortal emperors, they gained a huge amount and made up for their own losses.

There were cheers and joy in Liangjie City. There are still forty-one immortal emperors, more than 300 immortal kings, and hundreds of thousands of monks in the realm of immortals and immortals in Liangjie City.

When the news reached the Holy Sword Sect, everyone was overjoyed. They didn’t need to go to the battlefield. Everyone was very happy. It would be best to wipe out the four major races, so they didn’t have to go.

It has been more than three years since the start of the war, and there is no peace every day. Every time there is a big victory, everyone will feel at ease for a while, take the opportunity to practice harder, wait for the news of another big war, and look forward to another big victory. It has been a while since I practiced with peace of mind.

After another half a year, there was still no movement from the four major races, and there was no news of the mobilization of their clansmen. Everyone thought that the remaining demon emperors might not dare to fight anymore. .

The immortal emperors of Liangjie City waited for another half a year. Seeing that they had no intention of fighting again, these immortal emperors began to return to the Upper Heaven Realm one after another.

After more than a year, the number of immortal emperors of the Holy Saber Sect has reached thirty-one. With such strength, it is also the number one sect in the Upper Heaven Realm.

Gu Xiangfei stayed in the Star Bead for another ten years. His cultivation level had risen to the fourth level of Immortal Sovereign, entering the middle stage of Immortal Sovereign, Yan Yixue broke through to the early stage of Immortal Sovereign, and his family members all broke through to the late stage of Xuanxian Sovereign.

The disciples of Yuedao Peak are basically in the Immortal Realm, and there are more than a dozen disciples in the Immortal Luo Realm, and everything is steadily rising.

Just when everyone thought that the four major races would not attack again, the four major races began to attack Liangjie City again. This time the attack was fierce, and there were still twelve demon emperors, and one of these demon emperors could beat two immortal emperors , still not down.

The fourth war broke out. This time, sixteen human immortal emperors were bombarded and killed one after another. Only one immortal emperor remained in Liangjie City. This immortal emperor was still seriously injured. Let the demon emperors retreat.

However, only three demon emperors died in this battle, and the human race suffered heavy losses this time. After receiving the news, Shang Tianyu quickly sent 20 immortal emperors to Liangjie City.

After these immortal emperors arrived, instead of defending, they directly attacked and killed the area of ​​the demon clan. Nine demon emperors fought against twenty immortal emperors, and they were evenly matched. After two days of fierce fighting, eight human immortal emperors fell. , five demon emperors died in battle, and in the end they fought inextricably, twelve immortalsThe emperor was even tied with the four demon emperors.

These immortal emperors and demon emperors finally made peace talks. In the future, both immortal emperors and demon emperors will not be able to play. Both sides swear an oath, and then send monks below the immortal emperors to fight.

When the news came, the Holy Sword Sect immediately became nervous. This time, it asked the monks below the Xianjun to participate in the battle. It is obvious that there are too many monks now, and the resources cannot be supplied. The cultivators fighting with the demon clan consumed part of the cultivators, but unfortunately those immortal emperors who died in battle were killed by other people’s schemes.

The suzerain Wei Tianyun summoned all the elders and peak masters in the main hall. Now the Holy Sword Sect has two more immortal emperors, reaching thirty-three.

“Everyone, what do you think of this battle? If we send disciples from the Holy Sword Sect to participate in the battle, it will cut off our retreat. You can talk about what you think.” Wei Tianyun thought about which peak disciple to send Go, no peak master is willing, this is obviously to let the disciples go to die, let everyone talk about it.

“Sect Master, although it is dangerous to go to the battlefield to fight, opportunities and dangers coexist. The sect’s disciples can’t just bury their heads in hard work, and it’s nothing to go out to experience it. We can ask them to fight with us every time they attack. The disciples of the Sword Sect are together, they are all from the same sect, and they will definitely take care of each other.” A peak master put forward his own opinion, and everyone nodded, expressing their agreement with his proposal.

“In fact, we can also let the disciples of the sect sign up voluntarily, so that we can see which disciples are struggling and which disciples are shrinking. In the future, the sect will also be able to select and train disciples.” A peak master proposed An opinion, everyone agrees with this proposal.

“Okay, then the Zongmen General Assembly will be held in three days. All the disciples of the sect who have reached the fairyland and above will all gather at the Zongmen Square. Every peak will be checked to see if the disciples are all present.” Wei Tianyun finally issued the order of the suzerain.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know about these things. He was still practicing on Star Beads, and he hadn’t heard about the news about the Fourth World War.

He didn’t take out the star beads until he was given a message talisman, crushed the message talisman, “Peak master, the suzerain orders, all disciples of the sect who have reached the fairyland and above, all gather in the square of the sect.”

Gu Xiangfei sent a voice transmission to Yan Yixue, asking her to come out, and also asked her parents and sons to come out. They didn’t reach the realm of the immortals, so there was no need to follow them.

“Peak Master, you have come out. There are 13,567 disciples of the most immortal realm in our Yuedao Peak, and 31 disciples of the Luo Immortal realm. Including the peak master and his wife, there are 13,567 disciples in total. Hundreds of people, the disciples have all assembled outside.” Luo Tiandu took out a jade slip and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, on which the names and cultivation levels of the disciples of Yuedao Peak were recorded.

“Thanks for your hard work, Deacon Luo, let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei was very happy that Luo Tian could keep such clear records.

“Sure, please, please, Ma’am.” Luo Tian said before leading the way, and walked out of the main hall of the Peak Lord.

On the square of Yuedao Peak, more than 13,000 disciples from the realm of immortality stood neatly, waiting for the peak master to come out.

Seeing that everyone was there, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and waved a huge spaceship, “Everyone come up! Let’s go to Zongmen Square to gather.”

On the square of the Holy Sword Sect, there are already disciples from various peaks who arrived earlier, one team for each peak, neatly arranged.

Gu Xiangfei landed on the spaceship, and the disciples of Moon Knife Peak came out in a single file. The disciples of all the mountain peaks were a little surprised to see so many disciples appearing on Moon Knife Peak. As a disciple of the world, he really had meat to eat with the good peak master, and everyone admired Gu Xiangfei.

Wei Tianyun didn’t expect that there would be so many disciples from the Immortal Realm on Yuedao Peak. They were stronger than when Wei Feng was there, and he had a gratified smile on his face.

After a stick of incense, all the disciples of the sect were present. There were probably millions of disciples, and there were not a few of them in thirty-six mountain peaks.

“We summoned our disciples to come here today to fight against the Yaozu. The sect will not force any disciples. Those who volunteer to go to the battlefield should sign up with the peak masters of each peak. After the order from the upper heaven domain comes down, follow the peak masters. Or the deacon will go to Liangjie City, all right, start signing up now!” Standing in the middle of the square, Wei Tianyun told the disciples the news loudly.

For a while, the disciples were talking about it, and some disciples who wanted to practice immediately signed up to participate.

The disciples of Moon Knife Peak used to go out to practice frequently. They didn’t have the resources before, and they relied on personal risks to snatch them. Although they have the resources now, they all know that they still have to practice when it’s time to practice.

Soon Gu Xiangfei was the first to finish counting the disciples of Yuedao Peak. There are more than 13,000 disciples, and there is no one who can’t say no.

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