Rushing to the City of Two Realms

“Uncle, there are 13,600 disciples of our Moon Knife Peak, and all of them are going to practice. This is the name of our disciples of Moon Knife Peak.” Gu Xiangfei handed the jade slip of record to Wei Tianyun.

“What? Go all? No, no, this is too much. You can go to Yuedao Peak in batches, and see how many people from the Upper Tianyu want us to go. If there are fewer people going, you should go to Yuedao Peak less. On the contrary, you can go more, let them go back to practice! These disciples are good.” Wei Tianyun did not expect that all the disciples of Yuedao Peak would go, and he was happy and relieved, which proved that these disciples were all positive, Everyone has a fighting spirit.

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the fairy weapon spaceship, and the disciples of Yuedao Peak boarded the spaceship, and Luo Tiandu drove the spaceship back to Yuedao Peak.

An hour later, the registration ended, and most of the disciples signed up to participate in this wildDuring the World War II, a small number of disciples were afraid of dying outside, and these disciples who did not sign up would have a hard time in the future.

Gu Xiangfei brought Yan Yixue to the Zongmen hall with his uncle Wei Tianyun.

“You two go together at that time! There’s no need to go both, with your brothers taking care of you, you two can rest assured.” Wei Tianyun sat down, looked at Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue, and said these words, It can be seen that he cares about them very much, he is mainly afraid that something will happen to Gu Xiangfei, even if a few elder peak masters die, he does not want something to happen to Gu Xiangfei.

“Everything is arranged by my uncle, but I still want to experience it. I don’t want to be a flower in the greenhouse. If I don’t experience wind and rain, how can I see a rainbow.” Gu Xiangfei casually said what his son said, he felt the language of the earth Too colorful, from time to time a few words will come out.

“Hmm! What do you mean by the flowers in the greenhouse, and how can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain? It’s really classic, and it’s so true.” Wei Tianyun was also interested in what he said.

Yan Yixue smiled slightly at the side, thinking, take my son’s words, come here to fool the suzerain.

Gu Xiangfei smiled triumphantly. It must be a classic. The language of the earth has never been heard in the fairy world. Some great supernatural powers are written in the language of the earth. It can be seen that the powerful people of the earth are all in the gods! People are more advanced.

“Okay! You can do whatever you want! But it’s important to go out to practice and save your life. I have two talismans here. You accept them, and you can save your life at critical moments.” Wei Tianyun took out a jade box and handed it to him.

“Thank you uncle! Then I’ll accept it.” Gu Xiangfei was very grateful for Wei Tianyun’s concern, this talisman could really save his life.

“It’s a pity that our sect doesn’t have a talisman refiner. Otherwise, each of our disciples would run away if they couldn’t beat one escape talisman.” Wei Tianyun sighed. There are very few talisman refiners in the fairy world. It was passed down many years ago.

“I also went to learn talisman refining, and then I found out that I don’t have the talent for talisman refining, so I went to learn alchemy.” Gu Xiangfei remembered that the escape talisman he refined back then was not as far away as he could escape.

“Alchemy is also very good. Without your elixir, our sect would not have so many immortal emperors. I am already in the middle stage of immortal emperors, and I will be able to advance to the late stage of immortal emperors in a few months, hahaha… …” Wei Tianyun became more and more happy as he spoke, and burst out laughing.

“Then when the Immortal Emperor reaches consummation, he can ascend to the God Realm?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t know how to ascend to the God Realm, so he asked Wei Tianyun to find out.

“For many years, no one has ascended to the God Realm in the Immortal Realm. I don’t know what went wrong. Many monks who have cultivated to the perfection of the Immortal Emperor can’t sense the call of the God Realm. Everyone is looking for a way out. It has been hundreds of thousands of years. I didn’t find it.” Wei Tianyun sighed, feeling a bit confused about the future, unlike the world of cultivation who can sense the aura of the fairy world after completing the tribulation period.

“Don’t worry, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge.” Gu Xiangfei casually said another word of earth.

“Well! There must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and a straight line for a boat to reach the bridge. This sentence is good. Who did you learn these words from? Hey! Are you in the late stage of Xianjun?” Gu Xiangfei’s words made Wei Tianyun feel It all made sense, and he couldn’t help but glanced at him with his divine sense, and suddenly found that Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation was about to break through to the Immortal Emperor, which shocked him, the speed of his cultivation must be too fast.

Gu Xiangfei felt that Wei Tianyun was checking himself with his spiritual sense, and he didn’t want to hide his cultivation, otherwise he could adjust his cultivation at any time by running regular exercises.

“Yes, I am currently on the eighth floor of the Immortal Monarch, and Xiaoxue is at the early stage of the Immortal Monarch. If she had practiced in the Extreme Ice Cold Pool, she would have surpassed me long ago, and would have broken through to the Immortal Emperor.” Gu Xiangfei told the truth, Yan Yixue’s spirit Roots are stronger.

“Ah! So fast? This top-grade spiritual root is indeed blessed by nature, the darling of heaven.” Wei Tianyun was even more delighted when he knew their cultivation base. Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation base is the highest, the less danger, the safer.

After bidding farewell to Wei Tianyun, Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue returned to Yuedao Peak. The two of them didn’t go to practice. After so long, they missed each other very much, so they went directly to the bedroom and started a big fight.

The transfer order from the Upper Heaven Region has finally come. There are eleven major sects in the Central Heaven Region, and each sect has 20,000 disciples. The second-rate sects below have 10,000 disciples, and the third-rate sects have 5,000 disciples. , rushed to Liangjie City within a month.

Wei Tianyun distributed the thirty-six peaks evenly. Gu Xiangfei didn’t care how many people went to the other peaks. His Yuedao Peak went to six hundred disciples. More than half of the fairy pulse was given to Yan Yixue. He didn’t know how long he would go this time. The resources left behind were enough for his family members to cultivate to the level of Immortal Emperor.

In the square of the Holy Sword Sect, more than 20,000 disciples gathered. The suzerain Wei Tianyun gave him some instructions. It will break through to the Immortal Emperor.

Ping Yuesheng sacrificed the immortal spaceship, and more than 20,000 disciples entered the spaceship. The spaceship vibrated slightly, soared into the sky, and galloped towards Liangjie City with a roar.

Each of the thirty-six peaks is led by disciples or deacons sent by the master of the peak. The fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue led the team at Shengdao Peak, and the eighth senior brother Lin Xing also followed. The other senior brothers and sisters did not come. Feng is led by Lei Yuxuan’s younger brother Lei Yuyang.

These people all knew Gu Xiangfei, so they were naturally happy to meet each other. They sat together and talked about the great war.

“I estimate that this war will take a long time, and it won’t end in decades. It’s just a matter of time for the disciples to come out to experience it. We can send disciples to experience it in rotation, for example, once a year.”The fifth brother Zheng Kaiyue sat down and put forward his own point of view.

“Senior brother Zheng is right. Although Shangtianyu intends to consume us, it is also an opportunity. It may not be a good thing to seize the opportunity.” Lei Yuyang first expressed his agreement with the words of the fifth senior brother.

“I think so! Don’t be so optimistic, everyone. It’s best to go to Liangjie City and ask the disciples to buy a few escape talismans. In case the demon emperor suddenly makes a move, at least he can escape for his life.” Lin Xing Yes, what he said at the critical moment can still grasp the key points.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart trembled. If this is true, it is really possible. Although the two parties made an oath, but both the Immortal Emperor and the Demon Emperor acted at the same time. If you kill my people and I kill your people, the oath will be broken.

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