Exposing the Conspiracy

Gu Xiangfei thought of this and said, “Eighth Senior Brother said that we must guard against it. I suggest that the disciples or deacons who lead the team should take this matter as the most important thing at present, and let the disciples prepare more escape talismans. Think about it, everyone, if the two parties make an appointment…”

Fifth senior brother Zheng Kai heard more and more that it was possible. Originally, this battle was to consume a large part of the disciples, and let them and the Yaozu disciples fight each other.

“Not good!” Gu Xiangfei stood up suddenly, and ran to Ping Yuesheng who was driving the spaceship, “Uncle Ping landed on the spaceship quickly, quick! Quick! Quick!”

Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s eagerness, Ping Yuesheng didn’t ask why, and immediately landed from the spaceship, and only asked when he got to the ground, “What’s the matter, Nephew Gu?”

“It’s like this…” Gu Xiangfei told Ping Yuesheng what he guessed.

At this time, the fifth brother Zheng Kaiyue and the others also came over. When Gu Xiangfei stood up and said it was not good, Zheng Kaiyue knew why, and he was very relieved. Brother Gu was able to draw inferences about this matter. This is a real growth up.

After hearing what Gu Xiangfei said, Ping Yuesheng immediately felt that it was also possible. If the two parties made an appointment to attack the spaceship at the same time, they would definitely succeed. The people on the ground were scattered, and the target was too big to sneak attack. The spaceship would be different. The monks are all gathered together, they can easily destroy the spaceship and kill all the monks.

He immediately called all the leading disciples and deacons, and held an impromptu meeting.

Gu Xiangfei took out the communication beads and sent a message to Liang Pingan. He thought that Liang Ping’an was a good person, and he didn’t want him to die under the conspiracy of others before entering the battlefield.

The communication beads turned on, and Liang Ping’an’s voice came, “Brother Gu, what’s the matter? Where are you? We are on our way to Liangjie City.”

Gu Xiangfei heaved a sigh of relief. He guessed that Liang Ping’an would definitely participate in the battle this time, and he guessed correctly, so he told Liang Ping’an his guess. As for whether their sect listened to it, it was none of his business. It is estimated that Liang Ping’an will listen to him and leave the spaceship alone or with Mo Yanlong.

On the spaceship in Lonely Valley, Liang Ping’an was joking with Mo Yanlong and his fellow disciples who had a good relationship. Suddenly his communication bead lit up. Seeing that it was Gu Xiangfei’s message, he immediately went back. After a while, the communication bead lit up again. When Gu Xiangfei’s voice came, the disciples next to them were startled.

Liang Pingan immediately found the uncle leading the team, and told Uncle Lu Feiqiu what Gu Xiangfei said. His uncle got off the spaceship immediately after hearing this, and asked Liang Pingan to contact Gu Xiangfei where he was. They went there with the disciples of the Holy Sword Sect. He doesn’t believe that there are too many people and there are still people who dare to sneak attack.

The two sides soon got together, and Ping Yuesheng and Lu Feiqiu were also familiar with each other. After meeting each other, Lu Feiqiu thanked them for reminding them.

The two immediately sent messages to other friendly sects, and Lonely Valley Lu Feiqiu sent a message to Lian Yutang, a friend of Miaochengtian Shenfu Sect.

Ping Yuesheng sent a message to Luo Yangquan of Xiaomang Tianbi Haizong, asking for their location.

Luo Yangquan quickly sent him a message, and Ping Yuesheng immediately told him about it and asked them to gather here.

There was no response from Lu Feiqiu’s communication bead. After more than an hour, his communication bead lit up, and he hurriedly opened it. Lian Yutang’s voice came from inside, “We were attacked by surprise. I just escaped with the escape talisman. Be careful, some demon emperors are attacking our sects.”

Lu Feiqiu and Ping Yuesheng were shocked after hearing the message from Lian Yutang. Gu Xiangfei and the others guessed the matter. Lu Feiqiu cupped his fists and saluted Ping Yuesheng, “Thank you, Brother Ping, for saving your life.”

“Junior Brother Lu, why are you being polite? We are now a friendly and cooperative sect. We should, we should.” Ping Yuesheng said yes, but he was overjoyed. This time, Lonely Valley owed them a big favor from the Holy Sword Sect. .

Liang Ping’an and the others were also shocked when they heard that the Divine Talisman Sect was attacked. Thanks to Gu Xiangfei’s reminder, otherwise they would have ended up in the same way in Lonely Valley. Thanks again to Gu Xiangfei.

After waiting for another two hours, a spaceship landed. Luo Yangquan brought some peak masters and deacons of Pihaizong to greet each other with Ping Yuesheng. At that time, they were all shocked and thanked Ping Yuesheng for his reminder.

The peak masters led by the three sects immediately decided to form an alliance. More than 60,000 disciples from the three sects gathered together, and the momentum was so great that the Demon Emperor would not dare to attack them openly.

Three large spaceships soared into the sky, and after flying side by side for five days, they landed outside the City of Two Realms.

After Ping Yuesheng, Lu Feiqiu, Luo Yangquan and Emperor Tai’an, the city lord of Liangjie City, were assigned to the south of Liangjie City, theThe location is on the side of the Yaozu area, not the main direction of attack. It seems that Immortal Emperor Tai’an is not bad to them.

After arranging the disciples, Lu Feiqiu contacted Lianyutang again, planning to buy the escape talismans of their Divine Talisman Sect, the more the better, after all, the Divine Talisman Sect is famous for their talismans, so it is no problem to supply hundreds of thousands of talismans to their three sects of.

Lian Yutang responded to the message very quickly this time. He has already returned to the sect and reported the surprise attack to the suzerain. The suzerain of the Shenfu sect was furious. Send a message to the major sects in Zhongtianyu to make them be careful that this is a conspiracy.

The news quickly spread to all the major sects in Zhongtianyu. Those sects that had not set off immediately stopped their departure, and some sects that had just set off were also called back.

Just when everyone was angry, there was news that three sects were attacked. These three sects could not contact the peak master who had already set off. After waiting for another two days, they still could not get in touch. They sent their disciples out to check. I saw traces of flames, but nothing else.

On the other hand, there are more surprise attacks on the monster race. Fortunately, these monster races are not as smart as the human race. They thought it was the immortal monks of the human race who were attacking them, but they didn’t expect it to be the immortal emperor.

The major sects of Shangtianyu have also been transferred, and they were also attacked, but the leaders of Shangtianyu are all immortal emperors, so the loss is not big.

The entire fairy world is now discussing this matter, so that the things that were originally negotiated were exposed at the very beginning. Both the immortal emperor and the demon emperor simply tore up the agreement, revoked the oath, and started a big war to see who can destroy the other. To attack clearly.

The loss of the four major races is only the demon emperor. The monks under the demon emperor did not lose much. Even after being attacked, there are still a large number of demon monks. Tens of millions of monks gathered to attack the Two Realms City.

Right after the start of the war, the Two Realms City was in jeopardy. The monks from the four major races surrounded the Two Realms City and violently bombarded it.

Immortal Emperor Tai’an, the city lord, immediately ordered the disciples of the various sects to go up to the city wall to resist. The Holy Sword Sect, the Lonely Valley, and the Pihai Sect were just to the south. , One after another sacrificed the attacking fairy weapons in their hands, using the demon element to activate, the sword light, spear light, and stick light formed a large blade light and blasted towards the city wall, preparing to smash the city wall and enter the city of two realms in one fell swoop.

The disciples of the sect on the city wall also sacrificed their shields to protect themselves first, and the attacking fairy weapon in their hands also burst out a large blade of light, which collided with the blade light blasted by the opponent.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise! The space was distorted several times in a row before being shattered, and a void crack several hundred feet wide appeared. A gap suddenly appeared in the void, and the suppressed void immediately formed a large blade light, which swarmed out of the crack. The longest blade light was enough to Tens of feet long and wide, bombard people or things in this space without distinction.

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