The First Big Victory

“It’s not good, everyone form a group and block it with shields…” Before Gu Xiangfei could finish his sentence, the blade light from the void blasted over.

“Bang bang bang… bang bang!” There was a loud noise, and the disciples of the sect used their shields to form small groups when they heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, but the defensive array on the city wall couldn’t bear it, and they were directly bombarded. The formation was broken, and the city wall collapsed.

These disciples of the sect quickly flew to the ground, and the city wall collapsed with a hole tens of feet wide. The monster monks outside were not so lucky. They did not have the defensive array of the city wall to block them. No matter who it was, the indiscriminate bombardment immediately caused heavy casualties to the monster monks. More than half of the hundreds of thousands of monks were killed by the void blade light, and even those who survived suffered some injuries.

While you are sick, I will kill you! Gu Xiangfei suddenly thought of this sentence, the situation here is too suitable, the best fairy weapon in his hand, the long knife, the light has skyrocketed, and the sky knife of the holy hand eight knives is most suitable for this kind of group killing.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei go out, the other sect disciples also sacrificed their attacking weapons one after another, blasting and killing those monster monks.

Countless sword lights shrouded the space like a sky curtain, and his immortal monarch’s cultivation base exploded, and the sword lights even scratched a few fine lines in the space.

“Boom!” All the monster monks within the range covered by the sky curtain knife were cut into pieces, and the monster blood quickly gathered into a small pond like a small river.

Liang Ping’an saw that Gu Xiangfei’s sword had killed at least a few thousand monster monks. He was a little dazed and muttered to himself, “So he is so powerful?”

The disciples of other sects were also stunned by Gu Xiangfei’s killing power. When Ping Yuesheng saw Gu Xiangfei’s holy hand eight knives, he also sighed. Many disciples of the sect had practiced the holy hand eight knives, and no one was as overbearing as Gu Xiangfei.

After using the Sky Curtain Saber several times in a row, after killing tens of thousands of monster monks, a monster stopped him, and the half-moon halberd in his hand brought out pieces of halberd light to kill him. Gu Xiangfei punched the halberd light with his left hand, and punched the halberd light with his right hand The long knife blasted at other monster monks with a thousand-foot-long blade light.

The shattered halberd light from the killing momentum brought by the fist hit the monster’s head, and the half-moon halberd in the monster’s hand turned into a thick halberd light again, facing the punching fist, wanting to use the halberd light to bombard it. Fist of Flying Valley.

Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness turned into a thorn, and first gave the monster’s sea of ​​consciousness a hit, and the monster yelled “Ah!”, threw away the half-moon halberd, and just hugged his head with his hands, “Boom!” Gu Xiangfei punched him. Blast into a blood mist, raised his hand to roll up his ring, and picked up his half-moon halberd.

This battle ended with hundreds of thousands of monster monks being bombarded and killed. The remaining monster monks were less than a few thousand and fled the battlefield.

The disciples of various sects began to clean the battlefield. Thanks to Gu Xiangfei’s reminder, there were also city wallsWith a large defensive formation and the shields of the disciples, there were only a few disciples casualties, and they were not disciples of the Holy Sword Sect.

However, many disciples were injured, and most of them were slightly injured. Those seriously injured all died.

After a few breaths, all the disciples returned to the city of Two Realms, and the city wall was quickly repaired. Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag, and re-arranged a nine-level defensive formation on the south wall, a nine-level trapping and killing formation. A formation flag falls, big formation, hum! is excited at once.

Liang Pingan stared blankly at Gu Xiangfei, and was even more shocked, “So he is still the king of the ninth-level formation? This person compares himself to others, and he is so pissed off!”

After arranging the formations on the city wall, Gu Xiangfei began to draw void formations again, preparing for the next attack.

Now he can already draw eighth-level void formation patterns, but he has not practiced void formation patterns recently, otherwise he would have been promoted to ninth-level void formation patterns.

Of the four walls, only the south wall has no Immortal Emperor, and the other three walls are protected by Immortal Emperors, obviously to consume the strength of their three sects. Although Ping Yuesheng, Lu Feiqiu, and Lian Yutang were angry, they did not dare to fight with them. The Immortal Emperor argued, so he had no choice but to hold his breath in his heart. Fortunately, they had Gu Xiangfei, the ninth-level formation king, which made them feel at ease.

The monster clan’s first siege was repulsed, and both sides suffered losses, but the side that attacked the city suffered more. After all, there was a large defensive formation to protect it, and the immortal emperor blocked the big wave’s attack, so the human monks did not suffer much.

In the City Lord’s Mansion of Liangjie City, six immortal emperors sat here to discuss today’s battle.

“I didn’t expect that the south could be defended. Hundreds of thousands of demon clans were almost wiped out. It seems that the three Zhongtianyu sects are quite strong.” The Immortal Emperor sitting on the left showed a surprised expression.

“I heard that there is still a formation king in their sect, and the smashed city wall has been repaired, and a formation has been arranged. I have asked Zeng Baoxian to check it out.” The immortal emperor sitting on the right took a sip of fairy tea , put down the teacup unhurriedly, as if he had a plan in mind.

A sound transmission talisman stopped in front of the Immortal Emperor on the right, and the Immortal Emperor stretched out a finger and clicked on the sound transmission talisman, and a voice immediately came from inside, “Master Yuanzai Immortal Emperor, I just checked their big formation, it is a There is a ninth-level defensive formation, and there is a ninth-level trap formation, and there is another large formation in the space here, which seems to be a void formation, I can’t see it.”

“What? Void Formation? I’ll ask Zhou Formation King to check it out right away.” The Immortal Emperor on the left exclaimed, immediately took out the communication bead and clicked it, sending a message to Zhou Formation King.

“If there really is a Void Formation, then we made a mistake this time, the Void Formation! Even King Zhou has only heard of it, but has never seen it. We should make friends with this sect.” The Immortal Emperor sitting on the right , with a regretful expression on his face.

“It’s not confirmed yet. We will re-plan after Zhou Zhou’s formation is confirmed.” The Immortal Emperor sitting next to him put forward a new suggestion. They all know how powerful the formation king can arrange the void formation. What’s wrong with God? If you are trapped by the void formation and still fall, the main reason is that the void formation is impossible to defend against. If you are trapped by the void formation unknowingly, the only way is to self-destruct, and then the soul escapes from the formation. , then wait for death.

While several immortal emperors were discussing this matter, an old man with white beard and hair came to the City Lord’s Mansion with a very excited expression on his face.

“Who arranged this large void formation? I checked carefully, and it was really a large void formation. Although I don’t know what it is? What level of formation? But it must be a large void formation. Teacher, learn to draw void patterns.” The white-haired old man impatiently asked these immortal emperors as soon as he entered the city lord’s mansion.

After hearing the white-haired old man’s words, several immortal emperors immediately stood up, and each of them wanted to go out with excited expressions.

“Wait! If we go like this, do you think people will pay attention to you? Use this place.” Sitting in the middle, Immortal Emperor Tai’an pointed to his head and gestured to the five immortal emperors who were in a hurry to leave one time.

“Don’t worry about it now. Since they are here, it will take some time before they can switch back. When the monsters come to attack the city next time, let’s send someone to see if this Void Formation can work? What is it? Void formation? How many levels of formation? You have to figure it out before discussing it. There are benefits for everyone. I hope everyone will not spread this matter and let other people take the lead.” This Immortal Emperor Tai’an was indeed Old and cunning, he will not scatter eagles when he sees rabbits.

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