Large Immortal Crystal Mine

Gu Xiangfei walked to the edge area, operated the regular exercises, and felt the regular breath here, and the rules in this area immediately entered into his regular exercises, and the regular breath, which was smaller than a trace, was felt by his regular exercises. The speed of the regular breath was too fast, and before it could catch it, it entered his body and disappeared.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart trembled, and he continued to circulate for a few more weeks. This tiny trace of regular aura still disappeared at an extremely fast speed, and he couldn’t catch it at all, let alone assimilate it.

“Everyone back up, whoever catches a monster?” Gu Xiangfei ordered, these Yuedao Peak disciples obeyed him blindly, without asking why, they immediately retreated a hundred feet.

One month, the Dao Peak disciple grabbed a low-level monster and handed it to him.

Gu Xiangfei grabbed the low-level monster, and suddenly spit out the celestial power in his hand, and the low-level monster was thrown thousands of feet in front of him.

After this low-level monster landed, it improved its cultivation at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few breaths, it reached the realm of the demon king, and then slowly improved its cultivation. After reaching the late stage of the demon king at noon, it stopped improving. The bloodline of the monster cannot allow it to advance to a higher level of cultivation. Just when everyone was surprised, the monster king stood up and wanted to leave here. His realm quickly fell, and fell back to the original realm after a few breaths.

This low-level demon beast sits down and its realm rises rapidly. This time it directly ascends to the late stage of the demon king. Even if the demon king was sitting, he was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than half a stick of incense, the demon king’s lifespan was exhausted and turned into a corpse. The corpse turned into a piece of fly ash in less than two breaths, scattered on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiangfei knew that all the sect disciples who entered here were finished. The disciples of more than a dozen sects, tens of thousands of monks, and dozens of immortal kings and lords all fell here. Lure them in here, die with them.The expressions of the disciples of Moon Knife Peak changed drastically, and they retreated another hundred feet. Thanks to the peak master for telling them to stop, otherwise they would all have stepped into the back path of the monster and fell here.

Gu Xiangfei took out the communication talisman and sent a message to Ping Yuesheng, asking for his location. He didn’t see any disciples of the Holy Sword Sect entering here just now. He didn’t know if other places could also enter here. Be lured in.

Soon his communication bead lit up, and he hurriedly opened the communication bead to check the message inside. The reason why Gu Xiangfei sent out the message talisman instead of using the communication bead was because he was worried that Ping Yuesheng would not be able to see the message from the communication bead, which would delay the time. The communication talisman will stop on top of Ping Yuesheng’s head, so he can see it clearly.

The message from the communication beads said that they were confronting a group of monster kings and monarchs, and they were going to bombard and kill these monster monks with all their strength.

Gu Xiangfei was shocked when he saw it. This was another tactic of the demon clan to lure the enemy. He planned to let these demon kings and kings die with them. However, the loss of the monster clan was relatively small, while the loss of the human race was too great.

Another message talisman was issued, telling Ping Yuesheng that this was a trick of the Demon Emperor, and he must not chase and kill the Demon King and Demon King who entered it, otherwise they would perish if they entered it, and there would be no way to escape even if they wanted to escape.

The three sects of Holy Sword Sect, Lonely Valley and Pihaizong joined forces to attack the Yaozu area, and other well-connected sects also joined forces to prevent accidents. The human monks formed a fan shape and attacked the Yaozu on a large scale.

Ping Yuesheng, Lu Feiqiu, and Lian Yutang led the disciples from their respective sects. After entering the Yaozu area, they marched forward triumphantly and killed many monks from the four major races. The harvest was huge. The disciples fought bravely and chased The monster monks came to the source of infinity.

Looking at the dozen or so demon kings and lords in front of them, the disciples of the three sects were about to kill them in one fell swoop. Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang also used the immortal energy to urge the immortal weapons in their hands, and the blade light soared.

Ping Yuesheng has never revealed the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor. The monster clans in front are not worth his shot. Although their three sects are separated, there are more than 40,000 disciples here.

Suddenly a communication talisman appeared above his head, he raised his hand to crush the communication talisman, and Gu Xiang Feifei’s voice appeared, asking for their location.

Soon Gu Xiangfei’s second message talisman came again, and Ping Yuesheng and the others were shocked when they heard the content of the message talisman.

At this time, some disciples of the sect had already bombarded those demon kings and monarchs. Tens of thousands of immortal yuan blasted past, and even the immortal emperor would be bombarded. When he came over, he pretended to be invincible, turned around and retreated, Ping Yuesheng hurriedly stopped the disciples who wanted to chase and kill them.

All the disciples looked at Ping Yuesheng with some doubts, why didn’t he let him be hunted down? There are many good things in the rings of these monster kings and monsters!

Ping Yuesheng ignored the doubtful gazes of these disciples. He was sending a message to Gu Xiangfei to meet them.

After half a stick of incense, Gu Xiangfei brought the disciples of Yuedao Peak to the edge of Endless Source. Ping Yuesheng hurriedly asked, “Nephew Gu, tell me what’s going on here?”

Gu Xiangfei told Ping Yuesheng and the others about the void cracks he saw in the space that he recovered quickly, which was a little abnormal, and he experimented with monsters.

Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang immediately asked the disciples to catch a low-level monster and throw it into the source of infinity. The situation of the monster was indeed the same as what Gu Xiangfei said.

Everyone was shocked. If they went in, tens of thousands of disciples would soon fall inside. They clasped their fists and bowed to Gu Xiang, thanking him for saving his life.

“You can’t enter here. Let’s put up warning signs around and go to other areas.” Ping Yuesheng quickly made a decision, and Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang also nodded in agreement.

After leaving this area, Ping Yuesheng and the others would not let Gu Xiangfei leave without saying anything, and Gu Xiangfei followed them at ease.

The area of ​​the Yaozu region is huge, not much smaller than the Thirty-Three Heavens in the Immortal Realm. These regions are all connected together, unlike the Thirty-Three Heavens in the Immortal Realm.

In this large-scale attack on the Yaozu area, almost all the sects in the Thirty-Three Heavens Region of the Immortal Realm sent their disciples to participate. They all knew that the Yaozu area was rich in resources, so they joined the ranks of looting one after another.

With Ping Yuesheng and their warning signs, many disciples of the sect did not enter the source of infinity, but there were also monks who had previously hunted down the monsters and entered the source of infinity. The fate of these monks can be imagined, Gu Xiangfei saw It is only one of the group, and there are several groups of human monks who have already entered.

After chasing and killing for half a month, the disciples of the three sects had losses, but the losses were small, but the gains were huge. All kinds of fairy grasses, fairy fruits, high-level ores, when killing a group of demon kings The disciples of the three sects were overjoyed and stopped chasing and killing the monster monks. Tens of thousands of disciples started mining.

The peak masters of the three major sects arranged for the elixir masters of their respective sects. The craftsmen gathered fairy grass and high-grade ore together to refine pills and attack and defend against immortal weapons.

Gu Xiangfei has set up a nine-level defensive array in this area. The fairy spirit here is strong, which can just support the operation of the array. This fairy crystal mine will need to be dug for more than half a year. If it is here for a long time, it must be defended first, lest there are monsters The monks sneak attack, or other sects come to snatch the fairy crystal mine.

After everything is safe here, the refining rooms of the three sects refined a batch of fairy hoes and handed them over to the disciples for mining. These disciples turned into miners and entered the fairy crystal mine. Everyone was very excited and thanked for coming The Yaozu’s participation in the war is indeed a great opportunity with great danger.

The eleven major sects in the upper heaven domain know that this time they will attack the Yaozu area, and each sect willHe sent 100,000 disciples to plunder the Yaozu to make up for the loss of the fallen Immortal Emperor.

These big sect disciples, led by the elder Xianjun, stormed from the area connected to the upper heaven domain and the monster clan, and gained a lot all the way. Everyone was very excited. The loss was very small, after sweeping the area of ​​the monster clan in the upper sky region, they began to attack the monster clan area of ​​the middle sky region.

These sects of the Upper Heaven Territory look down on the suzerain of the Zhongtian Territory at all. After all, they are the emperor sect, and the Zhongtian Territory is the emperor sect. They are not of the same level at all. Blackmailing when there are too many people has robbed many resources of these Zhongtianyu sects.

These Zhongtianyu sects dare not speak out, who would let their sects have the support of an immortal emperor! Angry an immortal emperor, the entire sect is ruined.

These Zhongtianyu sects knew that they couldn’t offend these Upper Tianyu sects, but they would not make it easier for the Upper Tianyu sects, so they came up with a vicious idea to destroy all the warning signs arranged by Ping Yuesheng. Among them, the sects of Tianyu all know the danger here, so naturally they will not enter the source of infinity.

The disciples of the Shangtianyu sect, after arriving in this area, did not see the warning sign, and dived into the source of infinity, and the fate can be imagined.

Of the eleven major sects in the Upper Heaven Realm, eight sects entered the source of infinity. The disciples of these eight sects were also scattered, and not all of them entered the source of infinity.

These disciples of the sect are in contact every day. For example, if they find a large piece of fairy grass here, they will notify the disciples of the sect to come and harvest it, or if they find a small fairy crystal mine over there, they will contact other disciples. Everyone mines together.

When the disciples of these eight sects could not be contacted, the disciples of these Shangtianyu sects knew that something serious had happened, and contacted the elders leading the team one after another. Several sects could not even contact the elders leading the team.

These sect disciples from Shangtianyu panicked and contacted other disciples from Shangtianyu sect one after another. After all, they all came out together, and both sides are in contact with each other.

The three elders of the sects who have not yet entered the source of infinity brought their disciples here. They saw the few disciples from other sects who were waiting for them to come over with hesitation.

“What’s going on? Where’s your Elder Lin?” Among the elders of the three sects, one elder asked these disciples. He could tell which sect they belonged to by looking at their clothes, and naturally he knew who the leading elder of their sect was. .

“Elder Jin, we found a small fairy crystal mine here. We contacted Elder Lin, but we couldn’t get in touch with the communication beads and the messenger talisman. We also contacted other disciples and didn’t reply, so we contacted you.” The leader A sect disciple hurriedly told Elder Jin that he couldn’t contact the elder of the sect.

Elder Jin and two elders from other sects also took out communication beads to contact Elder Lin, and then contacted several elders from other sects.

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