Breaking Through the Immortal Emperor

The three elders of the sect quickly received messages from the elders of other sects, but only four elders replied to them, and the other four elders of the sect never responded.

Elder Jin and the others took out the communication talisman to activate again, “Bang!” The communication talisman turned into a piece of flying ash as soon as it was activated.

“No, they fell. They must have met the Demon Emperor and were killed.” According to his own guess, Elder Jin was shocked and quickly swept around with his divine sense. After finding nothing unusual, he was relieved. .

The other two elders also looked around nervously before being relieved.

Elder Jin said to the disciples of that sect, “How many people are there in your sect now? What I said is that they can be contacted. It is best to send a message to your suzerain and send the elders here quickly, otherwise what should we do if something happens in the future? Now let’s dig out this fairy crystal mine first, and wait for them to come over by the way, and meet here.”

The disciple cursed in his heart, he wanted to snatch the fairy crystal mine we discovered, and the reason he found could not be refuted. The news told Zongmen.

Those who could get in touch with the Upper Heaven Territory quickly gathered here, and this small fairy crystal mine was quickly divided up by these people.

There are still seven elders in the eleven sects, and the loss of four elders and more than 600,000 disciples has caused heavy losses to the sects of the Upper Heaven Realm. These more than 600,000 disciples are almost all elite disciples of the sect. Because they are generally in the Luoxian realm, it can be said that the middle-level disciples of the eight sects in the upper heaven domain are almost broken.

The eight patriarchs of the Shangtianyu sect were shocked when they heard the news. The loss this time was too great for them, and they couldn’t bear it. No matter how rich the resources are, they can’t afford such a big loss.

The four elders who suffered heavy losses in the Yaozu area immediately arranged for the disciples of their respective sects to board the spaceship and gallop towards the upper sky after receiving the message from the suzerain.

When they came here, each sect had five large spaceships, and now when they go back, there is only one spaceship left that can’t be filled. These elders are sad and angry, and they don’t care if there is an ambush or not, and they just drive the spaceship to gallop.

“Boom…” There were four loud noises in a row, and more than 80,000 monks from the four spaceships were completely killed by the bombardment.

“Since you’re here, don’t even think about going back, just stay here!” As soon as the words fell, four demon emperors appeared in the air, raised their hands and rolled up the rings of these human monks, turned around and disappeared into the air.

The elders of the other four sects received disciples from their respective sects. On the way back, they were also bombarded and killed by these demon emperors.Following in the footsteps of the previous four sects.

The disciples of the three sects of the Holy Sword Sect, Lonely Valley, and Pi Haizong have been digging the Immortal Crystal Mine for half a year. When it was about to be hollowed out, they found a high-grade immortal crystal below, and there were a huge number of them. The disciples cheered in unison, this time they got rich again.

After setting up the defensive array, Gu Xiangfei went back to his cave, put on the restriction, and entered the star beads to practice. It has been half a year outside, and five years have passed in the star beads. Immortal Emperor Realm.

After getting out of the star beads, I went outside the cave, and saw that the fairy crystal mine was still busy digging, “Peak Master, there are so many high-grade fairy crystals under this fairy crystal mine! I can’t finish digging for another year. This time we can make a fortune.” The deacon of Yiyue Daofeng saw him coming out and immediately reported to him the situation here.

“Great, distribute these elixir to the disciples, let them seize the time to break through, and try to let the disciples break through to the Luoxian realm, so that the overall strength of our Moon Knife Peak will be raised to a higher level.” Gu Xiangfei took Take out a ring and give it to the deacon.

“Yes! Peak Master, don’t worry! Many disciples have been promoted to the perfection of the Immortal, but there is no pill, so they can’t break through, otherwise they would have broken through to the Luoxian.” The deacon took the ring, overjoyed, and told him that Yuedao Peak The current predicament of the disciples.

“I’m going to take a look around, you should patrol here!” Gu Xiangfei felt that the immortal essence in his body was beginning to collide with the barrier of the emperor, so he hurriedly suppressed the immortal essence and came outside the defensive formation.

Sacrifice the top-grade fairy weapon spaceship, and prepare to find a place to cross the Tribulation Immortal Emperor. The demon emperor of the Yaozu is now in the Yaozu area of ​​the Upper Tianyu, ready to chase and kill the disciples of the Upper Tianyu Zongmen who want to escape at any time. The door, the demon emperors didn’t care much.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that Shangtianyu had already suffered heavy losses. Even if he knew, he couldn’t control it. It was because he didn’t see the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by the sects of Shangtianyu, otherwise he would have bombarded and killed the disciples of these sects of Shangtianyu.

After entering a wasteland, it was already a million miles away from the Immortal Crystal Mine, so he decided to cross the Tribulation Immortal Emperor here.

He took out a high-grade fairy vein, arranged a spirit-gathering array, sat cross-legged on the fairy vein, and performed regular exercises. The rich fairy energy of the fairy vein was absorbed by him, and instantly turned into a cloud of rain and fog to envelop him.

“Boom!” Nine black thunder arcs fell with a breath of extinction. Gu Xiangfei was shocked, and hurriedly sacrificed the top-grade fairy armor, and cursed in the language of the earth in a hurry, “Damn it!” Oh god, you want to blow me to death!”

“Boom, bang, bang…” Nine black arcs of lightning blasted on him, and the ground suddenly became a huge pit of hundreds of feet. A somersault, the whole body is bloody, and the armor of the best fairy weapon was smashed, revealing the broken clothes and torn body inside.

Gu Xiangfei took out the jade bottle and crushed it, swallowed a few Peilin Pills, and performed regular exercises and body exercises to recover from his injuries.

“Boom, boom…” Eighteen black thunder arcs fell down with a huge destructive aura. It seemed that they wanted to smash him to pieces before they were reconciled.

“Okay! Goofy heaven, go fuck! If I don’t die today, I will find you tomorrow and kill you son of a bitch.” Gu Xiangfei cursed and sacrificed eight top-grade fairy armors, Wearing it on the body, it is even more frenzied to run regular exercises and body training formulas, complete several big circles in an instant, and immediately recover from injuries to meet this wave of thunder tribulation arc.

“Boom…” Eighteen black thunder arcs bombarded Gu Xiangfei.

“Crack!” There was a crisp sound in the body, and a huge breath burst out instantly. The big pit with a radius of one hundred feet was hit by this breath, and immediately expanded to a radius of one thousand feet, and it continued to expand, but the speed slowed down. .

Gu Xiangfei felt his breath, is this the Immortal Emperor? It is more than a hundred times stronger than Xianjun, and there are also domains at the same time. It turns out that the way the emperor fights is to use his own domain to fight. Whoever has a stronger domain will naturally be able to kill the opponent.

Gu Xiangfei let go of his domain, and it didn’t stop until it expanded to 8,000 miles. That is to say, within this radius of 8,000 miles, it is all his world, and he can destroy anything that appears in his domain at any time. It can also protect any person or object in his domain, as long as his domain is not broken, the people and objects in his domain will be safe and sound.

“It’s only 8,000 miles, it’s a bit small! Go back and ask Master Ping, how big is his domain? You will know how big the domain of suzerain Wei Tianyun is, because their domains are almost the same.” Gu Xiangfei said to himself Words, regardless of those lightning arcs continue to fall on him.

When Tiandao saw that Gu Xiangfei hadn’t been killed, the thunder arcs immediately returned to normal. These thunder arcs bombarded him, almost like scratching an itch, without causing him any harm.

After ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder arcs fell, a seven-colored spiritual cloud landed on him with pure and rich fairy aura.

“God’s Heavenly Dao, you didn’t embezzle my fairy cloud this time, so give me back the fairy cloud that embezzled me last time!” Gu Xiangfei shouted loudly at the sky, but the exercises in his body accelerated, and the fairy cloud could Can’t be wasted.

This time, there are more fairy clouds than the previous ones, and they are more pure. Let him directly break through the first floor of the Immortal Emperor and step into the second floor of the Immortal Emperor. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. Now use Xian Lingyun to please him, since Tiandao is so knowledgeable, he won’t beat him up when he meets him, but the loss still has to be compensated.

Two hours later, Gu Xiangfei walked out of the giant pitLeaping out, raising his hand to put away the shattered fairy veins, he let go of the domain and reached thousands of miles away. Suddenly he understood that the domain was continuously expanding according to his own cultivation.

Five of the eight highest-grade fairy armors on his body were smashed into pieces. He put away the remaining three pieces, performed a clear water formula, washed his body, took out another set of clothes, and then sacrificed the best fairy weapon spaceship. , and galloped in the direction of the Immortal Crystal Mine.

After returning to the station, adjust the cultivation base to the realm of the Immortal King, and come to the location of the Immortal Crystal Mine. The deacons of the three sects are here, and the deacons of the Holy Sword Sect are faintly headed, but the disciples of the three sects dig The fairy crystals that came out belonged to whoever dug them out. Except for handing them over to the sect, the rest belonged to themselves, so everyone fought bravely to be the first and worked hard to mine.

Gu Xiangfei came to the entrance of the Immortal Crystal Mine, and the upper layer of Immortal Crystals was hollowed out by himself. These disciples all flew to the ground to dig for high-grade immortal crystals. One high-grade immortal crystal can be exchanged for ten middle-grade immortal crystals. These disciples They naturally want to dig more high-grade fairy crystals.

From time to time, some disciples would fly up to cross the catastrophe. The fairy spirit in this fairy crystal mine is extremely rich. As the disciples dig the mine while practicing, their cultivation level increases rapidly.

With a wave of Gu Xiangfei’s hand, the excavated gravel of the Immortal Crystal Mine was swept away and thrown out of the range of the mine vein. With a bang, the gravel piled up into a hill and stood there, revealing the rich fairy aura inside. Several sect deacons who heard the noise immediately flew over to check.

When they came closer and saw the high-grade fairy crystals inside, these deacons jumped down, took out their fairy hoes, and waved to dig up the exposed high-grade fairy crystals, all with excited expressions on their faces.

Gu Xiangfei shot several times in a row, exposing all the fairy crystal mines here, and sacrificed the fairy long knife, slashed a few times, raised his hand, rolled up tens of thousands of fairy crystals the size of a millstone, and threw them into the ring.

The realm of this fairy emperor is indeed many times stronger than that of the fairy king. When he was in the realm of the fairy king, he would definitely not roll up these fairy crystal mines so easily. Gu Xiangfei was secretly excited, seeing many disciples from the mine Fly out and join the mining team.

After the outside of the Immortal Crystal Mine was opened by Gu Xiangfei, the speed of mining became faster and faster, more and more disciples crossed the tribulation, and the pills soon began to run out.

Nine sixth-rank elixir masters refine all kinds of pills non-stop every day, and they can’t supply tens of thousands of disciples, not to mention some disciples of Luo Xian who are about to cross the catastrophe. They don’t have seventh-rank alchemy kings. Can’t refine Qianwang Pill, there are a lot of seventh-level fairy grasses, and I can only look at the grass and sigh.

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