The three major sects are completely destroyed

Until one day, a disciple of the Holy Sword Sect wanted to cross the Tribulation Immortal King, found Gu Xiangfei, took out a large pile of seventh-level fairy grass, and begged him to help refine the Qianwang Pill.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that many disciples outside were waiting to be promoted to the Immortal King, but they didn’t have the Qianwang Pill, so they could only suppress their own cultivation and constantly refine the immortal energy in their bodies, hoping to break through to the Immortal King realm without the Qianwang Pill.

This disciple quickly crossed the calamity to the realm of the Immortal King, and only after some familiar disciples asked him did he realize that Gu Xiangfei was actually a seventh-rank alchemy king, so they all took the seventh-level fairy grass and begged him to refine the Qianwang Dan.

Gu Xiangfei never refuses anyone who comes, he received a large amount of fairy grass, and refined dozens of bottles of dry king pills, the disciples put down the fairy grass, got a dry king pill, and ran to the immortal king with great excitement .

The disciples of the Holy Sword Sect went to the Immortal King one after another. Among the more than 20,000 disciples, there are more than 10,000 of them in the realm of the Immortal King. Where did you get so many dried Wang Dan?

The two quickly found Ping Yuesheng, “Master Ping, Brother Ping, can you sell us some of your Qianyuan Pill? Our disciples are going crazy, and if there is no Qianwang Pill, they will explode and die.” ! Please, Brother Ping.”

Ping Yuesheng saw that these two people were about to kneel down and beg him for the elixir for the sake of the disciples of their respective sects, and was also moved by how they treated the disciples of the sects as their relatives.

“Go and ask Peak Master Gu! Only he can help you.”

“Peak Lord Gu? Are you talking about Gu Xiangfei? Can he help us?” Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang were both surprised, although they knew about Gu Xiangfei’s formation, the defensive formations on the walls of the Two Realms City, and the defensive formations in this area. The formations were all arranged by Gu Xiangfei, but I don’t know that he can know alchemy, and he is also a seventh-rank alchemy king?

“For the sake of our life and death, I will tell you one thing, but you must swear that you will not tell anyone else, including your suzerain.” Ping Yuesheng had a life-and-death relationship with Lian Yutang, and Lu Feiqiu also had a good relationship, so he decided to tell them.

After hearing Ping Yuesheng’s words, the two of them vowed to heaven without hesitation, and waited for Ping Yuesheng to tell them the inside story.

“Nephew Gu is not only the ninth-level formation king, but also the ninth-rank alchemy king and ninth-rank device king. Have you seen his cultivation? Do you think he is an immortal king? In fact, I guess he is already an immortal emperor now. And my cultivation level is higher than mine, I am only the first level of the Immortal Emperor, he must be the second or third level of the Immortal Emperor.” What Ping Yuesheng said surprised Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang, is this Gu Xiangfei so heaven-defying? The three kings of the alchemy array? Immortal Emperor’s cultivation base? Every one of them will crush any genius disciple of their sect.

“You…you are also in the realm of the Immortal Emperor?” Lu Feiqiu said he didn’t believe it! He also felt that there was no need for Ping Yuesheng to lie to him, as long as he showed the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor a little bit, he would know.

Ping Yuesheng nodded, releasing the aura of the Immortal Emperor realm.

The two of them were taken aback again. They really were in the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Didn’t the Holy Sword Sect have many peak masters in the realm of the Immortal Emperor? With the addition of the sect elders and the suzerain Wei Tianyun, the Holy Saber Sect is better than the Tianyu Sect.They are all great!

Thinking of this, the two of them decided to let the sect befriend the Holy Saber Sect immediately. They have been promoted to the Immortal Emperor in Pingyuesheng, so there are not seven or eighty Immortal Emperors in the Holy Saber Sect? There are not as many immortal emperors in the entire fairy world as there are holy sword sects. The holy sword sect is now the number one sect in the fairy world.

It’s just that the Holy Sword Sect is low-key, and the other sects don’t know about it. Suddenly, it occurred to the Holy Sword Sect that they had already wiped out several major sects in Zhongtianyu. Relationship, it is not a dream to break through the Immortal Emperor in the future.

After the two of them bid farewell to Ping Yuesheng, they came to Gu Xiangfei’s cave. Seeing that it really was the top-grade fairy cave, they believed Ping Yuesheng’s words even more.

“Peak Master Gu, we are here to ask for something, please help our disciples to refine the Qian Wang Pill, otherwise these disciples will be blown up by the fairy spirit soon.” On the surface, this is the realm of the Immortal King, but in fact it is the Peak Master of the Immortal Emperor’s cultivation base, and he is very respectful.

“Oh! Let the disciples come here for these trivial matters. I’m sorry to bother you two, but let the disciples who need to dry Wang Dan come over! But I don’t have so many fairy grass to bring. Spirit grass.” Gu Xiangfei was in need of a large amount of fairy grass for his sons to exercise, and now someone begged him to refine the Qianwang Pill, and it hit his heart, so he waved his hand indifferently, and even made a joke with the two of them.

The two were overjoyed. This Gu Xiangfei seemed to be easy to talk to. He immediately said goodbye to Gu Xiangfei and left, telling the disciples of their respective sects that those who needed the Qian Wang Pill went to Peak Master Gu’s cave and brought enough fairy grass to get the Qian Wang Pill.

Soon thousands of sect disciples lined up outside Gu Xiangfei’s cave. Gu Xiangfei began to refine the Qian Wang Pill, and these disciples got the Qian Wang Pill very quickly. Qian Wang Pills are special-grade pills, and I even believe that Gu Xiangfei is the Ninth Grade Pill King.

For half a month in a row, there were monks crossing the catastrophe non-stop in this monster clan area. The monster clan disciples here hid far away from some large monster beasts, for fear of being blasted to pieces by the thunder catastrophe.

The continuous thunderstorms in this area attracted the attention of the remaining elders of the three sects in the Upper Heaven Territory. They quickly sent their disciples to check here. The elder sent a message to report the situation here.

After receiving the news, the three elders of the Upper Heaven Realm sect immediately decided to attack in this direction. An army of 300,000 monks was dispatched, and all the monster monks here were quickly killed.

The disciples of the Zhongtianyu sect saw the disciples of the Shangtianyu sect attacking here, and immediately hid far away. They had seen the ferocity of these sect disciples. Blackmail, they don’t treat the disciples of Zhongtianyu as human beings.

Ten days later, the disciples of the Shangtianyu Sect came to the Immortal Crystal Mine and saw that it was indeed a defensive formation. These disciples were used to being rampant, and without a word, they sacrificed their attacking weapons and began to bombard the defensive formation.

“Boom…” The defensive formation wobbled and stabilized again. The fairy aura here is extremely strong, enough to support the operation of the formation. Even if they bombarded it for a year, it would not shatter the defensive formation.

Gu Xiangfei no longer refines pills. For half a month, he has been refining Qianwang Pills, which is enough for these disciples. Now someone is bombarding the defensive formation. He immediately went outside and saw two to three hundred thousand pills. The monk was attacking the defensive formation, and suddenly became furious.

Sacrifice the long saber in his hand, and under the urging of the immortal essence, the light of the saber skyrocketed. At the same time, the realm of the Immortal Emperor stretched out, and the sky curtain saber enveloped the ten thousand-foot area, forming a large network of sabers and blasting out.

The three disciples of the Heavenly Domain Zongmen, including the elders of the Zongmen, were suppressed by the Immortal Emperor’s Domain. They were terrified. They wanted to beg for mercy, but unfortunately they couldn’t say it out. They could only watch the sword net fall.

“Boom…” With the knife net and the suppression of the Immortal Emperor’s Domain, the disciples of the Upper Heaven Realm sect and the elders leading the team were all reduced to pieces.

Gu Xiangfei was also taken aback. This was the first time he used the Immortal Emperor’s Domain to suppress it. It turned out that the Immortal Emperor’s Domain suppressed it so powerfully, but the Sky Curtain Knife was not important. Using the Immortal Emperor’s Domain could also crush these monks.

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of rings were rolled up, and then Xinghe was sacrificed. This place quickly disappeared completely.

Ping Yuesheng, Lu Feiqiu, and Lian Yutang stood outside the big formation, staring blankly at the Sky Curtain Saber that Gu Xiangfei used, which was more than a hundred times stronger than when he was in Liangjie City.

Ping Yuesheng even felt that Gu Xiangfei’s Immortal Emperor Domain was much stronger than him, and his Immortal Emperor Domain could only reach five thousand miles, while Gu Xiangfei was more than half as long as him.

Gu Xiangfei looked back and saw the facial expressions of the three of them, but he didn’t care. Now that the Holy Sword Sect is strong, even the Sect of the Upper Heaven Realm, they can destroy it as soon as they say it.

Back in the defensive formation, Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang looked at each other, and immediately went back to their own cave to practice, striving for the consummation of the immortal king as soon as possible, and begged Gu Xiangfei to refine Emperor Luodan for them, so as to break through to the realm of the immortal emperor in one fell swoop.

“When did you become the Immortal Emperor?” Ping Yuesheng asked Gu Xiangfei after seeing Lu Feiqiu and the others leave.

“A month ago, I felt that I was going to break through the Immortal Emperor, so I left here and went outside to break through. Uncle Ping, how far can your Immortal Emperor Domain extend?” Seeing Ping Yuesheng, Gu Xiangfei asked him, so he simply asked him too. Immortal Emperor Domain.

“Five thousand miles, the second level is six thousand miles, the third level is eight thousand miles, and the fourth level is twelve thousand miles.” Ping Yuesheng knew when he asked about the domain Gu Xiangfei didn’t know these things, and he only knew about them after asking other Immortal Emperor Peak Masters.

Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, I nowOn the second level of the Immortal Emperor, which is equivalent to the fourth level of cultivation of other Immortal Emperors, the regular skills are indeed stronger than those of others.

After Ping Yuesheng explained to Gu Xiangfei, he hurried back to the cave to practice. He has Emperor Lan Dan, and he will soon break through to the second floor of the Immortal Emperor.

The sects in the Upper Heaven Realm soon knew that all their sect disciples had fallen. These sect masters were shocked and immediately gathered together to study how to deal with these demon emperors.

“Our sect has decided not to go to the Yaozu area. Hundreds of thousands of elite disciples! They were all wiped out by the demon emperors. These demon emperors are so fucking cunning,” a sect master withdrew first, turned to leave after speaking, and turned back to the sect to contemplate behind closed doors. Go, think about how to make the sect grow stronger.

Once there was the first one, there would be the second one. Soon, eight of the eleven sect masters left, and the remaining three sects were all sects that had no losses.

The suzerains of these three sects laughed secretly, you all go away! The resources in the Yaozu area are all ours.

While the three suzerains were secretly delighted, the sect deacon came to report, “Sect master, our sect elders can’t be contacted, and the other disciples can’t be contacted either.”

“What?” The suzerain was shocked. He just laughed at others, and now his own sect can’t be contacted. Could it be that the demon emperor made another move?

The two suzerains next to them were shocked, and hurriedly contacted the elders of their own sects, but found that they could not be reached, nor could the disciples.

The suzerains of the three sects paled and sat down powerlessly. Their hearts were burning with anger. They wished they could smash those demon emperors into pieces and burn their souls for thousands of years.

Another month later, this fairy crystal mine was finally emptied. There were more than 50,000 disciples, more than 30,000 immortal king realms, and the rest were all in the Luoxian realm, and each of them had tens of millions of high-grade fairy crystals. The disciples were all overjoyed. Not only did their cultivation base improve, but they also got a lot of resources. The peak master who led the team was also overjoyed. With these resources, the sect will definitely be greatly promoted to another level.

Gu Xiangfei put away the defensive formation, and these disciples began to chase the monster monks forward again. After the cultivation level was improved, it was easier to kill the monster monks.

A large amount of fairy grass and high-grade ore were continuously harvested along the way, just like locusts crossing the border, they scoured everything.

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