Devouring Breath

Some disciples of Zhongtianyu sect and Xiatianyu sect saw the powerful momentum of these three sects, and joined their team one after another. Although they didn’t get many resources, their lives were guaranteed.

Their team quickly expanded to hundreds of thousands of monks. Headed by their three sects, they continued to bombard and kill monster monks. After half a month of continuous pursuit, these disciples of these sects have gained a lot, and even followed closely The footsteps of the three major sects.

The sect disciples who were chasing and killing the monster monks soon came to a swamp where tens of thousands of monster monks were chased here. They fought.

All kinds of attacking spells flying all over the sky, talisman, sword light, gun light, sword light, fire attack, thunder bombardment, ice magic power, the space is constantly exploding, void cracks appear frequently, and the void blade light is constantly harvesting these human races and The bodies of the monster monks, this space immediately became a huge battlefield.

More than half of the tens of thousands of monster monks were bombarded and killed quickly. The remaining monster monks turned around and flew into the swamp to escape for their lives. Human monks rushed in and chased after them.

Gradually, the demon monks in front kept stopping from the flight, then thumped, thumped, fell to the ground, and were slowly swallowed by the swamp. This happened to the human monks, and the chasing human monks , found that the situation was wrong, and quickly retreated, but this swamp can only move forward and not retreat.

The three major sects also rushed in with thousands of disciples. They didn’t feel it when they first entered, but after a few breaths, they found that their primordial spirit was being swallowed by a breath. They were horrified. Just as they were about to retreat, they found that this space had already Imprisoning his body, the breath of devouring the primordial spirit is accelerating the speed of devouring. It is estimated that the primordial spirit will be swallowed up in less than half a stick of incense, and the body will die and the dao will disappear.

Gu Xiangfei stopped at the edge of the Devouring Swamp. He saw the situation in the swamp, and quickly let go of the Immortal Emperor’s Domain, covering this area. Feeling that his domain was being swallowed continuously, he hurriedly urged Xian Yuan to stabilize his domain, and repeatedly It is constantly superimposed on the field, trying to save these disciples.

After this devouring aura devoured Gu Xiangfei’s domain, it became stronger again, and devoured his domain even faster.

Gu Xiangfei was horrified, his own domain would soon be swallowed up, and this devouring aura would become stronger and faster, and the devouring speed would become faster and faster, so he quickly ran the regular exercises to find the rules for this devouring aura.

As soon as the rule technique was in operation, he quickly caught this breath-devouring rule, and immediately began to assimilate this devouring breath. As his rules assimilated, he slowly assimilated this breath-devouring rule bit by bit. But the devouring breath is still devouring his domain.

Those thousands of disciples found that their bodies were surrounded by a huge field, and the devouring breath no longer swallowed their primordial spirits. They immediately retreated to the outside of the swamp, took pills one after another, exercised their energy and adjusted their breath, but the devoured primordial spirits God, obviously a lot weaker, all of them are listless, and some serious disciples passed out as soon as they quit.

Gu Xiangfei’s domain is constantly being swallowed, constantly retreating, retreating from thousands of miles away to within ten thousand miles, and then every breath is swallowed at a speed of hundreds of miles.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular exercises started to run crazily, and the speed of assimilation was accelerated several times. After a cup of tea, Gu Xiangfei let out a sigh of relief., Looking at the domain that was swallowed up to a distance of only a hundred miles from him, as soon as the regular skills were activated, the domain of a hundred miles stretched out in an instant, reaching thousands of miles away in less than half a breath.

Gu Xiangfei stepped into the Devouring Swamp one step at a time, and the powerful Immortal Emperor’s domain continued to expand. In the center of the Devouring Swamp, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed a purple-black monster like a rabbit. Divine consciousness begged for mercy through sound transmission.

It didn’t expect that there would be a monk who was not afraid of his devouring breath, and could come to its lair and drag it out, so it hurriedly begged for mercy.

“First tell me what kind of monster you are? Why can you release the devouring breath?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect this rabbit to be so powerful, and such a small thing could devour his Immortal Emperor Domain. If he was slower, he would be killed by him. After devouring his own domain, he will devour his primordial spirit.

“My master was besieged by several holy emperors, his body was smashed to pieces, and the primordial spirit tore through the void and came here, and passed it on to me to devour the supernatural powers, allowing me to devour the primordial spirits of the monks here to strengthen his divine soul. The devoured primordial spirits have all been absorbed by the master, I didn’t absorb much, I’m gluttonous.” The amount of information this rabbit said was a bit large, Gu Xiangfei had never heard of the Holy Emperor, could it be that this is another part of the God Realm? call?

“Where is your master’s soul?” Gu Xiangfei asked the rabbit.

“I can’t say it. I said you will kill my master, and I will die too. I was forcibly captured by him to admit my master.” The rabbit didn’t say anything this time, since it was about to die, it begged for mercy what.

“Then I’ll kill you all, come out, little bee!” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and the little bee flew out of the star bead.

After the little bee came out of the star bead, it felt the devouring aura here. It didn’t like this devouring aura, so it opened its mouth to spit out a mouthful of corrosive aura. This corrosive aura quickly turned the devouring aura here into nothingness, and the whole space was filled with Corrosive breath.

The rabbit saw that his devouring breath had been corroded, and it was about to be corroded soon. He was so frightened that he burst into tears. The sound was like a baby, which made Gu Xiangfei stunned. He had never seen a monster that could cry. .

Hearing the cry, the little bee looked at the rabbit curiously, flew to its ear, opened its mouth and bit it, it didn’t taste good, and let go of its mouth again, the rabbit didn’t feel any pain, but it was afraid of being corroded , its devouring breath doesn’t dare to devour the corrosive breath, unless it doesn’t want to live anymore.

“Now tell me, where is your master’s soul? Otherwise, I’ll throw you out!”

“I…he’s there.” The rabbit stretched out its paw, and pointed to an ordinary rock next to it. This rock didn’t look abnormal, not even an ore.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t use his spiritual sense to examine the stone, but started to build a void formation, and soon an eighth-level void strangle formation surrounded this space.

His Immortal Emperor’s domain instantly expanded, and the stone was wrapped by his domain. Just as he was struggling to escape, a flame immediately fell on the stone. Gu Xiangfei joined the flames of Galaxy to wrap up the stone for safety’s sake.

He raised his hand and grabbed a primordial spirit from the stone. Although this primordial spirit had devoured the cultivator’s primordial spirit for many years, it could only maintain his primordial spirit from spreading, and did not repair the almost destroyed primordial spirit at all.

After this primordial spirit was captured by Gu Xiangfei, it immediately became transparent, and it seemed that it was about to lose its soul. Gu Xiangfei quickly grabbed the imprint of the rabbit’s soul from this primordial spirit, and injected it into the rabbit’s sea of ​​consciousness.

The rabbit suddenly felt the imprint of his soul, and returned to his sea of ​​consciousness again. The soul immediately recovered completely, and his body turned into a sheep body and human face in a flash. The shape of tiger teeth and human claws was the size of a buffalo. Even the flames of Xinghe swallowed it.

“Spit out the flame, or I’ll eat roast mutton.” Gu Xiangfei hurriedly stopped Xinghe’s riot. This damn thing is worthy of being a glutton, who dares to eat anything, and Xinghe is also yours to eat.

That rabbit, no! It was Taotie, who immediately opened his mouth and spit out a flame, and its shape began to change continuously, obviously refining the primordial spirit.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the ordinary stone. After scanning it with his spiritual sense, he was overjoyed. It turned out that it was a soul-cultivating stone. After the monk was destroyed and the soul escaped, if there was a soul-cultivating stone, the soul would immediately enter the soul-cultivating stone. In Shizhong, the primordial spirit can be kept from collapsing, and the primordial spirit can be gradually strengthened as time goes by.

If the treasure to reshape the physical body can be found, the primordial spirit can perfectly fit with the treasure and turn into a pure spiritual body. The cultivation speed is several times faster than any top-grade spiritual root, and this body is not afraid of any erysipelas.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he got the Soul Cultivation Stone. This thing can be said to be prepared for any danger. In case his physical body is destroyed by someone one day, the Yuanshen can hide in the Soul Cultivation Stone and wait for the opportunity to reshape the physical body and turn into an innocent spiritual body. Run on the road again.

After scanning it with the divine sense, I found that the devouring breath was slowly disappearing by itself. It is estimated that after thousands of years, this place will return to a real swamp.

With a wave of his hand, he rolled up the rings of the fallen monks. There are a lot of resources such as fairy grass and ore in these rings. Don’t waste it. It’s a waste to stay here.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother with that Taotie either, although he knew that its talent was very powerful, but the current Taotie is like a child of a few years old, he hasn’t grown up yet, he doesn’t want to carry a burden.

Turning around, he left this area in a flash, came to the outside of the swamp, and saw that the disciples who had been devoured by the primordial spirit were all depressed, and some of them had already passed out, and they were led by fellow disciples to leave here.

Ping Yuesheng and Lu Feiqiu, Lian YutangThere is no elixir to restore the primordial spirit, so these disciples can only recover slowly after they go back. It is estimated that they will not recover in tens of thousands of years. If it is serious, they will wait for their lifespan to be exhausted, and they can rest in peace!

“Thank you, Peak Lord Gu, for your help. Otherwise, these disciples would all perish here, and we would suffer a great loss.” Lu Feiqiu and Lian Yutang clasped their fists at Gu Xiangfei, thanking him for saving the lives of these disciples.

“We all came here together, so we can’t just watch them fall! Naturally, we won’t stand by if we can help each other. You two are welcome.” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and didn’t feel that saving these disciples was a big favor.

He has Xinghai Pill and Resurrection Pill, but he is reluctant to take out such precious pills to save these disciples. There are too many people, and there is no pressure for one or two disciples. With so many disciples, his green soft stone liquid is Not much more, this thing is not easy to come across, at least he has not seen it in the huge fairy world.

After passing through this swamp area, some disciples of other sects did not dare to run amok. There are many dangers in this monster race area. I don’t know what strange and weird areas will appear. Everyone is cautiously advancing forward. When it comes to a large group of monster monks, everyone bombards and kills them together. If the monster monks escape, they will not chase them, lest they be led into a desperate situation and lose their lives.

Although the speed on the road was slow, they gained a lot. Now all the sects are attacking in a steady manner, and the Yaozu’s plan has to be adjusted for a while.

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