Demon Race Area

Two months later, several disciples who had been seriously devoured by their souls died, and everyone was extremely careful. If there were any abnormalities, these disciples would bombard them indiscriminately and never go in to take risks. Although this method is cumbersome, the loss is huge. It’s small, and the rewards are not big, but it’s much safer.


“If the human race continues to attack like this, I don’t think it will take ten years for our monster race area to be wiped out by the human race. Old demon Yin, you should think of a way! We will soon enter your demon race area.” The demon emperor got together again to discuss how to deal with the human race.

“Our demons are not so easy to advance, let these human races come! Our demonic energy is not something that immortals can resist. We will destroy as many as we come. When the time comes, we will be behind, drive them in directly, and then use the demonic energy to destroy them. Block the escape route, even if there are some fish that slip through the net, our clansmen will kill them all.” Old Demon Yin was surrounded by demonic energy, so that several demon emperors could not see his facial expression for a while.

“Now that we have defeated the sect of the Upper Heaven Realm, the rest of the Middle Heaven Realm and the Lower Heaven Realm are not to be feared at all. Besides, these human monks will kill each other. Now that they have not entered the Demon Race area, why don’t we open the nearby Let them go in and kill each other, and let us watch the excitement.” The plan of the Yaozu Immortal Emperor immediately got the unanimous consent of the other demon emperors, and he began to plan which secret realm to open.

“Peak Lord, a secret realm was blasted away by monks ahead, and many sect disciples have entered, shall we also enter?” The deacon of Yuedao Peak told Gu Xiangfei the previous news, and came to ask for his approval by the way. After the deacon finished speaking, he had a hopeful expression on his face, clearly wanting to enter the secret realm as well.

“Have all the disciples of our sect gone in? Where is Master Pingfeng? How did he arrange it?” Gu Xiangfei knew these people, and they must all want to enter the secret realm to search for resources, but he didn’t know what happened to the other disciples of the Holy Sword Sect? Was it arranged by Ping Yuesheng?

“Peak Lord Ping has already let all the disciples of our sect go in, but he said that it is best to let Peak Master go in together, and he can rescue him if there is a sudden change.” The deacon of Yuedao Peak expressed what Ping Yuesheng said Tell Gu Xiangfei without moving.

“Let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei also wants to enter the secret realm. Everyone knows that there will be good things in the secret realm. If you are lucky, you can also get some natural and earthly treasures. Many of Gu Xiangfei’s good things are obtained from the secret realm.

The area inside this secret realm is huge, and there is an air-forbidden formation. Gu Xiangfei felt it as soon as he entered, and immediately became suspicious. If the secret realm was blasted away, why didn’t the air-forbidden formation be blasted away?

He stood at the entrance of the secret realm, and immediately began to operate the regular exercises, looking for the nodes of this air-forbidden formation, and then used his consciousness to build a void burst formation, ready to destroy this air-forbidden formation, so that even if there is a crisis, the disciples can Fly in the sky and escape from the secret realm.

The rule method quickly found the node of this large formation, and found that this air-forbidden formation was actually based on the original air-forbidden formation, and many formations were reinforced, but the reinforcement was not perfect, full of loopholes, and it was not as good as the original one. The air-forbidden formation is more powerful, and Gu Xiangfei immediately knew that this secret realm was deliberately let these disciples blast away by the monster clan. There must be a means arranged by the monster clan in the secret realm.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, the air-restricting formation was destroyed by the bursting formation, and the monks in the secret realm suddenly felt their hearts relax. The oppressive feeling on their heads disappeared, and their whole bodies felt extremely refreshed.

The monster monks originally wanted to see the human monks, who couldn’t bear the depression and then killed each other. Now that the air-restricting formation is destroyed, the human monks are clear-headed, and naturally they will no longer kill each other, so they hurriedly reported to the demon emperor Here’s the situation.

Several demon emperors got the news and knew that this plan had failed. They didn’t expect that the human race would still have the formation king following them, so they immediately decided to start the second plan. Thousands of monks were trapped inside.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t enter the secret realm after destroying the air-restricting formation. Since it was a man-made air-restricting formation, there probably wasn’t much useful stuff in it, and it must have been plundered by monster monks.clean.

A month later, these human monks began to withdraw from the secret realm. Gu Xiangfei asked, and sure enough, there were no good things. They were filled with low-level fairy grass and some low-level ores. There were too few good things. The newly opened secret realm.

The monks of the human race gathered again and continued to charge forward. The monks of the monster race continued to be bombarded and killed, and the harvest increased. The monks of the human race became excited again and increased the bombardment. Joining in, the number of human monks quickly surpassed one million, sweeping the monster race area.

Half a month later, Gu Xiangfei found that the trees and vines here had a corrupt aura, so he hurriedly used the regular skills, and soon found the regular aura here. It turned out that they had entered the demon area, and he immediately assimilated the rules of the demon area breath.

The human monks in front bombarded and killed the demon monks, and got some fairy grass and magic stones with demonic energy. Although these things are not very useful, they have an advantage, that is, they can resist the erosion of demonic energy. The big races are coming, and these races must be wiped out, so the human monks continued to bombard and kill these demon monks, and the human monks behind also entered the demon area.

Gu Xiangfei assimilated the regular atmosphere here, and felt that this corrupt atmosphere will not harm the human monks in the short term. After a long time, the human monks will be eroded by this corrupt atmosphere, and their bodies will slowly rot.

Gu Xiangfei immediately decided to leave here. The area of ​​the Demon Race is not big, and there are not many Demon Race monks. The region and skills limit the development potential of the Demon Race. A single Demon Race will not cause much harm to the Human Race, let alone The demon monks have already suffered heavy losses, so there is nothing to fear.

Ping Yuesheng, Lian Yutang, and Lu Feiqiu immediately ordered the disciples of their respective sects to withdraw from the Demon Race area after receiving Gu Xiangfei’s summons.

The elders and peak masters of other sects saw that the three sects were evacuating, and ordered to evacuate along with them. These disciples soon came to the edge of the demon area.

“Hahaha…don’t even think about going out now that you’re in, attack!” The Demon Emperor of the Demon Race gave an order, and tens of thousands of Demon Race monks rushed out from the depths of the Demon Race area, and these Demon Race monks kept releasing Devilish energy, trying to wrap the human monks with devilish energy.

“Kill them first.” Immediately, the leader of the human sect gave the order, and the human monks immediately bombarded the demon monks.

Boom! boom! Countless sword lights, gun lights, and talismans exploded on the demon monks. Tens of thousands of demon monks continued to release devil energy regardless of their care. The demon monks were blasted to death, but this area was also surrounded by demon energy.

“Hurry up and take out those with magic stones to resist the erosion of the devil’s energy. Open the rings of these demon monks who have been bombarded to see if there are any magic stones. Hurry up!” an elder ordered, and the human monks received the bombarded monks’ rings. The ring of the demon monk, after opening the ring, there is nothing inside that can resist the demonic energy.

“These demon monks are here to release the devil energy, and there is nothing in their rings that can resist the devil energy.” Some disciples immediately reported to the elders of the sect after opening the ring.

Gu Xiangfei saw the four demon emperors on the edge of the demon clan, and knew that this was a trap set by the demon clan. These demon emperors would slowly consume them to death here. Unless these demon emperors were beheaded, they would die if they went out. , Sooner or later, he will die inside, such a vicious plan.

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