The Thirty-Six Heavens of the Immortal World

“Now that you have spiritual energy, it depends on whether you can break the void. Feel the spiritual energy first.” Gu Xiangfei said to Feng Huazheng with a smile, and took out a spiritual stone and threw it to him.

Fenghua was receiving the spirit stone, and felt it with luck. The spirit energy contained in this spirit stone is more than ten times higher than the energy of the vitality. If this energy is absorbed, the vitality will be transformed into spirit energy, and it will soon shatter the void and fly away. go.

“Senior! It is this kind of spiritual energy. If I absorb this spiritual energy and transform all the vitality in my body into this kind of spiritual energy, I will definitely be able to shatter the void and ascend to the fairy world. Hesitate.” Fenghua is excitedly saluting Gu Xiangfei, his tone is very firm, this is his only chance to shatter the void, and he also knows that Gu Xiangfei will not give him the spirit stone for no reason, there must be some conditions.

“I don’t have any conditions. You just have to ascend and I will follow you into the fairyland. Do you still need to say goodbye to your family?” Gu Xiangfei’s condition can be said to be very simple, that is, to follow him into the fairyland without any other conditions.

“I don’t have any family anymore. So many years have passed, and my family members have passed away a few generations. My relatives have all passed away. I don’t have any worries now.” Fenghua is telling Gu Xiangfei about his situation, and he has no worries It is just suitable for breaking the sky and ascending to the fairyland.

“Okay, let’s go outside!” Gu Xiangfei also wanted to enter the fairyland as soon as possible, so he naturally hoped that Fenghua would quickly transform his aura.

“I will repay you two benefactors for saving your life. If you have any conditions, feel free to ask them!” Gu Xiangfei turned around and said to Li Nianzu and Dong Shuangxi.

“Senior has already given us martial arts skills and gold coins. We have already gained a lot of money, so we dare not raise any more conditions. If we can go to the fairy world in the future, please seniors accept us.” If Li Nianzu still doesn’t understand the martial arts The dharma and gold coins were given by Gu Xiangfei, so he was in vain. Although he didn’t put forward conditions, he also left a way out for himself. He could join Gu Xiangfei’s sect after thinking of the fairy world.

“That’s no problem. My sect is called the Holy Sword Sect. I am the peak master of the Holy Saber Sect Yuedao Peak. Just look for me when you arrive in the fairy world.” Gu Xiangfei quickly mentioned his sect. Disciple, if Li Nianzu and Dong Shuangxi can break through the void and come to the Immortal Realm, it proves that they have good aptitude, and they can naturally join the Holy Sword Sect.

He also used his spiritual sense to send a message to Chu Feng, asking him to practice hard and ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible, and told him not to tell anyone about his apprenticeship, lest he be coveted by others, and his life would be killed instead.

After everything was arranged, Chu Feng took out some gold coins and asked Chu Feng to hand them over to the old man who treated him in the Huichuntang to thank him for the treatment and pay for his medicine.

“Let’s go!” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he grabbed Feng Huazheng, flew into the air, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Li Nianzu and Dong Shuangxi stared blankly at the sky. What kind of state is this? People can fly, and they still fly with people.

Fenghua was feeling the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, he stopped after a few breaths, and saw a valley in front of him, and Gu Xiangfei took out the spirit stones and was setting up the spirit gathering array, Fenghua didn’t know what Gu Xiangfei was doing, but he knew that the Lingshi was exactly what he needed.

He didn’t know where Gu Xiangfei got such a spirit stone. He saw that Gu Xiangfei didn’t have a package on him, but he seemed to have endless spirit stones in his hand, so he quickly set up a spirit gathering array.

“Let’s practice here! Don’t worry about other things, just ascend when it’s time to ascend.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei walked to the side, sat cross-legged on the ground, and watched Fenghua enter the spirit-gathering array to transform spiritual energy.

Fenghua was overjoyed, and quickly thanked him. Excitedly sitting cross-legged on the ground, he absorbed the spiritual energy and refined it, converting it from vitality to spiritual energy. There was first a trace of spiritual energy in his body, then a wisp, and then another strand, and more and more.

Half a month later, all the vitality in Fenghuazheng’s body was transformed into spiritual energy, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky. Fenghuazheng felt being sucked by a strong force, his body lifted off the ground, and slowly lifted into the sky, he hurriedly shouted, “Senior, I’m going to ascend, you follow quickly.”

Gu Xiangfei saw it when the black hole appeared. He thought he had to go through the calamity to ascend, but he didn’t expect that there was no thunder calamity in Martial Arts. Instead, he ascended directly after transforming the spiritual energy.Martial Dao has been practiced from the very beginning, and it has been hard work all the way. During this period, how many times of life and death have been experienced, before stepping to the peak step by step.

Gu Xiangfei immediately followed behind Fenghua. When he was close to the black hole, a huge repulsive force wanted to push him away. Gu Xiangfei was shocked. It was the way of heaven that rejected him as a follower. If he was pushed away, he would lose A chance to enter fairyland.

He raised his hand and punched out with a big cutting technique, which hit the repelling force. This repulsive force was cut off by the big cutting technique. He took the opportunity to get into the black hole. Not only cut off this repulsive force, but also cut open the black hole, a huge suction directly took him away from the black hole, the speed was several times faster than his spaceship, after a few breaths, a ray of light appeared in front of him , and then he felt that he was thrown out, even with his Immortal Emperor’s cultivation, he couldn’t stabilize his body.

“Bang!” and fell to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei lay on the ground, slowed down for a while, and finally got up. This is a forest. He happened to land on the grass, took a breath, and felt that the fairy spirit here was very thin, as if he was in the Hall of Ascension. Could it be that this is the lower heaven realm? ?

After tidying up his clothes, he saw some tatters, so he simply burned them on fire, and took out another piece of clothes from Moondao Peak to change into. He only had a few sets of clothes from Moondao Peak on his body, and he had changed all the other clothes.

Walking out of this forest, I want to find someone to ask where this is? Soon he came to the main road and saw someone walking in front of him, with the aura of an immortal emperor on his body, which made people know his realm at a glance.

“This fairy friend, what is this place?” Gu Xiangfei made a fairy bow and asked the fairy emperor who was walking across.

“Huh! Are you new here? The third floor of the Immortal Emperor is not bad. This is Taihaotian, which belongs to one of the thirty-six heavens in the fairy world. , My name is Du Jiangxing, what do you call the immortal friend?” The immortal emperor named Du Jiangxing explained the place here to him enthusiastically.

“Isn’t there thirty-three heavens in the fairy world? Why is it thirty-six heavens? My name is Gu Xiangfei, and I would like to ask Du Xianyou to clarify.” Gu Xiangfei had never heard of the thirty-six heavens in the fairy world, and he always thought it was thirty-six heavens. Three days, now Du Jiangxing actually said thirty-six days, which surprised him.

“The Immortal Realm originally had thirty-six heavenly realms. Later, three of them became independent from the thirty-three heavenly realms. These three heavenly realms are Taihaotian, Yuqingtian, and Daodetian. Only the Heaven Realm can ascend to the God Realm, and the other thirty-three heaven realms cannot ascend to the God Realm.” Gu Xiangfei suddenly realized what Du Jiangxing said, and he asked his uncle Wei Tianyun why he couldn’t ascend to the God Realm. Knowing the reason, and now knowing the reason, it turned out to be like this, which is equivalent to being abandoned in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Domain.

“Thank you Du Xianyou for clarifying the confusion, and leave.” Gu Xiangfei saluted again, and was about to leave here to find a cave for cultivation.

“Gu Xianyou, you should have reported to Zhenxuan Division when you first came here, otherwise you will be caught by the Zhenxuan Division and thrown into the Immortal Prison to lock up Yuanshen, and your life will be over.” Du Jiangxing told him another important news.

“Oh! There is such a thing? Thank you for reminding me. I don’t know where Zhenxuan Division is? Please let Du Xianyou know.” Gu Xiangfei hurriedly asked Du Jiangxing again.

“In Yuyu City, it’s only three years away from here. I happen to be going to Yuyu City too, so let’s drop by!” Du Jiangxing said with a smile.

Gu Xiangfei understood it as soon as he heard it. It turned out that Du Jiangxing had been talking for a long time because he wanted him to accompany him to Yuyu City. It’s not far away. It’s only three years away. Fuck you! In these three years, I can cultivate to the late stage of Immortal Emperor. If Zhenxuan Division comes to arrest him, he must be able to find him.

“I’m sorry! Du Xianyou, I still have something to do, so I can’t go with you. Farewell!” Gu Xiangfei turned around and left without any hesitation.

Du Jiangxing didn’t expect that after talking for a long time, this guy guessed his intention and turned around to leave. Isn’t he afraid that he would report to Zhen Xuansi to arrest him?

“Since you don’t know how to compliment, don’t blame me.” Du Jiangxing grabbed a messenger talisman after speaking, and after a few words, it was triggered.

With a sound of “Boom!”, the messenger talisman hit a large void formation and turned into a piece of flying ash.

Countless void blades bombarded him from all directions in an instant.

“Not good! This is the Void Strangling Formation.” Du Jiangxing hastily sacrificed his armor and shield, “Boom…” The void blade light kept bombarding his armor and shield, and the armor and shield could not reach Two breaths were blasted into pieces, and now Du Jiangxing understands that Gu Xiangfei, who humbly asks him for advice, is so scheming.

If he didn’t send out the communication talisman, the big formation wouldn’t be activated, and he could leave smoothly. The other party didn’t intend to kill him, but he wanted Zhen Xuansi’s people to catch him, and the communication talisman would definitely be activated, just in time to trigger the strangulation. In a row, kill yourself by bombing yourself.

It was too late for Du Jiangxing to regret it now. Countless void blades shattered his body in an instant, and Yuanshen was bombarded and killed by the oncoming void blades just as he escaped.

After a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and rolled up Du Jiangxing’s ring, and then a flame turned the body into ashes, and stretched out his hand to shatter the void formation.

When he asked Du Jiangxing about it, he had already built a void strangle formation with his spiritual consciousness. He had just arrived in a new place, and suddenly met an immortal emperor who explained the situation here to him in such detail. Gu Xiangfei was not his father, How can there be such a filial son, so he is naturally on guard against him.

Later, Du Jiangxing revealed his true intentions.After the picture, Gu Xiang didn’t want to kill him, but he didn’t expect Du Jiangxing to seek death by himself, and no one could stop him.

Erase the restriction of Du Jiangxing’s ring, first find some jade slips to check, find the map of the jade slips here, take it out and check it carefully, it turns out that his location is less than half a day’s journey away, there is a Tianxing City , there is a branch of Zhenxuan Division in the city, you can go there to report.

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