Destroy Zhenxuan Division

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the spaceship and galloped all the way to the Skystar City marked on the map.

After half a day, he came to Tianxing City, put away the flying boat, and walked into the city. The two guards of the Luoxian Realm at the city gate saw him coming, and immediately said, “Pay ten fairy crystals for entering the city, and the time is three.” Day, those who do not leave the city after the expiry date shall pay an additional fee.”

Gu Xiangfei threw him ten celestial crystals, and took a white jade tablet with the date and time limit for entering the city engraved on it.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the city, he found that the Tianxing City was more than twice the size of the Two Realms City. There were hundreds of millions of monks in the city, and the fairy aura inside was very strong. I don’t know how many fairy veins are buried underneath. , There are many shops in the city, densely packed rest houses, spirit teahouses, elixir pavilions, and refining workshops are everywhere. The road is paved with bluestone slabs. The road is more than 30 feet wide and leads straight to the square in the center of the city.

After Gu Xiangfei asked a few monks, he came to the Zhenxuan Division branch in the city. Just as he was about to go in, he saw a dozen monks rushing out of it. One of the immortal emperors was obviously a leader of the Zhenxuan Division, shouting , “Du Jiangxing was killed, we are going to track down the murderer, you hurry up and report to the chief.”

Gu Xiangfei stopped immediately, let those people pass first, and then continued to walk forward, without stopping at the gate of Zhenxuan Division, Shi Shiran walked over, stopping at the door of the shop from time to time along the way, and sometimes entered the shop to check , and then left, constantly moving towards the gate of the city.

Two hours later, Gu Xiangfei left the city. He knew that he would be found out soon, and he didn’t know who this Du Jiangxing was? Zhen Xuansi knew he was killed so quickly? Moreover, the Immortal Emperor was required to take the lead in checking, so he immediately sacrificed his spaceship and galloped towards the junction of Taihao Tianyu and Yuqing Tianyu.

The junction of these two heavens belongs to the three-way zone, and only there can he escape from Zhen Xuansi’s pursuit.

After flying for ten days, a spaceship galloped from behind. Gu Xiangfei saw the direction of the spaceship, and it was obviously coming towards him. When it came to him, he couldn’t help admiring Zhen Xuansi’s efficiency in handling the case.

Soon the spaceship stopped next to his spaceship, and the Immortal Emperor who led the team cast out a god-locking net and put it on his head.

Gu Xiangfei was furious, these people didn’t even say a word, they actually wanted to put him to death, raised their fists and bombarded the Suo Shen net with a big cutting technique, “呵啦!” The divine net, which is the god-locked net that even immortal emperors cannot break, was cut with a hole, and the great cutting technique was still alive, and it was cut on the spaceship again. With a sound of “Boom!”, the spaceship was cut in half.

Gu Xiangfei’s Immortal Emperor’s Domain unfolded, and he punched out again. The Immortal Emperor was shocked. He didn’t expect that the God Lock Net would be torn apart. A fist as big as a mopan was about to hit his body, and he shouted loudly, “Stop, we are from Zhenxuan Division.”

“Boom!” A punch hit the Immortal Emperor, turning him into a blood mist. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and sacrificed the Immortal Sword. Immortal King and Immortal Monarch shrouded together.

“My lord, spare me…” These immortal kings and lords shouted loudly, “Boom…” The knife net fell, and these monks were blasted into pieces.

“Forgive me? Will you spare me? Those who return to Zhenxuansi, I will destroy Zhenxuansi today.” Gu Xiangfei was furious. He felt that he was too easy to bully during this time. It seems that he will not destroy Zhenxuansi. People don’t know how to be afraid, they are too arrogant, the spaceship turned around and galloped towards Tianxing City.

Eight days later, when they came to the gate of Tianxing City, his arrest warrant was posted on the city wall.

Gu Xiangfei was furious, raised his hand and punched the city wall, “Boom!” The city wall was defended in a large formation, shaking a few times, the city immediately sounded an alarm, and the guards at the city gate saw him bombarding the city wall, and immediately sacrificed their fairy weapons and spears. come over.

“Get out!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped down the two Luoxian guards, took out the formation flag, and immediately turned the defensive formation into a trapping and killing formation, and at the same time constructed a void-forbidden formation.

Immortal Emperor Tailian, the owner of Tianxing City, heard the siren, and immediately flew towards the city wall. There was still a distance of about a thousand feet from the city wall. Suddenly, a huge pressure pressed down from the top of his head, plop! With a sound, he fell to the ground, “Forbidden air formation!”

Immortal Emperor Tailian got up from the ground and ran towards the city wall. As soon as he reached the bottom of the city wall, countless blades of light flew towards him. He was so frightened that he hurriedly sacrificed his armor, and at the same time retreated a hundred feet.

“Cultivators in the city, I will give you ten breaths to destroy Zhenxuansi. After ten breaths, if Zhenxuansi is still there, I will destroy Tianxing City.” All the monks in the city heard what Gu Xiangfei said. Some monks thought he was crazy, so they shouted and cursed loudly.

Some monks were puzzled and wanted to check at the gate of the city, only to find that Tianxing City had been surrounded by the trapping and killing formation. Only then did they realize that Skystar City had become an isolated city, and they immediately started making noise.

“Ten breaths are up, you all go to die!” The voice was like a reminder, resounding throughout the whole room.A star city.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to grab the little bee, and said, “I leave it to you.”

The little bee didn’t care who was in the city, and opened its mouth to spit out a corrosive breath. As the little bee became stronger, his corrosive breath became more and more domineering. Although the little bee hadn’t grown up yet, its corrosive breath was immortal. God can’t resolve it.

The little bee spit out three mouthfuls of corrosive breath one after another, and then flew to Gu Xiangfei’s head, which means you should watch! They will be corroded without taking two breaths.

The monks in the city found a huge corrosive atmosphere, which quickly spread from the outside to the city, and monks were constantly corroded and lost their souls.

Only now did these monks realize that the voice just now really wanted to destroy the city, not to threaten them.

These monks immediately came to Zhenxuan Division, and millions of monks bombarded the defensive formation at the gate of Zhenxuan Division. Zhenxuan Division was smashed in less than two breaths. An emperor came out to question these monks, and he was bombarded by the monks into slag.

In less than three breaths, Zhenxuansi was completely reduced to the ground, and none of Zhenxuansi’s people ran away, and they were all killed.

Gu Xiangfei naturally saw everything that happened in the city, raised his hand to grab the little bee, suppressed the corrosive breath, slapped away the forbidden air formation, and raised his hand to bombard his arrest warrant, Tianxing City was blown down Baizhang.

It took less than half an hour from the closure of the city to the unblocking. When the monks in the city found out that Tianxing City had been unsealed, they fled Tianxing City one after another. Even some monks who were resting in commercial buildings also ran away. In the Heavenly Star City of monks, there are less than tens of thousands of people left.

Immortal Emperor Tailian, the city lord, hastily sent a message talisman to Zhenxuan Division’s headquarters, telling them that the Zhenxuan Division here had been smashed to pieces, and all the personnel in the Zhenxuan Division’s branch had fallen.

Taihaotian Central Tianyu, Haotian City, Zhenxuan Division Headquarters Hall, there are more than 20 immortal emperors, lined up on both sides, sitting in the middle is a white-haired old man, the immortal emperor’s later stage cultivation is revealed, and his momentum is magnificent.

“Did you find out? Why would someone attack Zhenxuansi? Why was Du Jiangxing killed?” The white-haired old man asked a series of questions, and none of the more than twenty emperors below said a word, only one emperor said, ” The news hasn’t been sent back yet, mainly because the Zhenxuan Division in Tianxing City has been killed, so we have to send the Zhenxuan Division closest to Tianxing City to check.”

While speaking, a messenger talisman landed on the head of the immortal emperor, and the immortal emperor raised his hand to crush the messenger talisman, and a voice came out from inside, “My lord, according to the inspection of the shadow formation, it was Du Jiangxing who met a man named Gu Xiangfei.” Cultivator, I want to trick Gu Xiangfei into going to Yuyu City with him…”

The immortal emperors in the hall all looked up at an immortal emperor. This immortal emperor was called Du Jianghai. He was Du Jiangxing’s brother and the head of the law enforcement team at the headquarters.

“Huh! Very good, the captain of the law enforcement knows the law and breaks the law, and he should be executed according to the law. Let’s do it!” The white-haired old man gave an order, and more than 20 immortal emperor domains were launched. Du Jianghai had no time to resist, and was directly blasted into pieces.

“Elder He Weifeng, I now order you to take over as the law enforcement team. I hope you can manage the law enforcement team well so that this kind of thing will not happen again.” The white-haired old man issued an appointment jade card to the immortal emperor who just crushed the summoning talisman.

“Yes, sir, I will not disappoint your expectations.” He Weifeng was overjoyed, secretly grateful to this immortal emperor named Gu Xiangfei, it’s not that he can’t be the elder of the law enforcement team yet, but he didn’t show any joy on his face.

“Elder Lin Jinsong, I appointed you as the director of the Tianxing Township Xuansi Branch. After seeing Gu Xiangfei, explain to him that this is all Zhenxuansi’s private work, and Zhenxuansi has already dealt with it.” The white-haired old man also felt troublesome about Gu Xiangfei’s methods If such an immortal emperor can make friends, he should try his best to make friends, otherwise there is no guarantee that one day he will come to the headquarters to make such a fuss, and the headquarters will be destroyed in his hands.

Elder Lin Jinsong was overjoyed and thanked Gu Xiangfei in his heart. He immediately took the branch director’s jade badge, bowed his fists, turned around and left the hall, sacrificed the spaceship and galloped away in the direction of Tianxing City.

Gu Xiangfei has now come to the junction of the two heavenly domains. As for the matter of Tianxing City, it has become a thing of the past. His anger has been vented, and his state of mind has been improved. Cultivation is to do whatever one wants, to do whatever one wants.

A domain city was also built at this joint, no matter inside or outside the city, you can kill people at any time, as long as you like what you want, you can rob it at will. As for killing people or being killed, these monks don’t care at all, they can live here for one more day. earned.

Ordinarily, there must not be many monks in such a dangerous place, but on the contrary, there are many monks here, and there are still a lot of them. There are tens of millions of monks here, forming countless adventure teams.

There is a kind of ore here called soul-killing stone, which is a treasure for refining various attacking weapons, but adding a fingernail-sized piece of soul-killing stone to the attacking weapon can kill a trace of the opponent’s soul when fighting against the enemy. The greater the loss, there is also a kind of killing soul grass here, refining the city killing soul pill, which can repair the killed soul.

The soul-killing stone is divided into three colors, purple is the highest, brown is the second, and white is the lowest. On the contrary, the soul-killing grass is the purest, white is the purest, purple is the second, and brown is the lowest. The monks who come here are all for these two colors. Items come.

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