Great Incision Technique

As soon as Gu Xiangfei arrived here, he found that two teams were fighting. There were more than 20 people in the two groups. The fighting was very fierce. Not a single crack appeared.

There were thousands of monks onlookers, and these people kept pointing and commenting on which method to use to attack and how to use shields to defend, as if all of them werepowerful.

Although Gu Xiangfei heard that it was a mess here, he didn’t expect it to be so chaotic. No one came forward to stop it, and no one came to persuade the fight. They all watched the fight with the mentality of watching the excitement and the purpose of learning combat experience.

The battle quickly ended with one side winning and the other side being bombarded and killed.

Although Gu Xiangfei was a little surprised, he didn’t react too much. He killed more people. Almost every monk who practiced Taoism stood out from fighting. There is not a single kind-hearted monk who can come here.

“Friend Immortal, we need to form a team to find the Soul-killing Stone and Soul-killing Grass. We are still short of two people. Do you want to go?” A monk of the Immortal King came to Gu Xiangfei and invited him to form a team.

Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation showed that he was in the early stage of Immortal King. He saw that there were many Immortal Kings here, so he adjusted his own realm to Immortal King, and soon someone came to him to form a team.

“Okay, my name is Gu Xiangfei, what do you call your immortal friend?” Gu Xiangfei had just arrived, and had never seen a soul-killing stone or a soul-killing grass, so he happened to follow others to see it.

“Oh! My name is Chen Hepeng, and I am the captain of this team. Our team pays attention to fairness. Whoever contributes more will get more points. People in the team cannot kill each other. There are no other rules.” Chen Hepeng told him happily Regarding the matter of the team, I turned around to find other monks, and there was only one person missing.

Soon Chen Hepeng found another person. The monks here formed a team very quickly. Everyone came to look for these two things. If someone formed a team, they would immediately agree.

Their team consisted of ten people. Gu Xiangfei didn’t know where to find the Soul-killing Stone and Soul-killing Grass. He followed behind the team. Chen Hepeng walked in the front. Gu Xiangfei was still waiting for him to sacrifice the spaceship, but Chen Hepeng turned around and said to everyone, “After we enter the Soul Shaking Road, we may encounter robbers. I hope everyone will work together to resist them. Once we find a robber with a higher level of cultivation than us, it is still important for everyone to save their lives. Run away quickly. Whoever can escape will be the one who will be lucky. Come on, let’s go in!”

After Chen Hepeng finished speaking, he sacrificed the immortal long sword, turned around and walked to the road ahead. The other monks in the team also sacrificed their own attacking immortal weapons, and some sacrificed their armor to defend.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect to find the Soul-killing Stone and Soul-killing Grass on this road. He also sacrificed the fairy sword and followed the group.

As soon as he entered this path, Gu Xiangfei knew that there was a natural air-restricting formation here, and the formation was of a high level. With his current formation, it would not take a while to break through this air-restricting formation. It is difficult to find nodes in this natural formation.

Chen Hepeng’s speed was very fast, almost running at a gallop. The team quickly opened up the distance, and everyone’s cultivation was fully revealed here.

This team is all in the realm of the Immortal King, there are late stages, mid-stages and early stages. Chen Hepeng at the front is a late-stage Immortal King, followed by a red-haired monk who is also in the late-stage Immortal King, and behind him are six middle-stage Immortal Kings. , Gu Xiangfei was one of the two early stage Immortal Kings.

The early stage monk in front of Gu Xiangfei was called Chu Liangchuan. The other members of the team, Gu Xiangfei, didn’t pay attention. This Chu Liangchuan was mainly wearing green clothes and had green hair. Gu Xiangfei felt a little curious, so he paid some attention to him.

After running for more than half a day, Chen Hepeng stopped, waited for everyone else to arrive, and said, “Everyone, take a break, work harder, try to get to Shahunhai before dark, and look for the killing soul stone and killing soul tomorrow.” Soul Grass.”

These people may have been there before, and no one objected, and no one raised any objections. Everyone sat cross-legged on the ground, and used exercises to recover the consumed immortal energy.

Gu Xiangfei originally wanted to assimilate the rules here, but the time was too short, and he didn’t recover the immortal energy. He barely consumed the immortal energy during the half-day running. Almost negligible.

Before dark, the team came to Shahun Sea. Gu Xiangfei thought there would be sea water, but unexpectedly, the place called Shahun Sea was actually a desert Chahai. Many teams had gathered here, and there were many caves standing on the edge of Chahai. There are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of monks’ caves in the area, and some monks bring their Taoist companions, and there are flirting and cursing voices from time to time, some of them seem to be taking brothel girls to play.

Chen Hepeng found an open space, and after seeing that all the people in his team had arrived, he sacrificed a cave and went in. Other people around his cave also sacrificed their caves to enter.

After Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the cave at the side, he arranged a three-level defensive formation, which was enough to defend against the attacks of a few breaths. He used his spiritual consciousness to build a void isolation formation, and then entered the cave to practice.

The rules and exercises started to work, and the rules of heaven and earth here were quickly assimilated by him, becoming one of his many rules, and then he stepped into the star beads to practice.

The next morning, Gu Xiangfei came out of the cave, and the members of his team also came out afterward. Seeing that there were a lot less caves outside, it was estimated that those monks had entered the Shahai. Array flags and Dongfu.

Chen Hepeng saw that the team was all assembled, so he didn’t speak. He raised his hand and rushed into Chahai first, followed by the people behind.

At the beginning, some monk teams could be seen in Chahai. After a few breaths, everyone dispersed and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to let go of his consciousness, Chen Hepeng in front suddenly said, “Everyone try not to use it now. Spiritual consciousness, listen to my orders when you get to the place, lest your spiritual consciousness will be seriously depleted, and you will not be able to find the soul-killing stone and soul-killing grass by then.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment. He first tested it with his spiritual sense, and found that the divine sense could not be retracted after it was released, as if it had been swallowed.same.

It’s a bit weird here, like his big cutting technique, although you can see anything after releasing your spiritual consciousness, you can’t take it back, which makes no one of the monks who entered Chahai dare to release their spiritual consciousness arbitrarily.

Gu Xiangfei ran the regular exercises while rushing on the road, looking for the regular breath of Chahai, and soon found a trace of the regular breath of Chahai, found that this breath had a cutting breath, and immediately began to assimilate it, and at the same time integrated his own big cutting technique into it, absorbing it. The cutting breath here strengthens one’s own big cutting technique.

After his great cutting technique was integrated into this cutting breath, it began to grow continuously. Gu Xiangfei was shocked suddenly. This cutting breath must be some ancient power, who cut off the connection between the Thirty-Three Heavenly Domain and the Three Great Heavenly Domains. Remnants of cutting breath.

After Gu Xiangfei figured it out, he really wanted to smash this cutting breath with one punch, connect the thirty-three heavenly domains with the three major heavenly domains, and reconstitute the thirty-six heavenly domains, so that everyone could ascend to the God Realm. In order to prevent the immortal emperors from the Thirty-Three Heavens Realm from ascending to the God Realm, they came up with this method.

No, this must be someone who is capable in the God Realm. There are too many monks in the God Realm and the resources are scarce, so some experts in the God Realm came up with such a way to prevent the monks from the lower realm from ascending, but even the mighty dare not violate the way of heaven That’s why there are only three heavens left to ascend to the God Realm.

Gu Xiangfei felt that his guess was correct. Could it be that the higher the cultivation base, the more he could do whatever he wanted? I remembered that I did the same thing. I swallowed my anger when I was weak, and I would definitely vent my dissatisfaction once I became strong. Thinking of this, I smiled wryly, no matter if it is an ordinary person or a powerful person in the God Realm, they all have this mentality.

After absorbing this cutting breath, his big cutting technique jumped into the realm of Dacheng, infinitely close to perfection.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, this supernatural power didn’t reach great success in the fairy world, thanks to this cutting breath, otherwise it would be difficult for him to reach great success even if he cultivated to the immortal emperor.

After running for more than two hours, Chen Hepeng stopped and said, “I guess there should be a soul-killing stone here, and the soul-killing grass may still be available in the front. Which one should we look for first?”

“Captain, since we’re here, let’s look for the soul-killing stone first! If we leave and are found by the people behind, and we can’t find the soul-killing grass in front, we will lose money.” The red-haired monk is called Sheng Zhouli. His proposal was agreed by everyone, and he should look for the Soul-killing Stone first, and then the Soul-killing Grass.

Chen Hepeng saw that everyone wanted to find the soul-killing stone first, so he didn’t say anything. He arranged everyone’s positions, separated each other by hundreds of miles, and moved forward together.

Gu Xiangfei is at the edge of the team. He can search for the Soul-killing Stone in a large area, but he also uses a lot of consciousness, so no one will care about it.

After he assimilated Chahai’s regular breath, there would be no loss of his consciousness being cut. After letting go of his consciousness, he quickly found a soybean-sized soul-killing stone. The color of the soul-killing stone was brown, which belonged to the middle-level soul-killing stone. Stones can be sold for millions of high-grade fairy crystals.

This soul-killing stone was discovered at a depth of two meters underground. Gu Xiangfei didn’t know how deep other people’s spiritual sense could see, but his spiritual sense could see to a depth of 100 meters underground. Sixty meters underground, a layer of purple soul-killing stones was found, the big ones were like a millstone, and the small ones were like sesame seeds.

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t feel the consciousness of other people, so he immediately used an escape technique, came down, raised his hand and put away these soul-killing stones that were as big as millstones, and the soul-killing stones that were smaller than soybeans were unnecessary.

This time, there were five purple soul-killing stones the size of a millstone, thirty-seven purple soul-killing stones the size of a washbasin, more than 120 pieces the size of a fist, and countless pieces the size of soybeans.

The soul-killing aura contained in the purple soul-killing stone is even stronger, dozens of times more powerful than the brown soul-killing stone.

After Gu Xiangfei found these soul-killing stones, he was no longer interested in looking for other soul-killing stones. He wanted to find the soul-killing grass and refine the soul-killing pill. Although these soul-killing stones may not necessarily pose a threat to him, but It is safe to prepare more soul-killing pills.

Chen Hepeng and the others have been pushing forward. From time to time, someone finds a white soul-killing stone that is smaller than a soybean, and they all look happy. If they can find a small piece of purple soul-killing stone, they will be very happy.

Gu Xiangfei slowly followed them forward, put away the soul-killing stone when he encountered it, no matter what color it was, lest everyone get together and discuss if he couldn’t take out the soul-killing stone, it would make others suspect him and other teams Collude and plot against them.

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