The Effect of Soul Killing Pill

When it was dark, they had already advanced thousands of miles, and it was estimated that they would be able to enter the core area of ​​Chahai in a few days and look for the killing grass.

You can’t stay overnight in Chahai, and Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know why. Anyway, Chen Hepeng is leaving, so he follows. When they return to Chahai, hundreds of thousands of monks’ caves have gathered here.

After five days in a row, their team has advanced to the core area of ​​Chahai, and will soon reach the area of ​​the killing grass. The red-haired Sheng Zhouli in the team has found the most. He has found a large purple soybean killing stone, seven pieces of walnut A large brown soul-killing stone, and a dozen apple-sized white soul-killing stones.

The others found a few brown soul-killing stones the size of soybeans, but there were no purple soul-killing stones, and most of them were white soul-killing stones. Of course, Gu Xiangfei had the most. He took out two apple-sized and one soybean-sized brown soul-killing stones, Six walnut-sized white soul-killing stones were harvested in the center of the team.

The one who gained the least was another monk named Lu Shan. He only had one soybean-sized brown soul-killing stone and three soybean-sized white soul-killing stones.

enter ChahaiAfter the core area, everyone began to move forward according to the original position. The soul-killing grass looks no different from other weeds. The difference is the color of its stems, which are also divided into three colors: purple, brown, and white. The effect of the purple medicine is the highest, and the effect of the purple medicine is the lowest, and the effects of the refined medicine are not the same.

Gu Xiangfei and the monks of the team moved forward together. After he let go of his consciousness, he didn’t find the killing grass within a hundred miles in his area, while the killing grass appeared from time to time in other people’s areas. His The speed couldn’t help but increase a lot, hoping to find the Soul Killing Grass in front.

After crossing hundreds of miles, he finally found a few purple soul-killing grasses in his area. After picking them, he used regular exercises to find the regular breath of the soul-killing grass, and prepared to refine the soul-killing pill after returning.

Returning to the edge of Chahai when it was dark, Gu Xiangfei returned to his cave, sacrificed the alchemy furnace to refine the soul-killing pill, Xinghe came out of his purple mansion, heated the alchemy furnace, purified, discarded slag, melted liquid, fused, injected Ling, Divide, and Ladan were completed in one breath, like flowing clouds and flowing water, and pulled out nine purple soul-killing pills, “Dang…” fell into the jade plate, each with a halo, nine super-class soul-killing pills.

Picking up a soul-killing pill and throwing it into the mouth, after the medicinal power of the pill volatilized, I felt that my soul had grown a little bit, and a negligible ripple was set off in the sea of ​​consciousness like a starry sky, and quickly disappeared.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the elixir on the jade plate. He didn’t expect that the purple soul-killing pill could actually strengthen the soul. What would be the effect of the white soul-killing pill? He was looking forward to finding the white Soul-killing Grass tomorrow and trying the efficacy of the White Soul-killing Pill.

The next morning, the team went to Chahai again. They pushed forward about a thousand miles almost every day, and then turned back to the edge of Chahai. Today, Gu Xiangfei did not find the white soul-killing grass. There is one.

After returning to the resident, he refined a brown soul-killing pill, swallowed a brown soul-killing pill, and found that it was several times more effective than the purple soul-killing pill, but his soul was not much stronger.

After five days in a row, Gu Xiangfei finally dug up a white soul-killing grass. After returning to the station, he quickly refined the white soul-killing pill, and threw a white soul-killing pill in his mouth. The effect of the purple and brown killing soul pills is more than ten times stronger.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, swallowed the remaining white soul-killing pill in one gulp, and instantly felt that his soul was growing continuously. After the medicine’s power evaporated, he found that his soul had actually grown stronger.

Gu Xiangfei felt that although his soul had grown stronger, the sequelae also appeared. He felt that his soul was unstable, and his consciousness was a little unclear, accompanied by a feeling of vomiting. He was startled. This is the reaction of ordinary people. How could it appear on a monk’s body, he immediately swallowed a Soul Reviving Pill, used the kung fu method to dissolve the medicine’s power, and felt recovered after a stick of incense.

“It seems that this thing can’t be used frequently! I thought I found a shortcut, but forget it, there is no shortcut in cultivation, so let’s just follow the steps!” After Gu Xiangfei recovered, he muttered a few words to himself.

After knowing the efficacy of these soul-killing pills, he didn’t have much thought to look for the soul-killing grass. He would pick it when he encountered it. If he couldn’t see it, he wouldn’t try hard to find it.

After another three days, their team returned to the station and prepared to go back tomorrow. Everyone has gained something this time. After returning, they will exchange these soul-killing stones and soul-killing grass for cultivation resources to enhance their cultivation.

“Chahai is very safe when you come in here, you have to be careful when you go out, there will definitely be robbers who will rob us, we’d better go with a few other teams, so as not to encounter robbers and we won’t be able to beat them.” Chen Hepeng passed through these days Observing, knowing that Gu Xiangfei entered Shahai for the first time, he deliberately found him and told him that the way back was very dangerous.

“Thank you for the captain’s reminder. I understand.” Gu Xiangfei has also seen what Chen Hepeng has done in the past few days. As the captain and initiator, he has done a good job.

“It’s nothing, I just saw you entering here for the first time, so I reminded you.” Chen Hepeng waved his hand, indicating that it’s nothing, helping others is also to make a good impression on himself in the team.

The next morning, Chen Hepeng contacted three teams. Everyone got together. There were forty-two people, enough to deal with some robbers.

The monks here in Chahai all know that it is easy to come in and difficult to get out, so when they go out, a few small groups gather together, and everyone takes care of each other and goes out.

After a short break at noon, everyone adjusted their breathing to the best condition, because there may be a fierce battle ahead, so everyone was very careful when they set off again.

After running for another hour, more than a dozen people appeared in front of them. These monks looked like robbers at first glance, and each of them had a strong bloody aura.

“Ten purple soul-killing stones and ten white soul-killing grasses. I’ll let you go after handing them over.” The leader of the robbers stood in the middle of the road, holding the fairy long knife in his hand, and the light of the knife kept coming and going.

“A mere dozen or so people also want to be robbers. Let’s go together and kill them.” After speaking, a captain of the four teams immediately sacrificed the immortal weapon, the Tiancha, and the others also sacrificed various attacking immortal weapons.

“Okay! Since you don’t give it, then we’ll get it ourselves.” The sword glow in the hands of the robbers headed skyrocketed, and Xianjun’s cultivation was revealed immediately. The blades of various attacking immortal weapons skyrocketed, and there were actually four immortal monks among these dozen people.

Chen Hepeng knew that today was over, so he could easily kill them with just these few immortal kings, let alone eight or nine late-stage robbers. Passgo.

“Green hat, what do you want to do? Boom!” Chu Liangchuan, who was dressed in green and had green hair, wanted to blast Chen Hepeng with the long saber in his hand. The gangsters were in the same group, raised his hand and slapped Chu Liangchuan into a blood mist, and rolled up his ring.

“Liangchuan! I’m going to swallow you up.” Seeing Chu Liangchuan being shot to death, a robber from the Immortal Monarch yelled, and charged at Gu Xiangfei with the blade in his hand.

“Swallow me, you don’t have that big of an appetite.” As soon as Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, the Immortal Emperor’s Domain unfolded, and the dozen or so robbers were immediately imprisoned by his Domain, and the attacking fairy blade in his hand was cut off immediately, and his heart was full Horror, how could there be an immortal emperor in this team? He watched helplessly as the blade lights of the cultivators of the squad hit them.

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