The Three Great Alliances

“Thank you, senior, for your help.” The monks of the four teams, after killing the robbers, turned around and saluted Gu Xiangfei.

“It’s nothing. Since we are together, there is no need for so many salutes. Let’s go out quickly!” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, signaling everyone to go out quickly.

Chen Hepeng and Sheng Zhouli were even more shocked. They thought they were going to die this time, and Chen Hepeng saw that Chu Liangchuan was going to attack him. If Gu Xiangfei didn’t make a move, he would definitely be succeeded by Chu Liangchuan.

The other monks in the team were also a little shocked. They didn’t expect that there would be an undercover agent and the Immortal Emperor in their team. This is the Immortal Emperor! He actually stayed with them for half a month looking for the Soul-killing Grass and the Soul-killing Stone, it would be a shame to say it.

The monks in the other three teams are also very envious of the members of Chen Hepeng’s team. Being able to be with the Immortal Emperor, and still in the same team, is something they have been proud of for a long time.

When it was dark, the four teams did not find any more robbers blocking the way, and walked out of Shahun Road smoothly. After leaving the Shahun Road, the other three teams said goodbye to them, thanked Gu Xiangfei, and then left separately.

Chen Hepeng, Shengzhouli and other members of the team said goodbye to Gu Xiangfei, hoping to form a team and enter Shahai next time. Gu Xiangfei didn’t agree or disagree, but just said goodbye to them with a smile.

Chen Hepeng and Sheng Zhouli knew that it was impossible for Gu Xiangfei to go to Chahai anymore. They just went to Chahai to experience it. How could an immortal emperor lack cultivation resources.

After Gu Xiangfei parted from them, he walked into Yucheng. He planned to rent a cave in the city to practice. He could enter and leave Yucheng freely, and there were no guards to guard him, let alone paying a fee to enter the city. The same fairy spirit inside and outside the city, Only the rented cave has a stronger fairy aura, and the other places are the same.

Entering the city, there are shops everywhere, without any planning, whoever has the biggest fist will have a big territory. Some small shops are rented from some powerful alliances. There are three major alliances in the city, and there are many other small alliances. There are countless, these small leagues will be annexed or wiped out by other leagues at any time.

The three major alliances are not monolithic, and they have fought countless times to get the peaceful situation here.

The Tianhe Alliance is in charge of the commercial buildings and rest houses in the city, and the fairy tea room. These sites are all built by them, and then leased to some small forces for rent.

The Alchemy Alliance, they are responsible for the pills, refining tools, and talismans in the city, supplying them to some small forces, and then selling them to some commercial buildings and pill pavilions.

The Earth King Alliance, they are in charge of the caves in the city, the trial tower, and some shady businesses.

The strength of the three major alliances is comparable, and no one can do anything to the other, so they sat down to discuss and divided up the domain city. At the same time, they agreed not to infringe on the domain that does not belong to them.

Chen Hepeng told Gu Xiangfei about these things, and he didn’t think about getting involved with these alliances, especially the Danhui Alliance. He originally wanted to get acquainted with them, but he didn’t expect that the Danhui Alliance here has deteriorated. It’s not the huge alliance of alchemy formations in the cultivation world at all.

“Excuse me, how did you rent this cave?” Gu Xiangfei came to the outside of a cave that was rented out. There were two monks sitting behind a table, dealing with the matter of renting out the cave.

“The upper-class cave houses ten thousand celestial crystals a month, the middle-class celestial crystals 6,000 celestial crystals, and the lower-class celestial crystals 3,000 celestial crystals a month. If you rent them for a year, you can get a discount.” One of the monks said to Gu Xiangfei patiently.

“Medium! Rent for one year.” Gu Xiangfei plans to practice for one year first, and then come out after being promoted to the middle stage of Immortal Emperor.

“50,000 celestial crystals a year for medium, 10,000 celestial crystals for discount.” The monk happily told Gu Xiangfei the price.

After handing in the fairy crystal, I got a jade card to open the cave. The number of the cave is marked on the jade card, and the cave can be opened directly according to the number.

After entering the cave, he directly took out the formation flag and set up a large defensive formation, then used his spiritual consciousness to build a void formation pattern, arranged a warning formation, and then dodged into the star beads.

Apart from the five fairy veins and tens of millions of fairy crystals in the star bead, everything else is left to Yan Yixue. The sapling in the middle has grown an inch taller. Although I don’t know the name of the sapling, but Gu Xiangfei knew that this little sapling must be a treasure that opened up the world.

The little bee slept on the branch of the sapling as usual. Gu Xiangfei grabbed a fairy vein, sat cross-legged on it, and practiced the rules of kung fu. One year outside and thirty years inside the star beads, he will definitely be able to Breakthrough to the middle stage of Immortal Emperor.

The monks inside and outside the domain city still spend every day in the fight, monks are constantly being killed, and monks are constantly coming in from the three major heavens. In fact, this place is a good place for trials. ImmortalLuo, will definitely grow up soon.

Half a year later, three immortal emperors came in from the outside world, looking for a monk named Chu Liangchuan, and soon found out that Chu Liangchuan and Chen Hepeng had teamed up and were killed after entering Chahai. These immortal emperors found him within three days. Chen Hepeng, Shengzhouli and other team members are missing a monk named Gu Xiangfei.

“Where is Chu Liangchuan’s ring?” Among the three immortal emperors, one with a head as big as a bucket asked Chen Hepeng and the others.

“Lord Immortal Emperor, at that time there were more than a dozen robbers fighting with us, and Chu Liangchuan wanted to sneak attack on me, but was killed by Gu Xianyou from our team. His ring was taken away by someone in the chaos.” Chen Hepeng said indeed It is unknown who took Chu Liangchuan’s ring.

“We have already questioned the other three teams. You are right, the situation is true, but the Gu Xianyou you mentioned is an immortal emperor. How can you, a little immortal king, be commensurate with an immortal emperor as an immortal friend?” What about it?” Immortal Emperor Datou’s momentum rose, and the coercion of the Immortal Emperor immediately suppressed Chen Hepeng to spurt a mouthful of blood, and he lay on the ground directly.

“It was Gu Xianyou who asked us to call him that. He doesn’t have any pretensions of an immortal emperor, and he is called an immortal friend with the members of our team.” Seeing Chen Hepeng spitting blood from being suppressed, Sheng Zhouli immediately took over the conversation and told The reason for that big-headed Immortal Emperor.

“Hum! Talk too much.” The big-headed immortal emperor raised his hand and slapped Sheng Zhouli into a blood mist. He rolled up his ring with a wave of his hand. After a few breaths, he erased Sheng Zhouli’s restriction and checked the ring with his spiritual sense. thing.

The other two immortal emperors remained silent throughout, as if these people did not exist in their eyes.

“Where is Gu Xiangfei now?” Immortal Emperor Datou asked the rest of the team.

“The Immortal Emperor… man, we haven’t seen him since we separated.” Another member of the team was slapped dead by Immortal Emperor Datou just after he finished speaking.

“Go to hell if you haven’t seen it! You guys, go find Gu Xiangfei now, and tell us when you find him, don’t try to escape, or this will be your end.” Immortal Emperor Datou pointed at the team that had just been shot dead member, threatening the other five squad members.

“No…don’t dare, we will find him soon.” The five people hurried out after speaking, and no one cared about Chen Hepeng who was lying on the ground.

“Wait! This person can’t be killed yet. He is familiar with Gu Xiangfei. Let’s talk about it when we find Gu Xiangfei!” One of the other two immortal emperors stopped the big-headed immortal emperor from killing Chen Hepeng’s raised palm.

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