“As long as I can get rid of you, what about a sneak attack.” Gu Xiangfei looked at the two monks killed by him, raised his hand and put away their rings, stepped on the spaceship, and galloped away.

There are quite a lot of things in the rings of these two monks, especially the first monk who was bombarded by him. It turned out to be a ninth-level formation king. There are many formation flags in the ring, which is better than the ring of Peng Zhenwang. There are more things, and there are hundreds of thousands of high-grade ores.

Gu Xiangfei soon understood that these two monks came to help the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace break the formation, but it was a pity that they were unlucky to meet him halfway, and they shouldn’t be wearing their sect’s costumes.

After killing the Immortal Emperor and King Zhen who came to help, Gu Xiangfei continued to gallop towards Yuqingtian, crossing mountains, forests, deserts, and seas, taking out the jade box to check while flying along the way.

“Lei Jingsha, that’s right, advanced materials for refining lightning attacks, feather wood, advanced materials for refining flying fairy weapons, starry sky flame essence, materials for upgrading flames, let Xinghe swallow it! Suiyueguo, this is a good thing If you have time, experience the Great Years Art.” Gu Xiangfei took out each jade box and opened it to check, and found that it was some top materials and top-quality fairy fruit in the fairy world.

It seems that there are many good things in Yuqingtian Jiuyuan Taoist Palace! Ok! With spiritual fluctuations, Gu Xiangfei immediately slowed down the speed of the spaceship. After scanning the spaceship with his consciousness, he found two monks and a female corrector fighting on the spaceship ahead.

“Friends of the Immortals, please help me, they want to bully me.” The female cultivator is very beautiful, but now her clothes are messy, and some key places have snow-white skin, and her black hair is scattered on her back, she looks very pitiful.

“My dear friend, please leave if you have nothing to do. I am teaching my Taoist partner a lesson. She lied to me about my brother’s Lei Yuanzhu and tried to run away behind my back.” One of the two monks, talking to Gu Xiangfei, said The female cultivator attacked, and another cultivator leaned towards Gu Xiangfei while beating.

“Okay, you guys go on, come on!” Gu Xiangfei turned the spaceship around this spaceship and flew forward.

“Friends of the Immortals, please help me! It’s not what they said.” The female cultivator drove back the two monks, jumped out of the spaceship, and flew towards Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship.

With a sound of “Boom!”, the female cultivator hit the restraint of the spaceship, was bounced off by the restraint, and fell to the side.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to put away the spaceship, landed next to the female cultivator, stretched out his hand and said, “Give me Lei Yuanzhu.”

The female cultivator was forced to bounce off and fell to the ground. Seeing that Gu Xiangfei also fell, she thought that he was going to help her, but unexpectedly, he reached out for Lei Yuanzhu.

“Friend Immortal, please help me get out of here, and I will give you the Lei Yuanzhu.” The nun said in a slightly panicked tone, with a pair of beautiful eyes, a straight nose, and a little lip gloss.

“It’s a pity that I have a good face. I rarely kill female cultivators. You are the first female cultivator I want to kill.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped the female cultivator into a bloody mist, rolled up her ring, Breaking the restriction, he took out a jade box and opened it, and there was indeed a Lei Yuanzhu inside.

As soon as the two male cultivators rushed over, they were frightened by the scene in front of them. The three of them often acted on the road and had already attacked many monks. Why wasn’t this monk fooled? Just took out the escape talisman, ready to activate, suddenly found that he was imprisoned, and was horrified in his heart, “It’s over, this monk is actually an immortal emperor.”

“Bang bang!” Two sounds, the two monks were blasted into pieces, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away their rings.

That female cultivator actually released poisonous mist, wanting to overthrow him with poison, the female cultivator released poisonous mist when he hit his spaceship, and released poisonous mist after he landed. The breath of poisonous rules has been improved a lot.

A fire turned these corpses into ashes, he simply found a valley nearby, first took out the Starry Sky Flame Essence, let Xinghe go aside to absorb it, then took out the Thunder Yuan Orb, checked it carefully, and found that it was not The real Lei Yuanzhu, but the appearance of the bead is contaminated with Lei Yuanzhu’s breath.

Since they are contaminated with Lei Yuanzhu’s breath, they must know where Lei Yuanzhu is, and they should ask them clearly before killing them.

Gu Xiangfei felt a little regretful that he killed him too early. He opened their rings and poured out all the contents. There were more than three million high-grade fairy crystals, some of which were less. Intermediate materials, there are two jade boxes and several jade slips.

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t figure it out, the performances of these three people were a little too fake, why were there still people being fooled? Not to mention anything else, even fighting on the spaceship should smash the spaceship to pieces! Suddenly thought of why, it turns out that this female nun is very beautiful, many monks have forgotten this when they saw this female nun’s pitiful appearance, and they were suddenly poisoned by her, even after they realized it, it was too late.

Thinking of the beautiful face of that female cultivator, Gu Xiangfei thought of Yan Yixue, and his heart immediately became hot. He can’t go back now, and he will only have a high cultivation base in the future, so let’s think of a way!

Picking up these jade slips to check, several of them are jade slips of exercises, and only one is a jade slip of map, and it was found in the ring of that nun.

Seeing that the location of the jade slip is in a deserted ancient plain in Taihaotian, it will take about ten days to fly from here. Of course, according to the speed of the spaceship of these three people, if Gu Xiangfei goes by himself, it will arrive in five days, so go ahead and do it first. It’s business, where to look for it when I come back.

After he made up his mind, he drove the spaceship and galloped in the direction of Yu Qingtian.

Although there was no such strange thing on the road this time, it was not so peaceful. From time to time, monks were seen fighting, and when they passed by a market, they were almost caught as undercover agents of other sects. After the Immortal Emperor’s domain was released, those monks turned pale with fright and apologized quickly, but it was also because he didn’t think about killing people, otherwise this market would be over.

Half a month later, I came to Yuqing Tianyu, but it took five days to fly to Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. There is a teleportation array in this Tianyu, but Gu Xiangfei decided to take a spaceship to hide his identity.

The flight went smoothly on the first day, but on the second day, he encountered some road thieves. There was actually a spaceship opposite his spaceship that rammed into him, and the speed was very fast, trying to smash his spaceship directly.

Gu Xiangfei was furious, raised his hand and punched the spaceship, and there was a loud “Boom!”, the spaceship was smashed by his punch, and the seven or eight monks on the spaceship were immediately bombarded to kill six. The next one was also seriously injured and dying.

“Tell me the reason! Otherwise, I will burn your soul for a hundred years, and you will never be reborn forever.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t talk nonsense, he sacrificed Xinghe and waited for him to ask why he hit him?

The monk saw the galaxy jumping in front of him, and he regretted it for a long time. You must know that this spaceship is an immortal emperor, and they dare not do it when they are scared to death!

“We are the outer disciples of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. Now the resources in the sect are mobilized to those inner disciples. I heard that they suffered heavy losses in Yucheng, so the sect must vigorously train these inner disciples. Our outer disciples All the resources have been mobilized, so they came out to rob resources everywhere to ensure that we can repair…” The monk died before he finished speaking, and Gu Xiangfei’s galaxy flashed by, reducing him to ashes.

“Hmph! Cultivate inner disciples? Go to hell to train them! According to this, the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace must be in chaos now, and the outer disciples are robbing everywhere. This is a good opportunity for me to sneak in.” Gu Xiangfei muttered to himself. some.

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