Trapped and Killed Jiuyuan Taoist Palace

Five days later, Gu Xiangfei took off the ship, hid his cultivation base in the realm of the fairy king, and slowly moved towards the Jiuyuan Dao Palace. He knew that he would be seen by the surveillance array when he entered the range of the Jiuyuan Dao Palace. He had already seen it on the way. There are several monitoring formations.

When passing by a Jiuyuan Dao Gongfang City, he also sold some messy low-level pills, low-level fairy grasses and ores at a stall in the square city, making it look like he won’t be able to use those things after he was promoted to the Immortal Queen. Take it out and sell it in exchange for the resources the Immortal King needs.

The journey along the way was very slow. On the square of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, there were some commercial buildings and pill pavilions, and there were also some monks setting up stalls around them. He also took out some low-level pills and fairy grass to set up stalls.

This time he asked for a high price, and several monks almost quarreled with him. If it weren’t for the law enforcement team of Jiuyuan Dao Palace, they might have fought.

The deacon of Jiuyuan Dao Palace, since he entered the area of ​​Jiuyuan Dao Palace, has found him in the surveillance formation. After two days of observation, he ignored him. There are too many monks like him, so he continued to observe Other monks who entered the area of ​​Jiuyuan Taoist Palace.

After he entered the square of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, he set up a booth again. The deacon just glanced at him, and stopped paying attention. He cursed in his heart, “Another poor man who wants to get rich.”

When it was almost dark, Gu Xiangfei sat down cross-legged to perform the exercises, pretending to practice, and waited for tomorrow to continue setting up the stall like the other monks who set up the stall.

In the middle of the night, Gu Xiangfei put away his belongings with a wave of his hand, and came to the gate of the Zongmen of Jiuyuan Dao Palace. The guards here had already entered the Zongmen. Turn into a grain of fine sand, the wind blows the fine sand, and entersInside the sect of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace.

After entering the Zongmen, he began to use his spiritual sense to slowly guide Xingzhu to find the heart of the defensive formation. He is the king of the ninth-level formation, so it is easy to find the heart of the formation. He quickly found the heart of the formation. Here is a fairy king Early monks are guarding.

Jiuyuan Taoist Palace is the first sect in Yuqingtian, so the monks who saw Zhenxin never worried that monks from other sects could enter Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. They said they were guarding Zhenxin, but they practiced in the cave every day That’s all.

Gu Xiangfei started to construct the void strangulation pattern in the star bead, and then carved the void forbidden space isolation pattern, so as not to disturb other monks when he did it himself.

Half an hour later, Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead, raised his hand to erase the restriction of the cave, and entered the cave. The immortal monk of Jiuyuan Dao Palace was practicing cross-legged. Gu Xiangfei stepped forward and patted the immortal on the shoulder , “Cultivate later, I want to ask you something?”

“What’s the matter?” As soon as the fairy finished speaking, he realized something was wrong. Why did someone come into his cave? And the restraint didn’t disturb him, just about to raise his hand to trigger the heart of the defensive formation, when he found that he was imprisoned, he was shocked, it turned out that the person who was asking the question just now was the Immortal Emperor.

“How many immortal emperors do you have in Jiuyuan Taoist Palace? How many peak masters? How many elders? You said you can go to reincarnation, but don’t say that I can search for souls. You will never be reincarnated.” Gu Xiangfei stood aside and looked at this with ease. Brother Xianjun, wait for him to answer the question.

“I said, there are still nineteen emperors in the sect, forty-nine peak masters, and seventeen elders.” The fairy was very happy, knowing that he had entered the sect, and the sect probably had no hope Yes, free yourself first.

“Very good, we can go to reincarnation.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and threw a flame, turning him into ashes. He put away his ring, took out the center of the formation, and carved the pattern. The defensive formation became a trapping and killing formation.

After leaving the cave, he began to look for the mountain where the suzerain, Immortal Emperor Taixuan, was located. The entire Jiuyuan Taoist Palace was twice as large as the Holy Sword Sect, but the suzerain was usually on the main peak. Gu Xiangfei quickly found the main peak of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, He entered the star bead again and turned into a grain of fine sand, flying to the main peak, passing through the defensive formation of the main peak, and arriving at the main hall of the sect where the suzerain is.

It’s the old method again, first draw the pattern pattern and then arrange the strangulation formation. After a stick of incense, the main hall of the suzerain is wrapped by the void strangulation formation.

Gu Xiangfei went to other mountain peaks to set up void strangling formations. There were forty-nine peaks, but he only set up 19 peaks. At dawn, the void strangling formations were also activated by the monks of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace.

Gu Xiangfei was busy all night, drawing countless void patterns, and his spiritual consciousness was exhausted, so he came to a yard where the star bead fine sand was mixed with other soil, and he lay down to rest in it.

The guards of the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace saw the sky bright, and the four monks were talking and laughing. They came to the gate of the sect, opened the gate of the sect, and just raised their legs and took a step. After reacting, countless blade lights bombarded over, “Boom…” The four monks were shattered by the space blade lights without even screaming.

“It’s not good, the defensive formation has become a trapping and killing formation…” A cultivator from a sect wanted to leave the sect, but when he found that the guard was bombarded and killed by the space blade, he immediately shouted loudly.

The disciples of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace immediately sent a message to the peak masters of each peak. The peak master of Wanzhen Peak went to Yucheng, and now there is no peak master. Flying to the gate, just about to go out of the mountain, the spaceship was strangled into pieces by the void strangle formation, and the immortal master on the spaceship was also strangled into pieces by the void strangle formation.

In less than half a stick of incense, the peak masters and disciples of the entire Jiuyuan Taoist Palace knew that the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace had been trapped by the killing formation, and there were still 19 mountain peaks killed by the void strangulation formation. empty.

Immortal Emperor Taixuan, the suzerain, did not receive any news. His suzerain hall was set up with a void strangling formation, a void-forbidden space-blocking formation, and all the communication symbols were blocked by the void-forbidden space-blocking formation.

The peak master who was not trapped couldn’t get a reply from the suzerain, so he immediately came to the main hall of the sect. As soon as he raised his leg and entered the main hall, he activated the void strangulation formation, and was immediately strangled to pieces by the void strangulation formation.

The suzerain Emperor Taixuan was also awakened. When he came out to see the strangled Peak Master, he was shocked. He took out the communication talisman and activated it. With a sound of “Boom!”, the communication talisman turned into ashes, “Forbidden space isolation formation.” Immortal Emperor Taixuan was furious, someone sneaked into the Zongmen and set up a big formation, and no one in the entire Jiuyuan Taoist Palace noticed, which shows the laziness of the Zongmen and the cleverness of the monks who sneaked in.

After Gu Xiangfei woke up, he felt that his spiritual consciousness had fully recovered to its peak. He used his spiritual consciousness to check outside, and found that the Jiuyuan Dao Palace was completely in chaos. He came to the mountain that was strangled by the void strangling formation, put away their rings, The fairy veins of the mountain peaks were drawn out, and forty-six fairy veins were drawn out of the nineteen peaks. Hundreds of thousands of rings.

After the peak owners and elders of other peaks discovered that the nineteen peaks had been destroyed, Gu Xiangfei entered the star beads again and turned into a grain of fine sand to hide in a pile of soil, counting and harvesting.

This time, he did not deal with Jiuyuan Dao Palace as quickly as he did against other sects. He wanted to slowly consume the strength of Jiuyuan Dao Palace and let them die in fear.

Jiuyuan Taoist Palace now has no leader among the dragons, and the suzerain, Immortal Taixuan, is trapped by the Void Strangling Formation, unable to get in and out of the Zongmen hall, and the message talisman cannot be sent out, nor can the message be received, the whole thing is deaf Ears, decorations!

After Gu Xiangfei sorted out the harvest, there were more than 500 million fairy crystals, fifty-five fairy veins, various attacking fairy weapons, flying fairy weapons, fairy grass, ores, medicine pills, jade slips, fairy armor, countless, although there were noThere are a lot of advanced materials, but it can be regarded as a full harvest.

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